Tips for an "anti-biotic" stomach?
Hi all! My DH is sick with bronchitis. He went to the doc today after spending more than a week trying to fight it naturally, but he needed anti-biotics and they've done a number on his stomach. I guess three days camping with a chest cold didn't help matters.
Truthfully, he's only had two doses, but he was in terrible shape this evening. I am allergic to a slew of antibiotics and I have a handle on which ones I can and can't take and have known for years, so I can't really figure out where his distress is coming from. It apparently "just hurts." :'(
He had food with his pills, but not anything heavy (pumpkin soup and bread). Do I need to make him a big breakfast for tomorrow's dose? Does fat help? Protein? Fiber? I'm not sure which way to go with this.
Antibiotics strip the good bacteria from the stomach & your hubby needs to replace them. There are vegan yogurts but you'd have to check if they have pre &/or pro (gut friendly) biotics. It should help him a lot.
Yogurt. Lotsa yogurt. With pro-biotics especially. Also, follow the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce and tea. Or expand it to the BRATTY - Bananas, rice, applesauce and tea, toasty and yogurt. I have MUCH experience in this department and is the main reason I fight going to the doctors (even though I've been a nurse and worked at office far too many years.) when sick. The GI systems -should- pass..eventually..but if they do not, call the doctor and get him to switch then as mdvegan suggested. I hope he feels better and I'm sending good vibes his way.
ok, thanks guys. I just dosed him with a probiotic after a big bowl of p-butter oatmeal. I'll keep tabs on him to see if we should just call the doc for a new prescription.
I've got some wholesoy mixed berry yogurt in the fridge:
Jessesmum, I confess, I assumed all yogurts have the gut friendly cultures. This one does, doesn't it?
I think if it has
'live active cultures" it does, right?
I've got some wholesoy mixed berry yogurt in the fridge:
Jessesmum, I confess, I assumed all yogurts have the gut friendly cultures. This one does, doesn't it?
Yes, good stuff!
Even after your DH is well, I'd continue to get this always. You're lucky because I have a hard time finding soy we've been going without.
I hope he feels better soon. :)
What kind of antibiotics are they? The worst I've had for belly pain was Flagyl, but I had to be on that because I got a superinfection from other antibiotics (much too high of a dose of a too broad spectrum AB, killed off all the bacteria in my gut except for one "superbacteria" that only is killed by Flagyl or Vanco). There was pretty much nothing that helped. My doctor even called in prescription anti nausea meds and it didn't help at all. They stopped them early because I was in so much pain (and then the superinfection reoccured a week later so... yea..).
What kind of antibiotics are they?
It's Clarithromicyn. He's doing better. He just needed a full belly to handle them. And the probiotics.
I'm trying to get sick now, but I'm not gonna let it take me, dammit! I've slept 20 of the last 30 hours and I'll go back to bed in a few minutes. My class has their final on Thursday and I can't very well postpone it. :P
What kind of antibiotics are they?
It's Clarithromicyn. He's doing better. He just needed a full belly to handle them. And the probiotics.
I'm trying to get sick now, but I'm not gonna let it take me, dammit! I've slept 20 of the last 30 hours and I'll go back to bed in a few minutes. My class has their final on Thursday and I can't very well postpone it. :P
Clarithromycin is amacrolide and most macrolides are well known to cause nausea/vomiting. I normally counsel patient's to take it with food to avoid this . Definitely keep up with the probiotics.
You may, if you want , give him hot peppers powder for one day (thrice at least), and literally see Bronchities and stomach upset disappear.
Capsaicin is a natural anti bacterial compound. It won't give stomach upsets .
All bronchial blockage will get released on consuming chilli powder/hot chillies and hot sauces.