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Random breakouts since going vegan?

I've been vegan for about 2 months now, but I've gotten random breakouts on my shoulders since I started. I'm 18 years old, and I know acne is a normal thing for my age, but I've rarely had acne growing up, is this normal?

It might not be related. Are you eating a lot more soy? The only thing I can think of is a soy allergy, but I don't know why that would happen on your shoulders. You are lucky to not have had acne until now!


I break out into song.

Does that count?


I break out into song.

Does that count?

tee hee!!


Yes I have had weird breakouts since going lacto vegetarian and now more that I've gone vegan.  I have noticed though that they were worse when I was lacto and not as bad now that I am vegan.  I also got dandruff which is gross.


  I went broke when I became vegan. :)
No seriously there are foods which I never ate before becoming vegan which do bother me such as ginger. I never ate it before being vegan so could have thought the problems it causes were because of my becoming vegan while it really was just because I then first ate the ginger. It gives me a rash on the lower part of my back which takes about a week to clear up. It may be something like that.
Oh I broke out of jail too when I became vegan. ^-^


I've been vegan for about 2 months now, but I've gotten random breakouts on my shoulders since I started. I'm 18 years old, and I know acne is a normal thing for my age, but I've rarely had acne growing up, is this normal?

If you're eatging a lot of soy that could be the problem....Soy can actually be harmful to your health unless its been properly fermented....Most soy isn't and thats why some cant tolerate it....Unless fermented it's like eating 100% estrogen(though it's not....long story) and that can be bad for women especially....


when I FIRST went vegan I broke out a couple of times, and I believe it was because of detox or something...

but honestly, since I went vegan, my skin has never been better and I used to be EXTREMELY acne prone...

I also use vegan facial scrubs,

maybe you should look into some.  I use this stuff by "Azida" it's a hemp meal face and body scrub--you can find it on in the bath and body section :) 


It was the same for me as it was for Tweedle with detoxing after going vegan. If you are still getting breakouts it might be due to fluctuations in your diet or excess sodium. Beyond that I don't know what to think of other than looking to see if it is an allergy to something. It took me awhile to figure out that my "random" breakouts were due to a grass allergy that includes rice and cane sugar.


I had the opposite problem. Really bad skin/chronic acne UNTIL I went vegan. I've been fine since. Perhaps your body is cleansing & will be much healthier once that cycle is done. Otherwise, are you eating lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and whole foods? Because there are lots of vegan "junk foods" out there that aren't the best for your skin--especially those w/ hydrogenated oils & refined flours.
Good luck! :)

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