Home Remedies....Health in your hands
Human beings survived on this planet rather successfully for over 100.000 years.
They could not have been successful if they had not used remedies offered to them
by mother nature. They had at their disposal plants and other forms of life to use as medicine.
Plants must have constituted 99 percent for remedial measures.
Traditionally, this knowledge percolated down to our ancestors like our Grand Mas and Aunts.
Unfortunately, due to social restructuring of family system, this rich source of knowledge that was there
in form of HOME REMEDIES, got lost.
During olden times, for curing complaints like sore throat to gas problem
from fever to cold and cough. From boils to cuts and wounds, were all treated
by our grand moms and aunts using simple home remedies.People went to doctors
only during dire emergencies which were beyond their comprehension.
Present day population runs to the nearest chemist and take medicines for even simplest of
health problem like congestion or stuffy nose or heavyness of stomach or gas.
For everything, they pop in pills.
Health insurence takes away a huge part of your income .
But to remain healthy, it does not take much. Just knowledge of simple home remedies
will see you and your family through year after year in pink of the health.
I can share whatever I know of home remedies and other members can also share their knowledge.
So can we have this as a sticky thread and discuss home remedies for health issues?
Naga Jolokia Addict
Lavender is wonderful for relaxing and helping to get to sleep. That's about all I can add to this thread...
Yes, among its many benefits, turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects, which is why it used to be in burn ointments and poultices and whatnot for pulled muscles and strained ligaments/tendons. It's one of those wonder foods!
The castor-and-sesame-oil thing is a good idea, too. I have chronic lichen-form excema on my face which is much less than attractive. I've been thru all the cortisone creams and was given one that says on the prospectus not to use it unless you've already tried everything else. :o It works but makes me nervous. Next time the excema shows up I will try castor oil and sesame. Thank you, NJA! I have literally tried everything else.
The castor-and-sesame-oil thing is a good idea, too. I have chronic lichen-form excema on my face which is much less than attractive. I've been thru all the cortisone creams and was given one that says on the prospectus not to use it unless you've already tried everything else. :o It works but makes me nervous. Next time the excema shows up I will try castor oil and sesame. Thank you, NJA! I have literally tried everything else.
One more remedy , if I may suggest , is to use Chick pea flour+Soya milk to wash the face instead of soap. My mom had a baby skin. She would use Chick pea flour instead of soap to wash her whole body, especially the face.
Method is to take about a Table Spoon of Besan (chick pea flour). with little water and make thick paste. Mix thoroughly and then use it in place of soap.
Chick pea flour paste makes one of the most wonderful face mask. It leaves the skin wonderful and the texture changes within ten days of constant use. Try it out.
I've posted this on other threads, but I'll repeat it here so others can find it:
When you have a cold, it's not the tissue rubbing and wiping that burns and chaps your skin. It's the left over mucus on your skin that is literally burning it. Every time you have a good blow, clean off your nose with a dampened clean tissue or wipe. It won't get sore.
This is interesting! I have a cold right now and unfortunately have to blow my nose every 3 min. so I'll have to settle for the red nose again.
After poison ivy exposure (or possible contact), cleanse affected skin with rubbing alcohol. The alcohol dissolves the resin better than soap, which can actually just transfer the oil to other body parts. I keep an "emergency ivy kit" consisting of a small bottle of alcohol and paper towels handy in my house, shed, and hiking backpack. I also wipe down handles, shoes, and other suspect items with it. Beer or other alcoholic beverages will also work in a pinch if rubbing alcohol is not available.
FYI: If you look at the ingredient labels on most commercial ivy exposure products, you'll see one of the main ingredients is alcohol.
I know this isn't the "gentlest" of home remedies but ivy urushiol forms a strong bond with skin and requires an equally strong solvent to break that bond and remove it. I am highly allergic and still manage to somehow get it every year even when ubercautiously avoiding it.
Headaches. Migraines. BAD. help. I actually have one now. Bubble baths help to ease them in intensity, and tension tamer tea can help prevent them, but how do i get rid of them once I have them??? locking myself away from life for 36 hours is not an option. :'(
I wish I had a great cure for your migraines...my ex used to get them a lot and I never realized how painful they were before seeing him go through them. The only things that used to help him were meditating, quiet, and rest. I think it also helps (for future reference) realizing what brings them on and focusing on prevention. For him, it was severe stress, extreme physical exertion (such as climbing a peak quickly), and red wine. I don't know of any other cures, but I just wanted to send you some love and hugs!! :)>>>
Headaches. Migraines. BAD. help. I actually have one now. Bubble baths help to ease them in intensity, and tension tamer tea can help prevent them, but how do i get rid of them once I have them??? locking myself away from life for 36 hours is not an option. :'(
Our old Ayah used to rub hot chile pepper paste on her affected side of the forehead for her migrain attacks. I was too young to know then. But I now know that she was doing the right thing. And this was 50 years ago.!1
If you have the courage, then try with a Habanero.
caffeine for migraines works wonders.
hey, coffee/tea/chocolate is natural :)
caffeine for migraines works wonders.
hey, coffee/tea/chocolate is natural :)
It depends on the cause. For some people, caffiene/chocolate/cheese is the cause of them. I remember reading that civilians in Korea and Viet Nam who recieved blood transfusions provided by US troops suffered horribly from migraines due to the differences in diet.
