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homeopathic treatment for depression?

I'm on an antidepressant for severe depression that also helps me cope with my OCD symptoms. I am by no means anti life saving medication (and for severe depression you better believe this is a life saving drug) I just thought I would make that clear because I remember some people being given trouble in the recent past for admitting to using antidepressants, and I really don't want to take anyones shit.

So, all that said, I've really been thinkibng about either supplementing my current medication with homeopathic treatments OR possibly, slowly switching over (under the care of my physician.) I have been looking on line and stuff and it seems there are so many options! Its overwhelming. Different sites say different things can be used for different types of personalities/causes for depression...what if I don't fit nicely into any of the boxes? Can I mix homeopathic remedies? How do I know if my meds will react with something? (assuming my Dr does not know much about this subject?)

I don't think I can afford to go to a homeopath but I have not looked into it. I will also admit to feeling like they would try and convince me to get of pharmaceuticals and make me feel foolish and bad for being on them. (which I have a tendency towards, but my rational mind tells me there is nothing wrong with taking medication i need.) Cause i know a few people who know a lot about homeopahic medicine and they would make me feel really badly if they knew I was on drugs...AND it would be awkward to discuss my depression with them on account of the fact that I know them through my work situation....

I dunno...anyone know much about this stuff?

I don't know anything about homeopathic medicine, but I wanted to say good luck and that nobody should judge you for using those meds. I would definitely check and see how much your doctor knows about homeopathic medicine to see if s/he can help you at all. The doctor who prescribes your meds should know the most about your personality, no? Again, I hope this can work for you; I don't want anything to happen to you!


Well, your not gonna get any crap from me for being on meds, cuz I am too ;)  In my case, I think it's a sesonal thing, I'm not sure.  But anyways, it's funny you just posted a question about natural remedies for this, because I was just at my HFS today inquiring about this. 

I had read online that st. Johns Wort was really effective for depression.  The owner of the HFS said that it's very effective but recommends that if your already on anti-depressants, to alternate.  1 day drugs, 1 day st. johns, so on and so forth...for a while and then eventually just stay with the st. johns wort.  The only side effect to it is redness of the skin if you go in too much sun.  I havent decided if I'm gonna switch yet.  What i'm on works just fine for now and I'm scared to mess with it. 

Good luck.  Hope you find what works for you and dont let anyone give you grief about any of it.  Sending you lots of positive vibes!  :)>>>


yeah, I know people that got pregnant while on the pill since they were also taking st johns wort.


I, too have taken anti depressants for a while, although not right now,  for really bad post partum depression.  For a while I wasn't even stable, and worried about my kids safety.  If meds work, I say stay on them.  It can be dangerous to take them one day and then skip, that can cause really bad crashes emotionally, and can lead to suicide.  Be careful.  It took me a while to work off mine after my daughter was born, I took them with her as insurance against getting so bad again, and my docs watched me really close while weaning off, to make sure I was ok.  I am and life is great, but I have been there and don't want to be back.  Ever.


given that you take the meds for more than a mild mood d/o, i second md's advice about finding a trained professional. one issue with some natural/homeopathic treatments is that they may have different "potency" levels due to crop, etc. i looked into this a bit but with my issue (bipolar/rapid cycling/mixed) it isn't something i was really able to do.

some things that are less "fishy" that can help with depression

-good diet (going vegan allowed me to decrease the amount of meds/helped my depression a LOT, esp cutting out dairy)
-working out and relaxation/meditation
-omega 3 fatty acids (this is a big one - my docs have suggested this but i'm too lazy to do it "right")
-therapy. yeah, it sucks and i never think i need it but if you find a good person to work with it is really helpful)

That's really good to know about the potency issues. Maybe you are right to suggest other routes I can take...I should look more into all that. What do you take with the Omega 3 fatty acids? I know walnuts have it in them, but honestly I know a less than perfect diet is probably a huge culprit for me...I have also hear high doses of vit C can help with depression. I thought about getting more of that in--- I understand the dosage needed though is actually high enough that you NEED vitamins for it. I just started seeing a therapist recently and I started a group therapy thing (DBT) on Wednesday. I'm hopeful for that. I feel like my health and depression are like in a cycle where they trigger one another to get worse ans worse. Its bad. I dunno...

