Too much fruit?
Is it possible to eat too much fruit? Most 'food pyramid' type guidelines tend to show 2-4 servings as the recommendation. I probably eat at least double that! I eat about an equal amount of non-starchy veggies, and up to three 'proteiney' things - I just tend not to eat very much in the way of starches/grains. I'd expect the problem, if any, to be blood sugar spikes, but I actually find my energy/blood sugar is more stable with fruit than with the refined carbs that tend to be available to us broke student-types. And I would lean more heavily on veggies, but it's a hell of a lot easier to pinch bananas from the cafeteria than it is to walk out with the salad bar! Am I doing myself any harm by replacing my bread with bananas and my oatmeal with apples?
I eat a lot of fruit too, so I thought maybe I'd look it up.
It seems like most of the sites I saw do suggest that an excess in fruit can be harmful, but they also seem to be regarding not getting enough of other nutrients. I don't know for sure, but I love fruit and feel much better about myself after eating fruit than some other crap, so I'll reap whatever consequences it may have later and just be happier for the time being.
my diet is based in fruit and i've never felt healthier.
you can check out my fit day to see how much fruit i eat (linked on my profile).
personally I don't think that its gonna harm you. When I was growing up the food pyramid said 5-10 servings of fruits OR veggies. I tend to eat a lot of fruit too. My blood sugar and my vitamin levels are perfect. I wouldn't worry about it too much, your body will tell you if something is wrong, trust me ;)
Oh and I forgot to mention, It reminds me of the 80/10/10 diet where he states that for optimal health you should get 80% of your calories from carbs (ie fruits and veggies) you should check out the book, its a good read.
Hespedal: Love the food you eat! :)>>> Thats where I'm trying to get to by my husband is convinced he'll starve if he eats nothing but fruits and veggies!
Thank you guys!
FitDay was giving me some really contradictory/counterproductive advice... (I think I probably do not belong on a food-tracking website with my history of issues XD)
At any rate, I'm pretty sure that wherever my carbs come from is working okay with my body... I have been feeling a bit run-down lately, though, and as much as FitDay is a brain-ruining device, it seems to have pointed out that I'm not getting much in the way of protein, iron, calcium, or B-vitamins. Symptomatic of studenthood, I suppose... (Any ideas for cheap, nutrient-dense, available-in-backwoods-Scotland-in-winter sources of those?)
An easy way I get my iron, b-vitamins, and some other vitamins (I would list them all if I hadn't thrown out the package with the nutritional stats!) without a supplement is by eating dried dulse. Now I don't know if you could get this easily in backwoods Scotland, but because it's dried, maybe you could order some. You only need to eat a tablespoon or two a day and it keeps forever. Just an idea...
An easy way I get my iron, b-vitamins, and some other vitamins (I would list them all if I hadn't thrown out the package with the nutritional stats!) without a supplement is by eating dried dulse. Now I don't know if you could get this easily in backwoods Scotland, but because it's dried, maybe you could order some. You only need to eat a tablespoon or two a day and it keeps forever. Just an idea...
Or eat green leafy vegetables *ninja*.
eating more fruit kept my blood sugar spiking, so i have tried to pack more to-go veggies instead of as many fruits (i am constantly on the go)....that overall has helped, also dehydrated and seasoned kelp works wonders...just a thought.
Oh and I forgot to mention, It reminds me of the 80/10/10 diet where he states that for optimal health you should get 80% of your calories from carbs (ie fruits and veggies) you should check out the book, its a good read.
Hespedal: Love the food you eat! :)>>> Thats where I'm trying to get to by my husband is convinced he'll starve if he eats nothing but fruits and veggies!
80/10/10 is what i do!
also, my boyfriend does it and he eats about 4,000 calories (at least) a day (he bikes a lot). You definitely have to get used to it, but it can be done! i'm also on this site and one of the people that runs it is this guy (durianrider) who sometimes eats about 10,000 calories a day.
ETA: there's another guy on the site that does marathons regularly (won one recently) and just did a 50 mile race recently, too. You most certainly will not starve!
What are the "10/10" in 80/10/10 hespedal? Fat and protein?
yes, it's 80% carbs, 10% fat, and 10% protein.
of course, the fat and protein are supposed to be maximum of 10% (but this is over, like, a year.. so it doesn't need to come out to that daily).
You only eat overt fats (like avocado, seeds, nuts) sometimes and base your diet in sweet fruit (in order to get enough calories, since veggies are very low in calories) with the addition of non-sweet fruits (tomato, cucumber, sweet peppers, etc.) and a good deal of greens.
It's crazy, I never thought I would have days that all I would eat is fruits and veggies, but I do it and love it!
I really love the sound of this diet, but I think I just love cooking too much.
