Vegans watching Carbs...
Posted by poopinshmicken on Jul 27, 2009 · Member since May 2008 · 112 posts
Hey Veg Webbers!
I'm trying to keep my carb-intake down to about 30-45% of my total calories in a day and I noticed I eat closer to 60 - 70% so I was wondering what might be some good recipes or snacks without carbo-loading. Does anyone else notice that they eat too many carbs? (I guess I'm looking to up my protein and fat intake so maybe recipes focused on that...) I'm not trying to go on Atkins (yuck!) or anything but my body isn't using all that I'm taking in so I'm not losing weight.
(If this is a repeat post I'm really sorry - haven't been on for a while!)
First of all, what kind of carbs do you eat? What are you counting as carbs? I mean, fruits and vegetables have carbs, but no one got fat from eating those.
Usually when people watch their carbs, they mean things like bread and grains and sugar. Is that what you mean? I mean, carbs aren't BAD, it's just choosing the right carbs--the ones with nutrition. And not eating too many, because your calorie intake will be too high. At the end of the day, it's about the calories really.
Second, I would replace them with high-protein snacks. Like, get rid of crackers and bread and replace with fruits and vegetables and protein. Like, you could have veggies with hummus, or make some kind of bean salad, or soup (always low calorie) and things like that. Replace white rice with brown or get rid of it entirely (depending on how much you exercise) and replace it with some other side. Make smoothies.
I like the fat-free vegan website for recipes. You can look under "Beans and Legumes" or "Stews and Chilies" for some ideas.
Also, make sure you have a good exercise routine, that will really help with the weight loss.
kmk posted while I was typing, but I'm posting this anyway - even though it's a repeat of what she said.
I dunno. I eat mostly carbs. What kind of carbs are you eating?
I whine a lot about my s.l.o.w. metabolism. I can't eat rice, flour products like bread or pasta, potatoes, etc. Also, it's a given that I'll gain weight if I eat refined sugar, even if my total calorie intake is low. I eat plain oatmeal, beans on greens/veggies, and some fruit as a snack. It's all of the food groups and I still get something sugary, but without my body throwing a fit.
If you're looking to lose or maintain weight, it may be carbs, but your body may have its own trigger carbs that if you avoid, you're good to go.
Holla, we pretty much matched. High fives!
i know this is pretty much the same as kmk and hh, but i would say that you should just cut out refined carbohydrates and focus on whole carbohydrates. also focus on calories. a gram of fat has twice the calorie count as a gram of protein or carbohydrates. not that i'm saying you should go low fat. just focus on balance. there is no need for sugary drinks or white breads/rice/pastas when the alternatives are far healthier, far tastier, and are kinder to your body.
the problem with the refined carbohydrates is that they spike your blood glucose levels, then when it suddenly drops it makes you think that you are hungry when you're not. i hate going to fast food, but anytime we have to make an emergency pitstop to taco bell, for example, i ALWAYS find that i'm hungrier after eating than before.
unrefined carbohydrates still have the fiber that helps fill you up and keep you full, as well as more of those fats and proteins that you're wanting. along with all of these goodies are also more vitamins and minerals.
compare a box of white rice to a box of brown. in the brown rice the fat, fiber, and protein are higher (which contributes to the higher calorie count, but don't let that scare you away from it!). my white rice (that i have in my kitchen from a long time ago) has absolutely NO fiber listed in the nutrition information. also, the brown rice has naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. the white rice (if it has these nutrients) is "enriched" which means it was just sprayed with vitamins and minerals to replace the ones that they stripped away when they took away the outer coating to make it white and have "a more pleasing texture and taste" although it really doesn't have much of either.
the problem with this enriching process? with the rice it isn't as big of a deal since usually you don't drain it, but in cereals and pastas (for example) if you don't consume the liquid, then you miss out on all of those added nutrients! they simply rinse away and you lose them! too bad they don't make a note on the kid cereals saying, "must consume the milk to make this worth while!"
but if you think about it, if you do everything in the right balance, your body will be happier AND you'll probably lose weight without feeling hungry.
fiber (found in those unrefined carbs) physically fills you up and makes you feel full
fats (nuts, oils, some fruits like avocados) are higher in calories and your body recognizes this and it helps satisfy your hunger faster
protein (nuts, legumes, beans) takes longer to metabolize and it keeps you from feeling hungry longer than the other two
BUT if you're just eating refined sugars (for your carb intake) then you'll feel hungry all the time and be more likely to "pig out" and actually feel like you're on a diet. that doesn't make it very successful, does it?
sorry this is long but i hope it was helpful!
as for snacks, i agree with kmk that something like veggies and hummus would be good. focus your snacks on raw veggies plus something high in protein but low in refined sugars.
i like dipping my veggies in hummus or peanut/nut butters.
i also like to eat tofu. i find that a small amount of tofu (plus something high in fiber... like spelt) keeps me full for HOURS! i love to eat this dish called "spicy tofu and spelt salad" before work because it fills me up with those proteins, fibers, and fats and it keeps me full until the end of my shift so that i don't feel like snacking on work foods.
the (simplified) version of the recipe for the spicy tofu and spelt salad is this: mix together spelt, baked tofu, shredded red cabbage*, shredded carrots*, diced green onion*, and a dressing made with olive oil, sesame seeds, fresh ginger*, sea salt, and garlic*. it is DELICIOUS! but spelt takes FOREVER to make so make it the day before and make a lot.
* = raw ingredients
rainbowdust, i really love your influence on the raw components of a filling meal...i see sooo many veg*ns-- especially those in transition from Standard Amer. Diets (SADs), and they make the fatal mistake 'oh it doesn't have meat or dairy so it must be good...and i can eat as much/ whatever i want!'
oh they soon learn. trust me...i used to be one of them. :-X
ah, thank you. :)
seriously, though, you can eat raw veggies all day long and lose weight. and there are many benefits to eating them raw... such as all of the extra fiber that you aren't cooking down!
for the record, i've been high 80s-90s raw for a month and a half (or a lil over).
i weighed myself yesterday for the first time in over a month and a half.
i lost (around about, give or take), ten pounds.
and that's without exercise.
i started a workout regimen, so i'm anxious to see, in another month or so, how that changes. ;)
good luck! now that i am going to have a better financial situation and can afford to eat things other than peanut butter agave sandwiches, i'm going to be one happy vegan with lots of pretty produce. i've gained weight on this pb&a diet. in fact, i think i found your ten pounds... on me. :(
When I want to cut back on my carbs, I do pretty much what Kate said, but I also cut out sweet fruit. When I eat fruit I eat fruit that is fruit technically. Like tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers...those types of fruits. If I eat sweet fruit, it just makes me hungry. I also bump up my protein with nuts. I usually eat a small handful of cashews for breakfast. I don't get full, but I'm not obsessed with when I'm going to eat again.
That's brutal, rdust. I avoid nut butters, refined sugar (I include agave syrup in that group because the sugar is concentrated from the original source), and flour products. pb&a sandwiches would put me under.
I wish we all lived closer to each other so we could hang at each other's places and cook, or uncook, as the case may be.
That's brutal, rdust. I avoid nut butters, refined sugar (I include agave syrup in that group because the sugar is concentrated from the original source), and flour products. pb&a sandwiches would put me under.
I wish we all lived closer to each other so we could hang at each other's places and cook, or uncook, as the case may be.
party at my place! if youre in hampton roads va!
rainbow: awwww im sorry you had some rough times...but im glad things are looking up for you! big heart!
tulip, great suggestions....i admit ive been eating wayyy too many sugary fruits lately...