What's a great stainfighter on clothes?
a bib?
Depends on the stain - I hear that saltwater + sunlight works miracles on dingy diapers. Dunno if it works, but my friend swears by it.
lol ;D
I guess your speaking from experience. I didn't ask for a pre-stain fighter. ??? ;D ;)
Rubbing a lemon or banana peel on stains before washing is supposed to work well.
a bib?
Depends on the stain - I hear that saltwater + sunlight works miracles on dingy diapers. Dunno if it works, but my friend swears by it.
a bib?
lol ;D
a bib?
I guess your speaking from experience. I didn't ask for a pre-stain fighter. ??? ;D ;)
Rubbing a lemon or banana peel on stains before washing is supposed to work well.