Home Remedies....Health in your hands
Human beings survived on this planet rather successfully for over 100.000 years.
They could not have been successful if they had not used remedies offered to them
by mother nature. They had at their disposal plants and other forms of life to use as medicine.
Plants must have constituted 99 percent for remedial measures.
Traditionally, this knowledge percolated down to our ancestors like our Grand Mas and Aunts.
Unfortunately, due to social restructuring of family system, this rich source of knowledge that was there
in form of HOME REMEDIES, got lost.
During olden times, for curing complaints like sore throat to gas problem
from fever to cold and cough. From boils to cuts and wounds, were all treated
by our grand moms and aunts using simple home remedies.People went to doctors
only during dire emergencies which were beyond their comprehension.
Present day population runs to the nearest chemist and take medicines for even simplest of
health problem like congestion or stuffy nose or heavyness of stomach or gas.
For everything, they pop in pills.
Health insurence takes away a huge part of your income .
But to remain healthy, it does not take much. Just knowledge of simple home remedies
will see you and your family through year after year in pink of the health.
I can share whatever I know of home remedies and other members can also share their knowledge.
So can we have this as a sticky thread and discuss home remedies for health issues?
Naga Jolokia Addict
Fall is here and so are stuffy noses, cold, blocked trachea and congested lungs.
It is so easy to walk upto or drive down to your nearest chemist and spend hard earn money on suspect medication.
There is an easier way to cure this at almost no cost.
All you need is a handy stock of CARAWAY SEEDS !!
Take a spoonful of caraway seeds and tie them in muslin/thin cloth .
Warm it for a minute in micro and smell it every now and then taking deep breaths.
Your nose, trachea and lungs will throw out mucous in no time and congestion will disappear.
Try it out.
Fall is here and so are stuffy noses, cold, blocked trachea and congested lungs.
It is so easy to walk upto or drive down to your nearest chemist and spend hard earn money on suspect medication.
There is an easier way to cure this at almost no cost.
All you need is a handy stock of CARAWAY SEEDS !!
Take a spoonful of caraway seeds and tie them in muslin/thin cloth .
Warm it for a minute in micro and smell it every now and then taking deep breaths.
Your nose, trachea and lungs will throw out mucous in no time and congestion will disappear.
Try it out.
I hope I don't need it anytime soon but I will definitely try that one out if/when I do.
I got bitten by a brown recluse spider several years ago. The doctors were giving me loads of antibiotics, and after two shots (I don't remember of what), two prescriptions of antibiotics, and a topical antibiotic cream, the flesh was still going necrotic and the wound was spreading. I griped to my grandma, and she told me to put an oatmeal poultice on it.
I whizzed some rolled oats in a blender with distilled water until it was goopy and painted it on the wound. After it dried, I added another layer. That was it. After a couple hours, I rinsed it off.
Within 2 days, the wound had dried out and scabbed completely. After 2 weeks, the hole from the necrotized flesh (it had looked like someone attacked me with a dirty melon baller) had mostly filled in. Now I don't even have a scar.
I once read also that sex helps bad migraines...but how can you manage that when moving the least bit makes you want to heave your cookies??
Sometimes this is the only thing that'll work for my b/f!!! The key is to have the other partner be the "active" one.
The absolute LAST thing on my mind when I have a migraine is sex. I think I'd punch my guy if he tried anything- even to help the cause- while I was curled up in a ball with my head under the covers. I've tried a few herbal remedies for migraines and have had no luck. I haven't tried snorting pepper or butterbur yet though...I'll have to do that. I'd much rather rely on those than my Imitrex prescription!
I got bitten by a brown recluse spider several years ago. The doctors were giving me loads of antibiotics, and after two shots (I don't remember of what), two prescriptions of antibiotics, and a topical antibiotic cream, the flesh was still going necrotic and the wound was spreading. I griped to my grandma, and she told me to put an oatmeal poultice on it.
I whizzed some rolled oats in a blender with distilled water until it was goopy and painted it on the wound. After it dried, I added another layer. That was it. After a couple hours, I rinsed it off.
Within 2 days, the wound had dried out and scabbed completely. After 2 weeks, the hole from the necrotized flesh (it had looked like someone attacked me with a dirty melon baller) had mostly filled in. Now I don't even have a scar.
Next time when you can, get hold of PUMPKIN STALK which is always present at the base of the pumpking. Dry it and keep it. When an insect bites you, just scrap the stalk on a rough stone /pumice stone and make paste by adding little water. Apply this paste to your bitten part of the body. It removes bad effects due to insect bites .My mom always had one or two stalks handy.
Along these lines, a good orgasm fixes cramps. ^-^
Very temporarily!
Not for me. ??? It works like all day for me.
Really?! :wow: That would be amazing. For me, it's only ever stopped them like..right afterward. I have 1-2 days of really bad cramps.
Are you talkin' vaginal or clitoral orgasm?
Either? I don't keep track. That would be an interesting study though. I'll keep a notebook by my bed. ;)b
I never get terrible cramps though. Just mild to moderate ones.
how about an anti acid? i need to take one for my voice and was hoping there is a home remedy for it. i've been looking for a recipe, but havent found a good one yet.
Next time when you can, get hold of PUMPKIN STALK which is always present at the base of the pumpking. Dry it and keep it.
Thank you! Very cool advice, and timely for the season, too. My CSA box will contain small pumpkins this week.
Fall is here and so are stuffy noses, cold, blocked trachea and congested lungs.
It is so easy to walk upto or drive down to your nearest chemist and spend hard earn money on suspect medication.
There is an easier way to cure this at almost no cost.
All you need is a handy stock of CARAWAY SEEDS !!
