I'm getting acupunture. Has anyone tried it before?
Posted by biodancer on Jun 20, 2008 · Member since Jul 2007 · 978 posts
I've been wanting to try acupuncture for a while for muscle problems that I have in my upper traps and upper back. I've been scared to try it for fear I would find some hack fill me full of holes. So I did some research found a reputable sounding doctor nearby and my aunt is coming with me because she wants to try it for her lower back problems. I've had physical therapy 3 times, pressure point massages, various doctors and tried countless other products. People I've talked to say it works really well or not at all, but I haven't heard anyone say it made them worse. So I figured it's worth the try. Has anyone had acupuncture? What for and did it help?
My boyfriend used to get it for his stress fractures in his shins from running. Worked really well. It was just too expensive for him to keep doing it, but now that he's not beating his body up from too much running, they've healed themselves.
I think his mom used to do it for migraines, too, but it was only temporary relief.
I've been getting acupuncture/tuina regularly for almost a year now. I started going to help w/ back issues and to better regulate my "cycle", I can say, it DOES work!! Tuina massage is another form of Chinese medicine involving cupping (suction cups moved around your back to release the myofacial (spl?) muscles and pull up impurities/toxins/etc), and gwa sha (spl?) (various edged objects, depending on the practitioner's preference/intention "gently" scraped along the back to draw up various things) each one can leave marks/colors and the colors mean different things in Chinese medicine. It is interesting to watch the colors change as you're receiving the same treatments over time.
Things we've successfully worked on w/ my treatments have been: menstral cycles, migraines (I had a stroke a few years back that has left me w/ these wonderful little "reminders"), sprained wrist, anxiety (including non-emotional but physical anxiety), back pain, and the most recent, a UTI....
Things that have been so-so: insomnia, hiccups (I have violent ones), appetite (to increase), weight gain, sinus issues, and hot flashes/night sweats.
Like with everything medically related, you really need to find a practitioner you're comfortable with and who's philosophy matches your own.
Here's some info I found on my practitioner's site that might help:
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a complete medical system that is used to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve well-being. It is effective for physical, psychological and emotional problems. Acupuncture originated in China more than 3,000 years ago, and due to its proven effectiveness, it has been embraced throughout the world.
How Acupuncture Works
Recently science has determined that human beings are complex bioelectric systems. This understanding has been the foundation of acupuncture practice for several thousand years.
Energy circulated throughout the body along well defined pathways. Points on the skin along these pathways are energetically connected to specific organs, body structures and systems. If this energy circulation is disrupted, optimum function is affected and this results in pain or illness. Acupuncture points are stimulated to balance the circulation of energy which influences the health of the entire being.
Types of Treatment
Treatment with acupuncture needles is the most commonly used technique. However, acupuncturists may utilize other forms of treatment such as moxibustion (a form of heat therapy) and a variety of massage and movement techniques. They may also recommend dietary modifications, herbal prescriptions and specific therapeutic exercises.
Since acupuncture promotes the body's natural healing ability, most conditions can be corrected or improved. Also, acupuncture is a comprehensive system of preventative health care and health maintenance. The effectiveness of acupuncture is well documented and extends far beyond the conception that it is only useful for chronic pain management or as an analgesic. Many athletes have discovered that acupuncture treatment helps them to achieve optimum performance levels. Recently acupuncture detoxification treatments have been recognized as a valid form of therapy for chemical dependency problems. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has established a solid reputation as a system of health care that works.
Commonly Treated Conditions
Including but not exclusive to:
o Allergies/Asthma
o Arthritis/Joint Problems
o Bladder/Kidney Problems
o Constipation/Diarrhea
o Cough/Bronchitis
o Drug Addiction/Smoking
o Gynecological Disorders
o Health Maintenance
o High Blood Pressure
o Infertility
o Neck Pain/Stiffness
o Paralysis/Numbness
o Sexual Dysfunction
o Stress/Tension
o Vision Problems
o Anxiety/Depression
o Back Pain
o Childhood Illness
o Colds/Flu
o Dizziness
o Fatigue
o Headache/Migraine
o Heart Problems
o Immune System Deficiency
o Knee Pain
o Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
o Sciatica
o Shoulder Pain
o Tendonitis
This is just a sample of commonly treated conditions by acupuncture. Of course, there are many more.
How Acupuncture Feels
Prior to their first treatment, many people do not believe that acupuncture can be painless. Different sensations such as warmth or pressure may be felt, but the energetic sensation differs from pain. People often comment that the feeling is unfamiliar but is pleasant and relaxing.
Acupuncture needles are very fine. About the size of a thick strand of hair. They are solid and nothing is injected through them. Over the centuries, refined needle insertion techniques have been developed which enable the skilled acupuncture practitioner to place a needle with little or no sensation.
In some cases it is not necessary to use needles at all. For example, when treating young children, infants, or sensitive adults, there are other techniques which are equally as effective. If you have a real fear of needles, discuss it with your acupuncturist. An appropriate treatment strategy can always be agreed upon.
I went to an acupuncturist after my car accident after repeated visits to the chiropractor.
I'm sorry I didn't get acupuncture sooner. That helped my back more than any chiropractor appointment I had. It was so relaxing and therapeutic, and produced greater long-term results.