Thanks all for sharing what you know and your own personal experiences
. I think I will pass on the homeopathic stuff for now, at least till I'm more stable. But supplemental stuff is always good.  I'm supposed to start seeing a chiropractor soon, its one of my benefits of Random. But I have heard that can help with depression.


given that you take the meds for more than a mild mood d/o, i second md's advice about finding a trained professional. one issue with some natural/homeopathic treatments is that they may have different "potency" levels due to crop, etc. i looked into this a bit but with my issue (bipolar/rapid cycling/mixed) it isn't something i was really able to do.

some things that are less "fishy" that can help with depression

-good diet (going vegan allowed me to decrease the amount of meds/helped my depression a LOT, esp cutting out dairy)
-working out and relaxation/meditation
-omega 3 fatty acids (this is a big one - my docs have suggested this but i'm too lazy to do it "right")
-therapy. yeah, it sucks and i never think i need it but if you find a good person to work with it is really helpful)

Nods in agreement...

-went partial raw
-riding my bike to work, sunlight helps.
-added raw hemp oil and raw olive oil to my diet
-i went to therapy for a years, having an awareness and understanding is extremely beneficial.

I would like to add, regimented and regulated sleeping patterns have helped as well as turning the plant light on as I get up and do my morning routine.

You can self manage! xo


I will add to this thread
Do have a list of mental issues myself.

Besides the depression I think the Post Traumatic Disorder affects me more.
Social Phobia does not help either.
There is a few others

I used to take a lot of meds and one day a few years ago I threw everything away and refused to take anything ever again.
This was against doctors orders.

Not sure if it was a smart thing but I was killing myself with all the meds I was taking.
Still trying to reclaim my health.

What I dd first was go vegan and now the past 6 months practicing high raw vegan.

Still not doing the best but a little better. Have days when I can not leave the house.
My issues would require way to much space to list.

If you feel meds work for you take them.
I felt worse than I do now when I took them.


well.....these are the things I've been told that I'm doing RIGHT in the supplement category for my bipolar depression, and apparently, they have the ability to help all just depends on the person though. And they don't counter-indicate traditional meds, they help the body to better utilize them.

Salmon oil (Omega 3's) 1000 (+) mgs 2x/day (Cashews, walnuts, flax seeds)
Sam-e 400mg 2x/day (titrate w/ 200mg 1/day for at least a week, then 200 2x/day, then 400 1/day and 200 1/day, then 400 both)** Note: for Sam-e to be used optimally, you are supposed to take it on an empty stomach, 30 min before a meal. I normally achieve this by having the tablet at my bedside w/ a glass of water for me to take first thing in the morning, and then take it 30 min before my snack for my other night-time meds
Vitamin D (w/ my Calcium)
B Complex
Vitamin E

Things that if taking traditional meds you should STAY AWAY FROM: St. John's Wort, dairy.....there's some others.... but yeah....

Last time I discussed doing anything else "naturally" to help with my various ppl, they only suggestion I heard was: "Maybe add more protein?" Otherwise, I was told I was doing everything right.....

good luck!


I second bp's point about varying potency with herbal preparations.  Not only is the crop going to have natural variation, but also (in the UK at least) there is much less regulation (ie no regulation) of herbal preps and so anything could be going into them.  Yes they should be made according to good manufacturing processes but I'm wouldn't be surprised if some of the cheaper companies don't follow this.

Also, another pointer on St John's Wort - there have been some studies on this and yes it does act as an antidepressant BUT it interacts with a hell of a lot of other if you are on any prescribed medication at all I would steer clear of it.  It is not easy to predict the significance of the interactions because of the varying potency previously mentioned.  I don't think that taking SJW on one day and a regular antidepressant on the next (as mentioned in EB's post) is a good idea at all - please reconsider trying this.

If considering homeopathic/herbal/alternative meds please see a specialist in this area who also knows something about regular meds and can discuss both with you.

Sorry if I sound very anti-SJW and herbal preps - it's just that I have seen patient's admitted to hospital with various prblems caused by herbal preps (liver failure due to ayurvedic meds, fits due to interaction with SJW and antiepileptics are just 2 I can think of in recent months)


i want to second the vitamin D and omegas.
also, b12.


Yeah.....from what I've read/studied/heard/gleaned......unless your herbalist and prescriber are the same, it is best to stay away from the majority of Western herbs (such as SJW).....

Which is why I've taken to supplementing my prescription nutritionally/through standardized vitamins/non-herbal supplements.  ;)b


Great topic, Zealia.  ;)b

I second many nuggets of advice already mentioned, especially hanashi's suggestion to use diet and nutrition as a good foundation; Joe and Eric's raw goals, and physical activity in general for boosted energy and overall spirit.