Take a spoonful of caraway seeds and tie them in muslin/thin cloth .
Warm it for a minute in micro and smell it every now and then taking deep breaths.
Your nose, trachea and lungs will throw out mucous in no time and congestion will disappear.
Try it out.
I'm guessing "blocked trachea" = bronchial (lung) congestion, right? Because a blocked trachea literally means choking... though it would be quite medically interesting if caraway worked!
to kelsi, baking soda is an excellent antacid. There's a recipe on here (I forget what it's called) for a anti-gas tonic that is essentially a little baking soda, lemon juice, and water. Lemon juice helps turns the bicarb into carbon dioxide (better for gas than antacid), but a tiny bit of baking soda alone mixed with water will also get a little bubbly and act as an antacid.
Yes, blocked Trachea. When having a severe congestion, many times during sleep, people get up due to mucous blocking the wind pipe. I myself used to have such attacks in young age in our village.You literally feel chocked.
I remember once , my aunt heated up a brick and threw some water loaded with couple of spoons of caraway seeds thrown in.
I was covered by a thick covering cloth and made to inhale acrid fumes.
Believe me, my nose was dripping out very green and thick mucous which had refused to come out with other remedies.
My lungs , nose and the whole air passage was clear of mucous in no time.!!
Try it out when in such a condition.
for gas, cramps, overall moodiness and anxiety, chamomile is key
to induce appetite, celery seed, mint, mugwort and kava are good (although combined some of them could induce hallucinations)
Mint is a good digestive too, though some people (like me) find it mildly stimulating to the CNS
Coriander is good for gas on your stomach. Boil it for about 5 min, then let it stand covered for 3 min, strain and drink. Use whole seed, not the powder, because it makes a mess.
Linden (lime blossom) is relaxing and infused in bath water, good for prickly heat or sweat-irritated skin.
I am told by runners here that rubbing a cut clove of garlic on your feet before a marathon avoids blisters. However--the smell I should think would be mind-blowing.
hey, i totally forgot about tea as a styptic agent. I was told by my dentist to press tea bags on the incision from my wisdom tooth removal to help stop the bleeding... it didn't hurt and seemed to work. Apparently the tannic acid works as a vasoconstrictor and will also help reduce swelling and redness. Dunno if it matters what type of tea (as long as it's real tea)
Thanks !!
I am going to my dentist tomorrow.
ooo does anyone have a good remedy for dandruff/dry scalp? i used up the last of my costco bottle of head and shoulders before i moved here, and i thought i'd be fine...nope. stupid scalp... >:(
Equal parts olive oil, lemon juice and sparkling water. Mix, put it on, let it sit a few minutes, shampoo off. Works like a charm!
I though of another one...
A chamomile tea drenched cotton ball placed/wiped/dripped into the eye will sooth and clear up pink-eye.
A visit to dentist and Chili peppers.
A visit to the dentist involves more fear than pain when you are a child.
A visit to the dentist involves no fear and bit of pain when you are a youth.
A visit to the dentist involves no fear and a lot of pain when you are old.
Ist Posting 20th October evening
So what has this to do with Hot Chilli Peppers?
Well, this has given me a chance to try out action of Hot Chili peppers (Naga Jolokia) on pain.
I wanted to prove the point that my old Ayah was right when she used to apply paste of fiery hot chillies on her forehead for her migrain attacks. And this was about 55 years back.!!
My dentist asked me to take pain killers and anti biotics for post dental work pain.
But I had other ideas in my mind. So I will take antibiotics but no pain killers.
What I have done is, that I have applied Naga Morich juice from inner parts to my affected cheek parts to see how the capsaicin works. It is almost 45 minutes since I applied the Lava .
My cheek has turned red. The pain part has diminished and there is no discomfort as of now.
I plan to apply Red Hot Lava juice every three hours to my cheek and also eat my usual dose of Naga Morich pickle to attack the pain generators. I am sure it is going to work like magic.
While I am typing this report, I can literally feel pain slowly subsiding. The throbbing pain has started to become a nagging ache.
I am sure that I will be out of this misery earlier than expected due to Naga Morich .
UPDATE AT 10.40 pm 20th October 2008
It is almost 14 hours since my molar was
drilled and filled.
Pain is almost not there. Cheek is still red.
By tomorrow I should be much more at ease.
If I press the filling, the pain is there.This means
I have to continue application of Naga juice tomorrow.
But today, I have applied only once so far.
The hot tingling is still very much there.
But I am happy that I did not take 3 pain killers as prescribed.
UPDATE on 21st October 2008 , 8.40 am
I must say that people have underestimated virtues of Chili peppers .Believe me, I spent my first 24 hours only on strength of Naga Morich applied topically.My 80 percent pain has disappeared. Deep within the tooth , I have neural pain and I will have to take an analgesic now to get relief from that pain.In my opinion, muscular pains and pains associated with topical neuron sensitivity like Arthrities are best treated with capsaicin.I will update you with more info
A handful of pain killers!
Limon Chiles from my mid-summer harvest.
This is the first time I came across Limon Chiles.
Can you tell me how HOT they are?
Are they better than Thai for everyday use?
Sorry I have asked so many questions.
But I am excited by the look of them.
This is the first time I came across Limon Chiles.
Can you tell me how HOT they are?
Are they better than Thai for everyday use?
Sorry I have asked so many questions.
But I am excited by the look of them.
They are not quite as hot as Thai peppers. They have the heat level of maybe a Cayenne. The plants grow VERY well, they were more resistant to the blight than some of my other peppers and they are HEAVY producers. I had two limon chile plants over the summer and I would guess that I harvested over 1,000 peppers off the two of them.