I once read also that sex helps bad migraines...but how can you manage that when moving the least bit makes you want to heave your cookies??
I once read also that sex helps bad migraines...
Hey...sounds like an interesting idea.!! :)>>>
But at my age , my wife would guard herself with guard dogs all around her now... :-D
maybe it's the cheese......hmmm.... I HAVE been eating it more lately than usual. I was trying to eliminate it, but alas...the err of my ways. I'm wanting to try transitioning into a vegan again, so I'll see if that helps.
Sex?!?!?! I can TOTALLY dig that. so would my hubby ;)
Isn't anyone gonna post about using a garlic clove for a yeast infection?
Oh, yes...great remedy.
The trick is to peel away the papery outer layer without piercing the "skin" of the garlic clove...this is simply to avoid the stinging that the exposed garlic will often bring to "sensitive" skin.
You can make a garlic tampon by wrapping it in a bit of gauze/cheesecloth and tying up the end with a bit of floss for a string. Or, go simple and just put the clove in the affected vagina by itself.
I've tried this twice, putting the clove in before bed and taking it out in the morning, and the yeast infection is pretty much gone by the end of that day.
Also, if you've ever been bitten by red fire ants, you know how much those sting and itch...(I had a nice "welcome to the south" moment a few weeks ago...) Apparently, you can apply urine to the affected area to stop the discomfort.
I once read also that sex helps bad migraines...but how can you manage that when moving the least bit makes you want to heave your cookies??
Sometimes this is the only thing that'll work for my b/f!!! The key is to have the other partner be the "active" one.
Sex?!?!?! I can TOTALLY dig that. so would my hubby ;)
Ah, that makes so much sense! Because migraines happen when blood vessels over-dilate in your brain, yeah? So you're taking blood out of there and to more important places. Aha!
Along these lines, a good orgasm fixes cramps. ^-^
Along these lines, a good orgasm fixes cramps. ^-^
Very temporarily!
I am all about natural remedies...
migraines - pick up 3 or 4 grains of cayenne pepper with a toothpick and snort it up each nostril...it will burn a bit but a lot less than the migraine and will sometimes relieve the migraine completely or at least reduce the intensity.
migraine and allergy preventative - 75 mg butterbur twice a day until headache free for a month and then stop...restart when needed.
can't sleep - valerian tea or capsules works wonders
upset stomach - make a tea from the left over pomegranate skins. (you can save the dried skins for up to 6 months) steep a tablespoon of dried skin for 5 minute in boiling water and drink.
mild food poisoning - burned toast and black tea...the tannins and charcoal will help neutralize the food poisoning.
hayfever and other seasonally allergies - 1 tablet of butterbur 3 times a day. Butterbur is an herb so research to be sure it will not react with anything medication you are currently taking...also good for migraines.
Weight loss aid - add 2 tsp organic apple cider vinegar to 16 oz water and sip through out the day.
Rumor has it that black strap molasses is canl cure things like fibroid tumors, anxiety, constipation, edema, heart palpitations, anemia, arthritic pain, joint pain, and acne, just to name a few. So here is a recipe for a Blackstrap Molasses Cure Drink
1 T Blackstrap Molasses
hot water
3/4 cup Non Dairy Milk
Add molasses to a glass and add just enough hot water to cover the molasses. Stir until dissolved. Add ice and then top off with "milk".
arthritis pain - mix 2 tsp fruit pectin in 3 oz of grape juice and drink 3 times a day---------
for immediate relief you can take 2 cups oatmeal and 1 cup water and warm in the microwave and then apply directly to the aching joints.
dandruff - make a tea out of 5 to 6 tsp thyme leaves and 2 cups water..boil for about 10 minutes..let cool then message into scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.
that's all for now. :)
Along these lines, a good orgasm fixes cramps. ^-^
Very temporarily!
Not for me. ??? It works like all day for me.
Along these lines, a good orgasm fixes cramps. ^-^
Very temporarily!
Not for me. ??? It works like all day for me.
Really?! :wow: That would be amazing. For me, it's only ever stopped them like..right afterward. I have 1-2 days of really bad cramps.
Are you talkin' vaginal or clitoral orgasm?
Along these lines, a good orgasm fixes cramps. ^-^
Very temporarily!
Plus torticullis and weak ankles. Or so a college BF used to tell me.