help getting iodine?
I have been vegan for over a year now and I LOVE it!!!
I have been having really low basal body temperatures lately which is sign that I could have a thyroid problem, I have made a dr's appt for Tuesday to have it checked and I have been reading how not getting enough iodine might cause that. I don't think I could live with myself if I find out I have it and that I might have brought it on myself by being vegan and not getting enough Iodine, or buy eating to much soy :'(
how are all u guys making sure u are getting enough?
From the information I have found I could get iodine from:
* Kelp (i think i will throw up if I have to eat that, i hate it)
* low fat yogurt (but does this go for Silk Soy Yogurt, or disgusting dairy yogurt?)
* Cows Milk (ewwwwwww)
* Boiled Eggs (ehhh gross)
* Strawberries :-) (love them but I am NOT allow to eat them due to another medical condition)
* Mozzarella Cheese ( yet another non vegan food )
* Iodized Salt
thats all I see. I don't like using salt but when I do I use only sea salt cause i thought it was better for you and its lower in sodium which i really like cause I am always worried about adding to much salt to foods, since strokes run in both mine and my husbands family, I try to keep it to a minimum. but it looks like i might have to change out my beloved sea salt for iodized :-(
i don't want to take a supplement to get the iodine I'd rather get it from foods, but if I have to choose one from the list seeing how i can't have strawberries and not sure if i can get the iodine from the silk yogurt and i'd like to keep the soy to a minimum too so i'd really dont want to do the silk yogurt either, Kelp is making want to throw up just thinking about it. The only things i'd consider is having to cheat on my vegan diet and have the cheese or regular yogurt and I will hate myself plus I am lactose intolerant.
LOL see where I am having a problem? Someone HELP me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a thyroid problem... I just make sure to use iodized salt in cooking, I avoid soy and raw broccoli, cabbage, and pears, and they put me on a synthroid pill. I take a pill same time every morning don't eat for a couple hours, then I'm good to go. If it is a thyroid prob then you'll probably have to be on medicine---it's usually hereditary. It CAN be caused by lack of Iodide, but that is EXTREMELY rare in the states because our salt IS Iodized.
I had a slight thyroid problem last year, so I just took kelp extract pills from WF. It worked well and I didn't change you like sushi? I know nori and the like would help but you mentioned hating kelp, so..
fufuberry, I never had any idea that broccoli messed up your iodine levels...I am a huge broccoli fiend, no wonder I got low :o
never had sushi, i know there are vegan sushi but usually they have things I can't eat raw like for instance cucumbers, and some have avocado which i also can't have :-( I have interstitial cystitis so that limits me to ALOT of food I can't have.
I didn't know about broccoli either but I just found out that along with broccoli, other veggies like brussel sprouts, cabbage, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes (i think), can't remember the rest right now, they slow down thyroid function :-( if being vegan and having IC isn't bad enough all those veggies I just listed are my FAVORITE veggies, I actually don't eat to many other veggies so maybe thats my problem. but these veggies are all good for you so its not fair :'(
I read that I should eat other veggies like potatoes, LOL GAG, god I hate potatoes, ehhhhhh. but then again don't potatoes rise your gylcemic index, I don't know all the foods that raise the GI but the ones i do know I try to stay away from them as well. I am in a real bind if I have the thyroid problem.
I am gonna see if my dr will recommend me to a good nutritionist, cause with out one I think I am gonna starve to death. On top of all these me and my husband are trying to conceive so I really have to figure out my nutrition and fast so I can make sure I am getting everything I need when I am pregnant.
LOL man this is stressing me out lately. :-\
I think I will check into the kelp pills thanx for the tip.
and Fufu I didn't know about pears either. god that upsets me so bad cause with IC there are only like 5 fruits i can eat and pears is one of them and my favorite.
Man why does life have to be so hard >:(
I have IC too, and none of the IC diet works for me. I always hurt, and the rare times that I don't, it's when I'm eating soy sauce, spicy stuff, lots of acidic foods/beverages. Ugh. I hate IC. Is the elimination diet doing anything for you? Have you tried Elmeron?
sorry to be nosy...but what is interstital cystitis?
IC is a bladder disease that has no cure. If you want to know super specific details, email me, I don't want to bore you w/ it if you don't. Basically the inner lining of the bladder is always inflamed. Super inflamed. To me... it feels like I have a bladder infection 24/7. ie: burning w/ urination, pelvic pain, stuff like that. there is an IC diet, which eliminates anything spicy, acidic, and leaves (IMO) hardly anything to eat. I tried it, didn't do a thing for me. There's a med called Elmiron, and that didn't do anything for me either.
to increase your can actually just make about a quarter sized circle of liquid iodine on your inner thigh, or another inconspicuous, thin skinned spot...and your body will absorb the iodine thru the skin. You can apply it more as you need it, it will suck up faster if you are deficient!
to increase your can actually just make about a quarter sized circle of liquid iodine on your inner thigh, or another inconspicuous, thin skinned spot...and your body will absorb the iodine thru the skin. You can apply it more as you need it, it will suck up faster if you are deficient!
really? what about if you clean a wound with iodine or something?
Seaweed scones sounds gross but are actually amazing!
My tattoo artist made a wrap with a sheet of toasted seaweed, which blew my mind.
Avocado (I read you can not eat), sprouts (I would use radish, spicy), salt and garlic.
I am sure there a infinite variations and they are much like a Japanese hand roll.
Another quick seaweed trick is sweet sticky rice wrapped in seaweed.
Supplementing is another option mentioned above.
