Have any of you ever used SparkPeople?
Posted by veganhippie on Jun 23, 2009 · Member since May 2008 · 5810 posts
I just heard about it today and i registered, i think it's amazing!!!!
Have any of you ever used it?
I just heard about it today and i registered, i think it's amazing!!!!
Have any of you ever used it?
i know! there's no way ill be more addicted to that than vegweb, but it's a good place to tell me what to eat and how to exercise cuz i, too, am clueless. :>
I've been using it for a while mainly to track that I'm getting enough nutrients and to try to get motivated to work out.
I actually use a sister site to spark called Babyfit so I can track my nutrition and calories while pregnant and talk to other mama's to be. I agree with BP though - it's great but kind of addicting. Once my baby is born I plan to stop using that, I just have a tendency to not eat enough or enough of the right things to have well-rounded nutrition and that seems to help me get on track.
Glad you like it! It does have some awesome features on there.