Maybe one day...
oww: same!
i sooo love (loved?) cooking. but i actually don't mind not cooking at all. hehe. i need a new hobby, though.
hrmmm. I already just have fruit for lunch , and I want to get back into having smoothies for breakfast. Maybe that will have to be good enough for now : )
also, I don't know that my husband would go for raw fruit/vegetables for dinner... it's awesome enough to me that he actually eats 95% vegan at home, and enjoys it. I wouldn't want to push my luck and have him start cooking meat in the house : /
lol, yeah, i'm lucky cause dustin and i are both doing it.
eating fruit all day and having a cooked dinner is great, for sure. i loved doing that before i did it 100%.
Thats what I plan on doing, or atleast trying. I watched a 25 part lecture by Rev. George. Basically he preaches a 100% raw diet. My husband listened in on parts of this, and by some miracle of god, hes interested!!! I have to prove to him I'm willing to do it though. So next month I am going to try a 90ish precent raw diet. THIS IS HUGE! For those who don't know me, two and a half months ago I was eating the typical american diet, overloaded with animal protein, preservatites and everything else! Now I am a vegan, going on raw. Most people I talked to do this over YEARS. I dunno I am just proud of myself. I won't lie, I'm mainly gonna go raw for the weigh loss prospects. I figure with 10% cooked I'll have a good median. Even if its like 20%, thats better then before. I dunno but wish me luck! I get paid on the 5th so then I can go shopping. I really didn't budge my money well this month and am stuck eating mostly canned food. BLEH!
A lot of blogs/people I talk to say that once they go raw they don't like cooked food. And Like others, my passion is cooking, but I dunno with my health maybe I too should find a new hobby :-D I will admit I accidently had fish a week ago and thought I was gonna die from the taste, it was horrible. 3 months ago I would have consumed huge amounts of it. I call the progress. ps.. I had to get the fish thing off my mind. I felt so guilty! :-\
lol, yeah, i'm lucky cause dustin and i are both doing it.
eating fruit all day and having a cooked dinner is great, for sure. i loved doing that before i did it 100%.
this i could do... but raw plain fruit and veggies for the rest of my life seems boring to me :( i wish i had that kind of willpower... i am not much of a fruit lover maybe that has something to do with my resistance?
fay, let me know if you need any help or have any questions! also, checking out the website i mentioned would be good, it's a great resource for the fruity raw people. ALSO, we are totally low income, so i've been working on making things as cheap as possible. if you need any tips let me know.
aml- weirdly, dustin was not much of a fruit lover, either, but he started trying new fruits and putting things he didn't like in his smoothies and ended up loving and craving fruit. he used to hate bananas and now he will eat meals of them plain.
fay, let me know if you need any help or have any questions! also, checking out the website i mentioned would be good, it's a great resource for the fruity raw people. ALSO, we are totally low income, so i've been working on making things as cheap as possible. if you need any tips let me know.
aml- weirdly, dustin was not much of a fruit lover, either, but he started trying new fruits and putting things he didn't like in his smoothies and ended up loving and craving fruit. he used to hate bananas and now he will eat meals of them plain.
I'm trying to start buying mostly produce but I'm on a tight budjet. Any suggestions? I'm trying to get my hands on a second hand juicer so I can make myself eat a little healthier. Plus the fiance and I both really like fruit so I think replacing the junk food in the apartment with fruit and veggies would go over well. He's been trying to loose weight for ages and his diet of pizza, low fat dairy, grains, and fruit aren't working. Time to try something different. For both of us.
well, your in ohio, so i suppose foraging is out.. yeah?
We like to buy things in cases from our health food store/co-op and we get them just a little above wholesale or discounted from the price in the market (this works well on 80/10/10 because you eat soo much fruit and greens, for normal produce buying i'm not sure...)
also, buying things like "over-ripe" bananas, which are actually perfectly ripe is a great idea (and if you can eat them in time, peel them and freexe them for smoothies).
Do you have any farmer's markets in your area? I find that I get the best prices at farmer's markets because you can get stuff that isn't sprayed or anything, but may not be certified organic (which costs a lot of money to get the certification). If you don't have farmer's markets, but there are a variety of things being grown around you, tr to get in direct touch with the farmers. You will get the freshest stuff.
ohhh, actually, I just found this: it looks like you have some local CSA programs (maybe it's only seasonal, though? i didn't check) for about $20/wk.
We have a couple of farmers markets here in the summer and a large farm called Whitehouse Farms that is not too far away, but they both ship in nonseasonal items (:P). There is an organic farm we go to on the PA border that is run by a nunnery but the drive is a good 45 mins to get to it. The prices are cheap and the food is good though, so I guess it is worth the drive.
I've never been foraging, that sounds fun!
Wow, I didn't know about that website, thank you! I will definitely check it out!