Mood Swings
For those of you who noticed my recent absence: it is depression-related. I've dealt with major depression, mood swings, and general melancholy since I was about 12. I don't take antidepressants. Instead I try to manage my symptoms with exercise, positive thinking, talk therapy, and of course a vegan diet.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I was going to ask for suggestions on natural mood boosters. Anyone else here dealing with depression? Have you tried supplements, standing on your head, anything else?
It's been a particularly bad couple of months for me. I feel totally flattened by my moods, no matter what I do. I'm not willing to medicate again ... it makes me feel like a zombie. (And I hate zombies!) And I know it's not seasonal depression, because it never goes away.
Anything? Anyone?
I've been up and down too, took the past three days off work...
I try to keep active, but I get lonely and distant. And odd combination.
Things that have eased things more recently.
Art. I have distanced myself for years from art. But in my days
off I completed a painting and need to make ten more asap.
Diet. Super nutrition; wheat grass, efa's as in hemp seed oil and olive oil (cold pressed, raw and organic)
Folate and b-12 levels. Low levels may be linked to depression signs. People actually (in studies) have had better result with b-12 supplements over anti-depression medication. Some of us might have low levels...
Sunlight, get out and get active. I tend to sit inside all day long.
This article is VERY insightful
I am considering the celtic sea salt.
Hug and lets talk! :)>>>
I know you said you don't want to take anything, but I'm wondering if you'd be willing to try that route again. There are medications out now that are really effective and you might be able to talk to a doctor about your concerns and find something that works for you. I think everything you're doing is great and has helped me a lot, but sometimes people just need a little extra boost.
I don't have any advice to offer really as I am in the same boat. I just wanted to say keep up what you are doing because it DOES make a good effect in your life and thank you for this post..I had never heard of talk therapy until reading your post and I think that is something I will look into. If you ever want to talk, send me a message anytime, I am a good listener and maybe we could help each other ;)b
Hmmmm.....Well, this is what I've been doing to "aid" my meds.....and all of it, I found out a few months ago from my psychiatric social worker has been found successful in medical studies to aid mood disorders/depression.
**SAM-e** The typical clinical dose is 400mg 2x's a day, with a max of 1600mgs total daily dosage. In order for it to be better absorbed into your system, it is suggested that you take it on an empty stomach, and wait 30+ min before a meal. You want to work up to it gradually, upping the total daily dose weekly by 200mg.
1st week: 200mg once a day (empty stomach, 30 min before food)
2nd week: 200mg twice a day "
3rd week: 200mg once 400mg once (ie, 200mg Morning and 400mg Evening)
4th week: 400mg twice a day
Again, let me stress, it is IMPORTANT for you to take this on an empty stomach!!
Omegas (3, 6, 9) I am pescatarian, so I take Salmon oil twice a day for this.....
GOOD Fats By this I mean foods that are "fatty" and carry high amounts of things like the Omega acids: Avocados, Walnuts, Cashews, etc...I try to eat 1/4 + cup of cashews a day.....
Vitamin B Complex I take a B Complex 50 every morning
Vitamin D Recent studies Vitamin D helps aid the brain in processing serotonin. If you don't already take a Calcium Supplement that contains this, I recommend you get a separate Vitamin D.....
**CHOCOLATE** My old guidance counselor in High School referred to it as the "poor man's anti-depressant".....I seriously have a spot in my grocery budget specifically for my chocolate consumption. Keep in mind, the darker the better, and to guard your "stash" from others, else you may go to get your "daily dose" only to find your week's supply diminished by those who feel "snacky".
Vitamin C helps blood cells, thus helps brain....yadda helps
Protein like it, or not....but protein truly is "brain food", and it aid the neurons in transmitting/receiving chemicals
Blood Sugar regardless of whether or not you are diabetic or hypoglycemic, if you are prone to mood swings, it has been found blood sugar plays a roll in this. (Which is why one can get crabby if hungry, etc)
Iron Along with sluggishness, another symptom of anemia is depression
Recommended Foods
Dark Chocolate
Olive Oil
Dark, leafy greens
okay, that's all I have off the "top" of my head....I'm kinda drugged up right now....but I've spent 40 min on this, hope it is helpful to you
Hang in there, and know, we are here to help in any way possible
Dear Everyone,
Thanks so much! It's good to hear from all of you ... and thanks for your suggestions.
My email address (, also posted on my profile) is the best way to reach me if any of you want to talk more about this.
Also I noticed that VegHeadZealia has a similar thread on "homeopathic treatment of depression."
Gotta check that one out too ...
Dear Everyone,
My confirmation name was Perpetua. If I recall, she was pretty hardcore. That is all. (:
Dear Everyone,
My confirmation name was Perpetua. If I recall, she was pretty hardcore. That is all. (:
Yup, Perpetua rocks. It also reminds me of Dame Perpetua in Rumer Godden's "In This House of Brede." She was really cool. And I highly, highly reccomend the book. (Are there, or are there not, 2 c's in "recommend?")
Dear Everyone,
My confirmation name was Perpetua. If I recall, she was pretty hardcore. That is all. (:
Yup, Perpetua rocks. It also reminds me of Dame Perpetua in Rumer Godden's "In This House of Brede." She was really cool. And I highly, highly reccomend the book. (Are there, or are there not, 2 c's in "recommend?")
