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Goal Tracking Club

This thread is for people who formally want to track either one or two goals and hold themselves accountable to each other.  Research says that people who quantify and track their goals in a way that keeps them accountable lose up to twice as much weight.  :)

These can be any type of fitness/health goals, not just weight loss or the like.  It could be an amount of time spent working out, or drinking a certain amount of water each day, or losing a certain number of inches, for example.

Here's the chart I made, but I don't know why it's showing up so small.  Let me try to fix it....

I'm now pretty consistently a M, instead of L, in bottoms! Unheard of. : )

I just got my first pair of medium bottoms at Target!!!  I was like "wha?!?  really??"
I mean, they're like soft capri type ones, but still - I've never been a medium in anything except for boy clothes!

However, when I weighed in last week, I gained yeah, I had a moment of weakness (a whole week of it) but I'm back on track now and I'm hoping to pull a 3lb loss tomorrow....



well done guys!  I definitely failed on my goal of losing weight by March.

I haven't weighed myself since I got here, as I don't own any scales.  I have been eyeing up the scales on the wards but am too scared to try.
I have been drinking far too much booze and not exercising, so no doubt my weight will reflect this, although my clothes don't feel tighter.


Shell, you looked pretty damn slim in your house video....just sayin'

So I lost 2.4 last night - exactly what I had gained the week I broke even...and I'm ok with that....well on my way to losing 5lbs by June 1st!


yeah erin, I am slim....just pissed off my trousers are all a little tighter than I would like.

Well done for managing to break even!  How much have you lost altogether?
I have to say you're doing really really well for the continued downward trend over such a long period of time.  Really well done!  I obviously can't keep the motivation for that long ::)  but yay to you for doing so!


yeah erin, I am slim....just pissed off my trousers are all a little tighter than I would like.

Well done for managing to break even!  How much have you lost altogether?
I have to say you're doing really really well for the continued downward trend over such a long period of time.  Really well done!  I obviously can't keep the motivation for that long ::)  but yay to you for doing so!

I've lost 15.6 lbs total - my goal was to lose 30 lbs, but if its taken me this long to lose half, I don't know how realistic that really is anymore...


yeah erin, I am slim....just pissed off my trousers are all a little tighter than I would like.

Well done for managing to break even!  How much have you lost altogether?
I have to say you're doing really really well for the continued downward trend over such a long period of time.  Really well done!  I obviously can't keep the motivation for that long ::)  but yay to you for doing so!

I've lost 15.6 lbs total - my goal was to lose 30 lbs, but if its taken me this long to lose half, I don't know how realistic that really is anymore...

thats a damn good job, erin!!


so, my mom and I officially quit weight watchers today :(
she felt bad that I was still paying for her and we've both been slacking - and skipping meetings.....
so now we're on our own....I usually lose weight in the summer anyway - its the fall/winter that I tend to pack on the extra 15lbs....
cross your fingers for me!


so, my mom and I officially quit weight watchers today :(
she felt bad that I was still paying for her and we've both been slacking - and skipping meetings.....
so now we're on our own....I usually lose weight in the summer anyway - its the fall/winter that I tend to pack on the extra 15lbs....
cross your fingers for me!

wishing you luck


Well, I haven't felt like I'm doing GREAT with food (it's hard to decide what to make in the summer!), and I definitely haven't done the runs I wish I could (freaking weather), BUT I weighed myself a couple days ago, and it was the lowest I've seen in a while. Down about 5 pounds from last time, so that's good. I mean, I'm feeling good, I just wish I could easily get in some more jogging. I did 2 short runs this week, and 3-4 days of some swimming. + all the dog walks.

eta: Honestly, I think it's the additional walking + trying not to eat after about 7:30PM that have led to change. Over the next..lifetime, I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds, and stay in/get in better shape!


There used to be a nutrition tracker or goal somethingorother that was removed a year or more ago due to lack of use.  This is just an informal thread where people track goals.  Sparkpeople is free and you can privately track your goals there.  If you want to discuss your fitness successes with us, The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread is active daily.


Ok I have a goal I need to track and record.
I was just gonna do it on my computer but thought here was as good as any.

So I had my pre-induction gym health assessment thingy yesterday and I was not impressed.  They did weight, BP and bodyfat.
My weight was about what I expected (63kg - I knew I'd put a bit on), my BP was fine (127/something or other!), but my body fat % was baaaadddd!
Now I know that the machines they use are not altogether accurate, but it still pissed me off.  My % was 33%!!  Healthy range should be less than 25%.
Grrrr.  Seriously I don't understand how I can be so bad, I mean we're supposed to be 70% water, so that means I am only made up of fat and water!! (ok I know it doesn't really mean this)

So my goal, by September (so about 2 months exercise), is to get my body fat % to under 30%.


shellllll, there's pretty much no way that's an accurate reading....

I was talking to my husband recently about bodyfat readings, and the machines can be incredibly accurate, but only if used correctly, which almost no one knows how to do.  There are levels of accreditation for using the callipers, going up to level 4 - there are no level 4 accredited people in New Zealand, only a handful of level 3, and he said he's never even been into a gym that had a single level 1 accredited person.  To do the readings properly they should be measuring precisely the points where they do the pinch test, and ideally doing eight sites .

So yeah, I probably wouldn't take it to heart too much if I were you...  Still workout as much as you can and kick some arse, but I would highly highly doubt you are over 30% now...


yeah, I agree with oww - there's no way you have that much body fat - I've seen you (on video) and you're thin!  If that's your fat percentage, I'd hate to see mine!!


Those calipers bring back horrible, horrible memories of the "physical fitness" tests in elementary school.


really?  you got body fat tested at school? wow that sounds like a soul crushingly mean way to encourage young kids into even lower self esteem!!

I've never seen them, and don't fancy going near them, ever.  I can be perfectly unhappy about myself all on my own without needing some 'professional' to pinch me into feeling worse!


really?  you got body fat tested at school? wow that sounds like a soul crushingly mean way to encourage young kids into even lower self esteem!!

I've never seen them, and don't fancy going near them, ever.  I can be perfectly unhappy about myself all on my own without needing some 'professional' to pinch me into feeling worse!

Oh, yeah. It was called "FYT," and we did it every year. Fitness something. There were like different tests-body fat, running, situps. It was horrible. We did it in junior high PE, and maybe even highschool. I don't think we had the body fat then, though. Ugh.


no, not calliper thingies, it was the electronic weighing scales that also do body fat stuff.
The ones I used to own in the UK also did that, and they always tallied up with what the ones at the gym said.

I was really pissed off about it because N's body fat % was way way lower and I really don't think I'm that much more out of shape than him.


wow now I'm really confused, I've never heard of scales that can tell your body fat and have absolutely no idea how they are supposed to be able to tell that just by weighing you....

when we were talking about this the other day though, my husband did say that the formulas usually used are designed to give females a higher result, as in if you get exactly the same readings as a guy, you'll still end up with a higher percentage.  So that could go some way to explaining the discrepancy between you and N.
I'll ask if he knows anything about those magical scales when I get home...


they apparently zap a tiny electric current through you (no you can't feel it!) and it measures the resistance.  Fat can't conduct electricity, whereas water can.  I don't know about anything else.  My old scales could apparently tell the amount of lean muscle and water content.

SO yep, basically I consist of only fat and water.  Nothing else.  My bones are made of fat.



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