Vegetarian farts.....?
Posted by LuiGy on Dec 30, 2010 · Member since Dec 2010 · 5 posts
Okay, recently i became a vegetarian and since then i been feeling a lot better but I've noticed that I've been farting non stop now. i just doesn't stop. and they are really smelly, its so bad that i even cant stand the smell. is this the price i'll have to pay? I'm around people basically 24/7 and its really embarrassing. have you had this experience as well? :-[
What are you eating? I get that way with the processed stuff - seitan, tvp, stuff like that. I'm good with whole food, beans do nothing to me.
sometime it just takes awhile to adjust. Try some works for more than just beans. Also maybe some probiotics, and fermented vegetables to rev up your digestion, and chlorophyl is a good inner deodorant. I find that tvp, depending on how you prepare it can make one gassy
i have some gnarly gas and farts some days... my hypothesis is that if you are "making poo" your farts will smell bad cause they blow over it... this seems to be the case for me anywaysssss
ya the gas can suck :/ but vegan poos are well worth it :)
I think some people may just be more predisposed to gas/farts. I know it doesn't matter what my hubby eats. He's just a wind bag, lol! Although, if you're new to veg*nism, it could be your body is not used to all the fiber and just needs some time to adjust. I can imagine your dismay though. You could maybe try Bean-Zyme, the vegan version of Beano.
yikes..I didn't realize Beano wasn't vegan. Thnks!
Adjusting to all the fibre is part of it no doubt. Make sure you thoroughly rinse all beans, legumes and grains, thoroughly before using them. The excess starch is a huge factor in causing intestinal gas. Cruciferous veggies will make you gassy too.
When I drink a lot of soy milk I fart. Its amazing. One time I drank a half gallon of chocolate soy milk and ate a clif bar and a banana and my friends father asked "what crawled up your butt and died" 8-)
Keeping it classy.
Prestons farts are gross.
YAY! Someone finally posted about farts! My sister in law became vegetarian right after I became vegan and she almost quit because of the nasty farts! lol She asked me if I had the same problem and YUP! Idk when it's worse, though... It's so funny that others are stinky too! :-D
Too funny! I don't remember having a problem when I switched to vegetarian or vegan. But I have a hereditary tough as nails stomach. So I have always been able to eat tons of beans and hot spicy food with no side effects.
I only get stinky farts when I have an upset stomach from something.
My omni BF on the other hand....Phew! I had to stop making dishes for both of us that include beans or else I feel like I have to wear a gas mask to bed at night. ;D
ha! mine come and go. i toot a lot but usually they do not smell. then i will have a phase that can last a month or so, where they totally smell like a pooped my pants. and it just lingers and lingers. but then it will go away and i will be back to non smelly toots.
soy gives DH the worst ones. I think he has a slight soy allergy but he is trying to ignore it.
It depends on what you eat. You may just need time to adjust to all the fiber in your diet, or you may have a sensitivity to something you're eating that is causing it to smell bad.
ha! mine come and go. i toot a lot but usually they do not smell. then i will have a phase that can last a month or so, where they totally smell like a pooped my pants. and it just lingers and lingers. but then it will go away and i will be back to non smelly toots.
soy gives DH the worst ones. I think he has a slight soy allergy but he is trying to ignore it.
this is me exactly - I go through phases...but I've noticed it's 10x worse with soy, never really stinky, just painful gas, the kind that you double over from - not cool.
My friend thought vegans didn't fart and she freaked out when she found out. Haha.
Prestons farts are gross.
You know ALLLLLLL about my farts.
My farts & poops smelled soooo much better when I was off dairy.