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Vegan Iron-Free Whole Food Vitamins/Minerals?

Does anybody know of any vegan iron-free whole food multivitamin/minerals sold in the U.S.?  I saw some on Vegan Essentials, but they cost about $34 for a 10 day supply (that's out of my budget) and they were missing nutrients.  Also, I need one that declares how much of each nutrient it contains (a lot of them don't) so I can monitor my nutrients.  Thank you.

As a matter of fact, yes! The kind I started using are VegLife Vegan One Multiple. They are iron free!


I take Whole Foods brand multi with iron, but I'm pretty sure they have  a type without iron.

Just make sure to get the ones that are not in gel caps.

Why can't you take iron?


I take Whole Foods brand multi with iron, but I'm pretty sure they have  a type without iron.

Just make sure to get the ones that are not in gel caps.

Why can't you take iron?

I think sometimes people take iron separately because iron can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients (or other nutrients interfere with iron absorption...I can never remember).  I've heard of people taking an iron-free multivitamin in the morning and then taking an iron supplement at night.


i just saw on oprah (yes i know) when she had dr. oz on and he was talking about vitamins with and without iron.  he said that women of menstruating age should take the ones with iron due to losing iron from the blood loss of a period, but men & post menopausal women dont need the additional iron cus they get enough from the food and dont lose it due to periods.  i had never realized that but it makes total sense!


Just want to chime in that long distance runners also should take iron. It's something to do with how running alot causes microtears in your muschles & joints & your body uses iron to repair them. I read it in Runner's World, WebMD & a couple different places: it's called runner's anemia. Seems to be true for me because when I was training for a marathon, I didn't feel well until I started taking 200-300% of the RDA of Iron, ESPECIALLY the week of my period.

Too bad I figured all this out pretty late in the training schedule & had already fallen behind. Next time I decide to do the distance I'll be better informed! For now, I'm  only running 20 miles or less a week since I'm also biking & swimming so I just take 100% the RDA of iron and I'm feeling pretty good!

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