I realize seaweed is not for all, but if you are willing to experiment perhaps you can find some resolve.
well the fruits and veggies I mentioned are usually fine if cooked, it's when they're raw that they're a problem.. SInce I'm on medicatin though, I've never had a problem with anything but soy, I mean I eat soy in stuff if it's there as an ingredient, but I limit tofu, TVP, etc. to about 1x/week.
Fufu - thanx for your info, I guess this is just a topic I am gonna have to really have to research ALOT :-\
Kannas - yeah not a seaweed fan at all BUT I would consider giving seaweed scones a try they actually sound interesting. I'll have to see if I can find a recipe somewhere for it. Thanx
Lucidanne - that is a very good tip, thanx
Mdvegan - i think I am gonna look for those, thanx
(everyone is so helpful :)>>>)
Pinkerbell - I am one of the lucky ones. As long as I watch my diet I have NO problems at all there are even some things that are on the list that don't bother me, like soy, mustard, pickles, bean, some spicy stuff ( as long as its mild), organic ketchup, grapes, bananas. I can't think of the rest. So as long as I watch my diet I have never needed any meds. I am sooooooo sorry u have such a hard time, I know what a flare feels like and to have one every day.... god, my heart goes out to you.
I have heard that it could get much much worse after having kids and me and my husband are trying to conceive and I am so worried that I am gonna get worse after. I almost decided NOT to have kids and just adopt instead because of it, but we are gonna go through with it & I am so nervous.
That makes me sad that the diet doesn't work for you :'( that's not fair at all. How long have u had IC? I have had it for 4yrs now. I haven't met anyone who has IC who is also vegan, I almost fell out of my chair when I read your post. If nothing seems to work for you I would give acupuncture a shot, it works for some. Its worth a shot anyways. I wanted to try it for that but since I never have a problem unless I eat something I'm not supposed to then I don't know how to know if it helped. I am not gonna have acupuncture then come home and have a pizza to test it, no way LOL. but since u hurt all the time u would know if it helped u or not. BIG HUGS!
Dulse flakes are a really good source of iodine.
Use in place of salt. They have a slightly fishy flavor to them, but not too bad.
For scone pick any vegan scone recipe and add a tablespoon or two or rinsed and chopped seaweed (dulse, kelp...).
there are 8 good scone recipes here...
Potato Pancakes with Dulse
Take 1lb (450g) cooked mashed potato, add 2 desert spoons (25g) of plain flour, and 1/4oz (7g) of finely chopped dulse, mix together, split into portions, and roll in golden breadcrumbs. Shallow or deep fry in olive oil. Add pepper to taste and serve.
to increase your can actually just make about a quarter sized circle of liquid iodine on your inner thigh, or another inconspicuous, thin skinned spot...and your body will absorb the iodine thru the skin. You can apply it more as you need it, it will suck up faster if you are deficient!
Isn't that how doctors used to check to see if you have a deficiency? Seems logical to me.
Yep, i have heard of docs doing that.
and yes, hesp, if you are deficient, you will suck up the iodine usedin surgery prep.
and yum...potato scones..that sounds awesome! :P
You can buy iodine tablets for purifying water while hiking...dissolve one of those in a quart of water and drink that instead of water from the tap or whatever. I'm pretty sure multivitamins have them as well.
IC is a bladder disease that has no cure. If you want to know super specific details, email me, I don't want to bore you w/ it if you don't. Basically the inner lining of the bladder is always inflamed. Super inflamed. To me... it feels like I have a bladder infection 24/7. ie: burning w/ urination, pelvic pain, stuff like that. there is an IC diet, which eliminates anything spicy, acidic, and leaves (IMO) hardly anything to eat. I tried it, didn't do a thing for me. There's a med called Elmiron, and that didn't do anything for me either.
I have had a lot of urinary tract infections and this sounds like hell on earth to sympathies and my respect to those of you who are living with this condition!
Thanks panda, yeah, sometimes it is hell on Earth. You deal, cause there's not really much you can do... there are tons of people out there that have much worse diseases than I do, so i try to keep that in mind, and it helps a bit.
Is there anything you can do to help with the pain? I don't mean to be nosy...I am just curious because I know when I have a UTI I can barely function because of the pain...I can't imagine living with it all the time.
Not really. The elmiron is supposed to help, but i was on it for months and months, no change. I mentioned the diet, and if you avoid spicy/acidic foods it's supposed to help, but I haven't noticed any changes either. I have vicodin, but I work full-time, and I like to be able to function, lol. I've been advised by a few people to smoke weed, but I've never done that before, and I really don't want to start. I also have endometriosis, so I've got daily pelvic pain from that anyway, so honestly, I'm just used to it. There's nothing I can do, so you just have to realize and accept that you will always be in pain. Sucks pretty bad, but since there's nothing i can do... why dwell on it right? I seem to have been dealt the crappy hand of cards regarding medical issues, but like I said, it could always be worse!
I also have endometriosis, so I've got daily pelvic pain from that anyway, so honestly, I'm just used to it. There's nothing I can do, so you just have to realize and accept that you will always be in pain. Sucks pretty bad, but since there's nothing i can do... why dwell on it right? I seem to have been dealt the crappy hand of cards regarding medical issues, but like I said, it could always be worse! poor girl.
you sound a lot like my friend, nichole. but she had a full hysterectomy by the time she was around 23 or so, i think?
if the stuff for ci doesn't work, are you 100% sure that you've got that particular disease and not something else that could mimic it? i'm always hearing about stories (like on discovery health) where someone has a disease that they think is one thing and treat for that thing, but nothing works and it turns out that it is actually something completely different that might be less common (or even unknown to most doctors) & once they get the right treatment it's like a totally different experience since it will actually work.