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This One's Mostly For the Ladies!

Hey all! I was just wondering how many of you manage your monthly visitor  :o in "unconventional" ways. I definitely think this is (or should be) a big issue for people that care about the health of themselves and the planet, and since vegweb is frequented by several of these people, I thought it would be the perfect place to ask. So, if you do use an "unconventional" method, what is it? How has it improved (or inconvenienced) your life? Where did you get it/them?
I use cloth pads, and I have to say that my periods are a lot more pleasant now. I used to be exclusive to tampons, and my periods seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, longer and longer, with more severe cramping as time went on. I started using cloth pads in October '08 and have never looked back. My periods only last about 4 days now, where before they would go on for up to 11 days. I have one, maybe 2 heavy days now, before I had 3-4 heavy days. If you are looking into to cloth pads, I highly recommend getting them from Laura at, especially if you're on a tight budget. This is who I got my pads from, and she is wonderful. She only uses stained/torn clothing that would have normally ended up in the landfill to make all the pads, and you can do clothing trades, cookie trades, and other trades to make it more affordable (she's very inexpensive anyway) and the pads are very stylish (really). Definitely check out her site! On another note, I do have a LilacCup which I got straight from the distributor (LadyCup), but I have problems getting it to open up properly, and even when I get it to open up right, it leaks, and it seems to contribute to cramping. I haven't totally given up on it yet, but I've definitely had more luck with the pads. This is my 1st post, so I hope I did it right, and I hope to get some responses, especially since I kinda just threw myself out there.  :D


Diva Diva Diva!!!   ;)b

And uh...what do you mean by mostly for the ladies?   :-D


Yeahhhhhhhhh, the diva! I've been using it for several months now, and I really enjoy it. It was really only tricky in the very beginning.
I've even successfully done it in the work bathroom!  ;D
I got mine on, but I know people have found websites with it a lot cheaper (in the diva club thread), AND I know that goodfoodstore has them, but they are not really that cheap, just like regular price. There are sites that can teach you different folds/methods, and all sorts o' stuff!

eta: and I highly approve of the post, and I highly approve of Claygenie!!!


eta: and I highly approve of the post, and I highly approve of Claygenie!!!

So you two know each other?

Also I love the diva cup. I've used it for only 2 months but I'm already so happy with it.


eta: and I highly approve of the post, and I highly approve of Claygenie!!!

So you two know each other?

Yes! We worked together, but she has a new job now!


I want to get a diva cup, give it a shot. It seems like something worth doing.


I want to get a diva cup, give it a shot. It seems like something worth doing.

yes, do it! and if it doesn't seem to work at first, you can always try again another time.


I want to get a diva cup, give it a shot. It seems like something worth doing.

Do it!!!!!  You can get them at Whole Foods if you don't want to order one online.


I cant get things online  :-\ But i'll be at the lookout at my HFS, i think they might have them, and this tuesday is 20% off everything day so i'll run in and see.


I got mine on amazon.  I think it was like $19, but that was almost 2 years ago.  I can' imagine using tampons or pads anymore. 

btw:  I think it's funny that I rememeber the "anniversary" my diva cup, but not the anniversary of going vegan :)


Yay! That's so cool that there's a "diva club"! Vegweb is the coolest place in the entire WORLD!  ^-^


eta: and I highly approve of the post, and I highly approve of Claygenie!!!

I'm lovin you AC! :)>>>


eta: and I highly approve of the post, and I highly approve of Claygenie!!!

I'm lovin you AC! :)>>>

:)>>> but  ??? Huh?


you're not being so nazi-ish about double posting.  ;)b  :-D

eta: it might be time for me to change my little thingy under my pic. what's that called again? sub nick?


you're not being so nazi-ish about double posting.  ;)b  :-D

eta: it might be time for me to change my little thingy under my pic. what's that called again? sub nick?

Hey! She just didn't know to search for "diva," otherwise...I would have! Rude!  :-*

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