One C, two MMs. You are so sweet.
Blackrabbit, so sorry you are having a bad time of things right now.
I'm nearly 30; I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for the past eighteen years. I've tried 13 different mood medications, and most of them made me worse.
Omega 3 is, in my opinion, the best natural mood regulator out there. Flax seeds and flax seed oil are full of omega 3, are readily available, and can be added to most everything you eat.
I also tried a drug-free program called Attacking've probably heard it advertised on the radio or seen it on television. My mother purchased it for me during a particularly grim period in my life, and it helped me immensely. It is a bit expensive, but the older versions work just as well as the newer ones so you might try looking on eBay or Craigslist for it. I've seen people pan it before and say it doesn't work, but I think that's because they were expecting an immediate miracle. You can't expect overnight results with it, and you can't rush it, it's something you need to do over a period of months for it to really be effective.
Anyway, I hope you find something that works for you. Feel better soon. *many hugs*
Blackrabbit, so sorry you are having a bad time of things right now.
I'm nearly 30; I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for the past eighteen years. I've tried 13 different mood medications, and most of them made me worse.
Omega 3 is, in my opinion, the best natural mood regulator out there. Flax seeds and flax seed oil are full of omega 3, are readily available, and can be added to most everything you eat.
I also tried a drug-free program called Attacking've probably heard it advertised on the radio or seen it on television. My mother purchased it for me during a particularly grim period in my life, and it helped me immensely. It is a bit expensive, but the older versions work just as well as the newer ones so you might try looking on eBay or Craigslist for it. I've seen people pan it before and say it doesn't work, but I think that's because they were expecting an immediate miracle. You can't expect overnight results with it, and you can't rush it, it's something you need to do over a period of months for it to really be effective.
Anyway, I hope you find something that works for you. Feel better soon. *many hugs*
I haven't heard of "Attacking Anxiety" before, but I'll look into it.
Got a big bottle of flax seed oil ... starting on that today!
PS. Hanashi, dark chocolate ALWAYS makes me feel better!
I noticed that the odwall blueberry b montser juice makes me feel better, it has 360% b-12 and all other b's
Also I much prefer the taste of hemp seed oil over flax.
Are you feeling any better?
odwall blueberry b montser juice
Hey!!!! This reminds me of something........
I noticed that the odwall blueberry b montser juice makes me feel better, it has 360% b-12 and all other b's
Also I much prefer the taste of hemp seed oil over flax.
Are you feeling any better?
I just drank a B Monster! Weird. It's like you're psychic.
I feel ... a little better. I had a few crying outbursts today but otherwise am a little improved. (God, I hope that doesn' t make me sound psychotic.) I am playing on the floor with my baby and eating blackberries. The sun's been out for the last 4 hours. Things could be worse!
odwall blueberry b montser juice
Hey!!!! This reminds me of something........
I just read that thread! Eek!
Now I feel all DURRRTY.
odwall blueberry b montser juice
Hey!!!! This reminds me of something........
I just read that thread! Eek!
Now I feel all DURRRTY.
I seem to have that short term effect on women.
BR, I don't have much experience with depression, and it sounds like you've gotten alot of responses here that are promising. I do tend to feel distant & detached alot of the, far away from the world even if I'm interacting with people or doing something. It's almost like getting tunnel vision - it feels like I'm watching myself do things from far back inside myself.
Anyway, I don't know if that is an issue for you, but I've found that spending good 1 on 1 time with someone is helpful. In group situations it can become worse, especially if the conversation is trivial or something I can't really relate to...but having a really good conversation with someone usually brings me out of it. Physical contact also helps alot. I guess this isn't necessarily a treatment for mood swings or anything, but it helps me. Maybe trying things like that and consciously thinking about whether they help you feel happier would work for you too, and you'll know in future whether something like this would help. (although I know it definitely isn't a solution - just things that make a bit of difference!)
odwall blueberry b montser juice
Hey!!!! This reminds me of something........
I just read that thread! Eek!
Now I feel all DURRRTY.
Ironic sarcasm is a healthy response. All is not lost!
Don't give up on me yet, I've been physically ill all day. Woke up with the "back door scoots" and now have a fever. Haven't eaten anything much, so I think it's a feverish flu cold thing.
I feel better today, despite getting no sleep & having the shakes from too much coffee.
I have been mainlining flax oil (thank you Trader Joe's) and I found some really good flax waffles to try. Whew! I also did a little research and it looks like 3 tbsp. a day of flax oil is enough to act like an antidepressant.
Good stuff.
Also, I bought a swimsuit, which tells you how much my mood has altered.
YG: poor baby! I hope you get over your illness quickly. It's the worst to be sick like that.
Eric: I'm married, so I can't ethically tell you how totally fine you are.
Tino: I did take your advice, and talked with a good friend (on the phone, but still) for about an hour today. I also met with a mommy friend and her kids for coffee. It did help, and I know what you mean about feeling lost in a crowd. One-on-one is the way to go.
Eric: I'm married, so I can't ethically tell you how totally fine you are.
Eric: I'm married, so I can't ethically tell you how totally fine you are.
Honesty is nothing if not circuitous. For the record.