Help with severe acne!!
Hi everyone! I was hoping I could get some help/advice for my acne. I have been vegan now since Jan. 1st of this year (Yay!!!). My diet is really good, I always make homemade everything and I exercise everyday. I have suffered from acne for at least ten years now. I am not talking about a little spot here or there, my acne is pretty bad. I thought that once going vegan, it would improve my problem. No such luck. In addition to having horrible acne, I also suffer from melasma (dark pigmentation on the skin, I was told it was from the birth control I used to take) and rosacea. Ugh. I have tried just about EVERYTHING to help my issues. I have seen so many dermatologists I want to scream. No one has been able to help me. I am convinced that a synthetic prescription is not the answer, obviously, they have not helped me. Does anyone have any suggestions for products to try?? I would be very grateful for any advice! ( I am going to be 30 this year and I should not have to deal with this anymore!!!)
My skin was REALLY bad, and I'd always wear tonnes of makeup to hide it. I'm a dancer, so I'd sweat buckets during class . . . obviously this opens the pores and all that crap on my skin would get in it, making things worse and worse. One day I decided "F*** it", and strolled into class without a stitch of concealer on. No one said anything, and my skin has gradually been getting better ever since :)
Something to consider, that's all. If not ever wearing makeup is just too hard for you, at least make sure you never have anything on your face when you're sweating and exerting yourself . . . sweating is a chance for your pores to clear all that stuff out, and when you have makeup on, that becomes impossible.
(For that matter, bikram yoga is a GREAT way to sweat . . .)
Good luck! I know it sucks. It'll get better <3
i hafta tell ya, i dont agree witht the responses that say u should get 'medicine.' the body is perfectly capable of healing itself once we stop putting toxins into it. im suprised more vegans/health freaks like myself havent already said so... i also had terrible acne 4 about 9 years (perfect skin during puberty tho!). nothin i tried worked, not proactiv not any prescription (this was before my natural treatment days). i just gave up on it n got a tea tree oil soap to use so i cud say at least i did that. then one day just because i was interested, i gave up gluten. (google 'how to go gluten free') for an entire month i did not consume anything with gluten and my acne went away completely! i was shocked dude. i had already given up on it yet i inadvertently found what the problem was just by experimenting with how i could become healthier! as a side note, it also stopped yeast infections which i had previously had a problem with. so- going on 7 months now gluten free and not one breakout or yeast infection since! totally try it 4 30 days im telling u, its worth it 2 stop eating gluten, if not for ur entire body, def ur face will thank you.
WOW! I have actually thought about going gluten free bc of my stomach issues. I hope it will work for me. I have tried EVERything that was suggested so far and NOTHING has worked!!!! Baking soda, apple cider vinegar, blueberries, all natural products, tea tree oil, you name it, I have used it. So here we go again, I am still hopeful.....
good luck with it, i hope that helps! :) its not as hard as it seems either so give it a go.
I'm also 30 and have suffered from acne for years. I tried everything too. Just recently I've had success with a really simple, cheap system that I use morning and night. I'm using a very gentle cleanser (A generic one from Target- Up&Up daily facial cleanser for normal to oily skin). Then I follow up with a thin layer of the lowest percent benzoyl peroxide cream I could find (they say the lower percent works just as well but is much more gentle). I ended up with Terminator by acnefree (only 2% BP and also found at Target). Then I follow up with an oil free moisturizer both in the morning and at night (never used to use moisturizer at night). I use Murad skin perfecting lotion and love it but I think neutrogena also make an oil free lotion for cheap. I can't have an SPF in the lotion or I totally break out.
I'm getting almost no breakouts anymore, even before/during my period which used to break me out like crazy no matter what i did. I used to try so many harsh things to attack my acne but I'm finding that the more gently I treat my skin, the better it reacts. I still have to make sure that things are oil free and use the most gentle benzoyl peroxide, but using gentle and somewhat moisturizing products has made a huge difference for me. So different from the way I used to approach the situation
Good luck to you!
I just have to say that I think I may have FINALLY found something that works!!! I received a free sample of OXY clinical facewash, acne gel, and hydrating cream in the mail. It was enough for about 3 days and my skin has DRAMATICALLY cleared up!! I went out to buy the facewash and hope it keeps working!! The only negative is that it has dried my skin out a little. I will take dry skin over a face full of zits any day!!! Wow...
i've also had acne for a million years and aldactone (spironolactone) totally cleared it up (after trying literally everything else). ask your dermatologist. good luck!
Thank you! Never heard of it! I will ask my doctor!