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Homeopathic Remedies & Tips Please!

Hi Guys,
After all kids being sick with major coughs, throwing up & diarrhea I am now sick with this crazy cough...I cough so much it feels like my ribs are going to break or my uterus will fall out! lol Also, it feels like my throat is swelling up or is swollen and everytime I breathe in it's like gasping with an audible noise, almost like a wheeze (whooping cough?!) and I feel like I can't get in enough air.  Anyways, so I've been taking some Elderberry Extract which is supposed to calm and soothe the throat, but it hasn't really been helping and my cough hasn't gotten any better. Does anybody have any homeopathic, alternative tips for helping a cough? I got my Elderberry extract at an alternative pharmacy where they have a naturopath, but I know quite a few of you on here are into naturopathic healing & such. Anyways, I don't want to see my doctor because I'm not really interested in overloading my body with antibiotics. I've found from experience that they don't usually even *know* what's going on, they just do this process of elimination with all the antibiotics & such. I also got a humidifier to help with this too.
Any tips appreciated thanks!
Also, if it keeps up for a couple days or if it seems pretty major, I will see the dr. or head to er like if it's an emergency situation... :-X

I don't know much about specific homeopathic rememdies, but Zicam (commonly found in drug stores) is homeopathy-based and works!  I've used the gel swabs before and my mom has used the cough suppressant and they both work really well!


I have a few spoons of warm agave nectar and lemon juice to coat my throat.


I have a few spoons of warm agave nectar and lemon juice to coat my throat.

That's a great idea-- I'll try that (like pre-vegan honey & lemon!)


I have a few spoons of warm agave nectar and lemon juice to coat my throat.

That's a great idea-- I'll try that (like pre-vegan honey & lemon!)

Exactly! My Mom used to give me honey and lemon when I was a child and had a cough or sore throat.


Miso soup! I just stir a spoonful into hot broth of any description. When I feel ill with anything respiratory, I crave miso.

Green tea also has a good rep but I can't drink it because it makes me retain like mad. I can put on 5 lbs of water retention from drinking GT for three days running.


Miso soup! I just stir a spoonful into hot broth of any description. When I feel ill with anything respiratory, I crave miso.

Green tea also has a good rep but I can't drink it because it makes me retain like mad. I can put on 5 lbs of water retention from drinking GT for three days running.

Thanks, I'll try these and *crosses fingers* hopefully they'll alleviate my death-cough  :sniff:


Usually salt (you can use sea salt if vegan) and warm water will help your throat.  Also, you must drink orange juice like water or supplement with liquid vitamin c.  Also, PLAIN ECINACHEA for three days in a row ONLY.  You can steep the tea for 10min and use agave to sweeten.  Also, Ecinachea tincture 23 to 56 drops for three days only. Hope you feel better.  :)

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