It didn't hurt either like I thought it would. I actually felt like napping when all the needles were in me. The acupuncturist turned off the light, put on some soothing music.
There are various acupuncture methods used that don't involve needles as well, if the fear of needles is preventing you from going.
Some insurance plans do cover acupuncture.
Thanks guys. I have an appointment next Saturday and I'm looking forward to it. I'm not scared of needles more so of being hurt. I went to a chiropractor after and car accident and was really tramatized. The guy just threw me around cracking me really fast. I was crying when I got home. I was sore for a week afterwards. Like I said, it tramatized me and I'll never see a chiropractor again...ever. So I have a fear now of different treatments, but I think I'll be ok with this. Like I said, I've only heard good things or that it didn't help but no one ever said it made them worse. I really hope this helps. I will definitely keep you posted.
It worked for me for vary of problem. It is no medicine and it requires more than one visit and sometime months.
weird coincidence. The lady at my fav. chinese restaurant was just going on & on about acupuncture yesterday. She said she has had a problem with her ankle for years & went for acupuncture last week to see if it would help. She said it was a little sore right after, but it feels great now. She showed it to me & it looked all splotchy bruised though, just to warn you.
So long as you are seeing a reputable accupuncturist, I think that's great and that you could really benefit from it. I tried it a couple years back, but my doc was nothing but a fake and a money hungry one at that, so I never went back. I would consider it again if I could find someone trustworthy. It didn't hurt at all, but I did end up with some bruising...nothing major though.
I am so sorry to hear about your chiropractic experience. That's a shame! A good chiropractor is worth their weight in gold! I've found an awesome chiro where I am now and he has helped me SO much! He uses the gentle activator method on me and that requires no cracking.
Good luck to you and I hope you feel better. :)
I have had it a few times, and want to go back sooo badly, but its pricey!
however, it worked great for me, even those few times. I have extensive nerve damage and cannot feel my feet for the most part, my legs below the knee are also very tingly/numb in areas. Even from the first treatment, i felt this tingling (in a good way!) in my feet/ legs. It was an odd experience to step off the table and actually feel my shoes! It got even more improved every time i went.
There was some achiness in some of the other areas, but nothing big at all. I figure it was a way of stimulating the area???
If you have a good dr...they should tell you what to expect. and just communicate to them. Its a relaxing experience if nothing else!
i got it done when I had a horrible cold during this pregnancy and didn't want to take drugs. It didn't hurt at all, and i had needles in my face!
I did not get instant relief from my cold, but I definitely felt better (more energy). She prescribed some chinese herbs and I was cleared up in a week (but that could have happened anyway). I know people who swear by it, and when my shoulder starts to act up again, I am definitely going back to try it for that.
Don't worry about being hurt.....you couldn't see my holes either!
I used acupuncture to quit smoking years ago. It worked amazingly well. Have also had acupuncture for aches and pains. Again, positive results.
When my sister pulled her back a few years ago, I told her to try acupuncture. She was very skeptical. Now when she pulls her back she runs to get it done. Totally helped.
Many of my critters have had acupuncture. Mostly laser although a couple have had the needle acupuncture.
Years ago, I kicked my cat in my sleep. He could barely walk on his leg. After just one session of laser , you never would have known he had a sore leg.
My aunt had polio as a child. Not only did it help her with her walking but greatly helped her migraines.
It helped me the most when I had shingles. The conventional doctor just wanted to pump me up with pain killers. The pain was so intense. I went to a naturopath and had acupuncture. I never needed another pain killer. The conventional doctor actually said to me, I can give you more pain killers but if you want to do that crap...then so be it. I chose the 'crap'.
Let us know how it goes.
Di...thats good to know that you had success w/ the shingles pain. I have found out about a friend of my mothers who is going thru alot right now, one major thing being the shingles pain. I will *definately* pass the info along to her! thanks.
I had it for weight loss many years ago here in Spain. It was expensive, and though the man promised me to put me on some kind of "maintenance" thing so it would last, he never did. I think he was a charlatan. I finally had to stop going because I couldn't afford it after I stopped working fulltime. The pounds came back and brought their friends. But I think he wasn't the best, he was certainly Spanish, not Asian, not that that has anything to do with skill but with mindset certainly. He had 6 treatment rooms going at all times, with 20 min sessions per patient = 18 patients per hour. They were in and out of there like shelling peas. And at the prices he charged, he was mining gold.
I have a pretty ridiculous list of medical issues, so I went one day w/ a roommate that thought it'd be good for me. She did her thing, I barely felt anything at all, and by the time I walked to the car right outside the door, I felt like I had the flu. I drove the 20 minutes home, and I honestly thought I was gonna die. It felt like the worst flu of my life. I've had meningitis, and it was worse than that. So of course I got scared and never went back. But it obviously worked, getting all the toxins and nasty nastiness out of me, it just took me awhile to figure that out,lol. But yes, it did indeed work, I just need to get my booty back there to start seeing a real difference. When I have extra $$$ I'll go again, but it can get crazy expensive.
Yeah, it's going to be expensive. $60-$70 a session. But they do take Aetna insurance which is what I have, I just don't know if my particular Aetna plan covers acupuncture. I used to get regular massages to work on pressure points and that was about $55 a session but didn't always help and could actually be painful at times because those knots are so sensitive. I'll hope for the best.