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Motion Sickness Remedies

Hi! I realize that I haven't written in a while and my most recent contribution to this forum will be a thread about motion sickness, but hey, you guys are always so resourceful.

I was wondering if you had any tips on how to control motion sickness. I don't necessarily want to take Gravols which will make me sleepy, and some people told me about the bracelets that are supposed to work, but I'm skeptic.

Do YOU suffer from motion sickness and what are your best ways to take care of it?

Isn't ginger supposed to help?


I have a relief band. It's awesome.

I'm not going to go into it any more than that though because I always type up these glowing recommendations and personal experiences and people never listen to me about it anyway. :P


I use ginger a lot.  I get motion sick all the time, esp in the car sometimes even when I drive!  Ginger caps help, and they also work great for general upset tummys and morning sickness.

Some people have told me about Sea Bands, they apply pressure to a pressure point on the wrist that is supposed to alleviate motion sickness.  They never worked for me, but we use them on my 3 yr old and they seem to help.


I tried those wrist thingys & I never got sick with them, but I can't be sure that they prevented me getting sick and now I can't find them. I used to get motion sick all the time. It helps to have dry bland snacks on hand, like crackers or pretzels. Also, don't read or look out the side window in a car, try to look out the front window, even if you are sitting in the back. I also really like gin-gin candies. I sometimes get sick after races, esp if their isn't a lot for me to eat after the race & there is a long ride back home. the gin gins & snacks seem to help.


Stop moving.

Yeah, that sucked.


I have a relief band. It's awesome.

I'm not going to go into it any more than that though because I always type up these glowing recommendations and personal experiences and people never listen to me about it anyway. :P

I listen! 


I have a relief band. It's awesome.

I'm not going to go into it any more than that though because I always type up these glowing recommendations and personal experiences and people never listen to me about it anyway. :P

I listen! 

In general, or you'd like to learn more about my friend the relief band?


Salt and vinegar chips.
I get motion sick in cars all the time and S&V always helps, apparently the salt settles your stomach or something?
Not like chowing down on them, just having them there to put one in your mouth for the flavour each time you don't feel well or your stomach lurches.
Works a charm for me! But then I'm a bit odd.


I have a relief band. It's awesome.

I'm not going to go into it any more than that though because I always type up these glowing recommendations and personal experiences and people never listen to me about it anyway. :P

I listen! 

In general, or you'd like to learn more about my friend the relief band?


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