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Homeopathic Help for my Tooth????

Ok, I know we've had this kind of discussion before, but I'm desperate for help and don't feel like digging.

My tooth is killing me.... :-[I had a filling put in it in January and my dentist said it was pretty close to the nerve, but it looked ok.  So several months have gone by and I've been fine....but sometime last month, my jaw started aching on that side - not that bad, just kind of annoying...but now, for the last week, the pain has been so severe, I've been taking Advil every 4 hours.

I'm afraid to go to the dentist because I have a feeling she'll say I need a root canal or something....and while I have dental insurance, I still wouldn't be able to afford a root canal and a crown....I used to work in a dental office - I know how expensive it will be....

So I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with homeopathic remedies?
I looked it up online and there are so many different claims and I don't know if any of it is actually helpful.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I had a similar experience, but the filling had been in for several years, by the time I saw the dentist, I had an infection, and needed a root canal and crown.  But at least you have insurance, we didn't and I had to arrange for a short term loan to pay for it. Goood luck.


First of all, immediately go to the nearest chemist and buy Over the counter "Oral Anesthatic. You don't need a prescription.
It will cost you no more than two or three dollars.
It is thick Benzocain liquid.
CVS has it and is of red coor.

Dab a little cotton with liquid and place it where the tooth aches.

Your pain will subside immediately "WITHIN TEN SECONDS.". Repeat this every three hours.
Use sensitive tooth paste only.

When you are buying the above, buy Hydrogen peroxide bottle also. It costs hardly couple of dollars.

Gargle five to six times a day with 3:1 ratio of peroxide to water.

Eat Hoyt peppers.

But please do the first two things immediately.



Ok, so I got some Hydrogen Peroxide at lunch and swished with it....totally gross, but hopefully it will help.  (Thanks NJA!)
I also spent my whole morning researching and found a supplement called Padma Basic that supposedly can eliminate the need for a root canal (50% of the time - but thats good enough for me), so I ordered some from Amazon....


But you must get immediate relief by using Local anesthetic which I described. It is a must.


Right now, the Advil is still working, so I'm not in any pain....and I have some Anbesol at home, but I've used that stuff before and it rarely works for me....I also have trouble getting numb at the dentist....I think I'm immune to it or something....


I hate the dentist more than anyone, have crappy dental insurance, and also don't numb worth a damn. However, despite all that... I'd probably go if I were in your shoes. Yea you MIGHT need all that work done, but you might not. Also... it could continue to get worse, abscess, end up with a big infection you need antibiotics for, more pain, harder treatment, etc.. etc..


Spiced Rum works well for an oral anesthetic.....(I've used it in lieu of anbesol for teething pains in kiddos, at parent's request)

Also, chewing on rosemary leaves helps to numb the mouth, and the vitamin c from it has anti-bacterial properties

But I second RC's opinion in that you do need to see a dentist, and all they can do is recommend treatments, it is ultimately your decision as to what is/n't done.


I did call the dentist, just to see what she'd say....she said to give it a week, and if it still hurts on Monday, to schedule an appointment....
However, a co-worker suggested trying warm salt water....and since the hydrogen peroxide didn't seem to help, I thought I'd try it....and I haven't had any pain in two days....haven't even taken an Advil....has salt water healed me?


The pain might go away, but the problem won't, unfortunately. If you can, see if there is a dental school and make an appointment there. It's waaaaaaay cheaper, and they are supervised by an instructor. But go.


Clove oil is a minor miracle. It will help with the pain. The hydrogen peroxide will help clear out surface bacteria, but if there's anything deeper, you will need to see a dentist.


Ever heard of oil-pulling?  Completely homeopathic/wholisitic, ancient Ayurvedic med/practice, absolutely no side affects so def can't hurt to try.  Supposed to help with numerous issues, including tooth problems... and more.  Draws toxins, microscopic bacteria, infectious agents, etc out through the saliva and pores of gums and tongue.  I do it almost every morning when I get up.  Love it.  AlthoughI'm pretty healthy, I still noticed some neat differences right away.  Hope this helps!  Lots on Google about it. - good info below in the posts, too

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