...I could share with You my personal experience through various degrees of hypomania and severe depression, including the meds I've taken and the other things I was doing to help them along, and what methods were not good and which ones worked well.... but every bodymind will react differently to certain drugs, diet, and exercise regimens, etc... A general rule though: Eat well and be active!

if You lay in bed because the world is too crappy to face (I know how it goes), You'll wear a groove into Your mattress or couch that keeps You stuck for longer than You'd ever planned to stay......You have to force Yourself sometimes to get up and just take a walk, or play frisbee with the doggies, or do massive loads of laundry or other housework...but it's worth it to get Yourself kick-started into a more physically active routine.

Food - well, there are about a million and one complications with that stuff sometimes, when it comes to mental disorders.  :P When I'm depressed, I'm lazy and uninspired in the kitchen...I don't eat fresh foods, I rarely cook/create anything good, and often chow down on so much PB&J or sugary breakfast cereal until I can't stand the taste of 'em anymore. ....that leads to cycle and worsening of both issues, like You mentioned.
Again, FORCE Yourself to eat things that You know are good for You and will help You get better, even if it seems like a chore to do so. Have someone around to check on You and make sure You're eating well, if need be. Being in"bad relationship" with food and eating is another condition to work through. I know that my own issues made my mental states especially bad when the eating problems flared up bigtime. Those two conditions "feed" each other--yet another vicious cycle that's sometimes tough to break.

It helps to have good friends and family members who are nearby, so they can help You along with these challenges. Living alone, for instance, can exacerbate those conditions/vicious cycles I mentioned......but with a support network of loved ones, You're sure to pull through much easier, while avoiding hitting .rock.bottom. before doing so.

Oh! and animal friends (and children) are always good helpers, too!
They give You the responsibility to get out of bed and take care of certain things every day. Plus, their companionship and complete lack of judgment of Your mental condition are so, SO welcome at those times. Honestly, I'd have probably been hospitalized last year for my rapid cycle/hypomania-turned severe depression, if it weren't for Pippin and Brandybuck.  :)>>>  They need me, and I need them more than anyone else can really know.

long story short:
Take good care of Yourself, sweetie


I'm on an antidepressant for severe depression that also helps me cope with my OCD symptoms. I am by no means anti life saving medication (and for severe depression you better believe this is a life saving drug) I just thought I would make that clear because I remember some people being given trouble in the recent past for admitting to using antidepressants, and I really don't want to take anyones shit.

;D Sassy pants!  (I think the harassment before involved pre-civil war people.  You're among friends.)

I take medication for my thyroid and I feel not even a smidgen of bad about it.


lol...i think im already a little feeling bad about it...and you never know when the vegweb baddens will pop out! :^ But i really do have to remind myself that without it...i would for sure be dead, and then I couldn't help anyone (actually, I wonder if that's true...I bet some people would go veg or temporarily veg in my honor if I was dead. Not to mention I'm SURE my family would have "send donations in loo of flowers" thing... Ill have to remember to tell my family to mention it in my eulogy...Good Gawd I'm morbid. I'm not really planning on killing myself, just the thought "wouldn't be good to anyone," didn't seem TOTALLY true, though Im sure I am of more use alive than dead. )....

But thank you for making me smile HH! :-D


I am not a doctor, just sharing my personal experience as I have had depressions and anxiety for sometime. The best way to get over anxiety and depression is to take a break from your regular schedule, go out, and take good sleep. This helps in clearing the mind and try consulting a specialist who can suggest you as how you can get over your problem. Rather than going on drugs, one should look for the reason behind there problem . Keeping yourself busy and changing the schedule also helps sometimes to get over stress and depression.


I thought I had added this link, very informative.

In addition to celtic sea salt, which has replaced my  home intake of regular salt, I am also trying apple cider vinegar. So far its proven to give me a little peep when I get home ( I used to have an espresso).
I was writing to a friend that I have not been down in the dumps for a few weeks or for possibly a month or more. Its not so much that I am happy all the time, but more progressive positive thought and the negative ones have dissipated. Even with loosing my job two weeks ago, I have remained focused and more positive in making this new situation work for the best.


When my father died at the end of last year, I hit a rough patch.. I personally found that St Johns Wort didn't work for me.
I have been taking L-Phenylalanine & a vitamin B complex daily.  Seems to be working.  The l-phenylalanine had quite a few reviews that mostly seemed positive and I have to say its worked for me (I don't even suffer PMS since taking them!)

Other things like diet, exercise all contribute.  Yoga does me good too.

Sorry if I am repeating what others have said on here - just saying what I find good for me.
Much love

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