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First Words?

So last night, little Bea uttered her first official word: "Hat!"

She said it loud, she said it proud, she said it over and over. While shaking my hat. It was awesome. Considering that she won't be 7 months for another week, my wife and I are a bit  :o

So after comparing notes around the office, I'm curious to hear what other first words have been. Eleanor (the elder daughter) decided "Hair" was the way to go. Hair... hat... what about your awesome babies?

My little girl is/was very ahead with talking - we keep thinking we're being overly proud parents but whenever we see doctors or healthvisitors they hear her talk and then say 'hold on, how old is she??'  It's actually very handy as one of the health visitors was very insistant the vegan diet would make her small and 'slow' mentally and Winn is tall and at 2 can talk better than most 4 year olds!!
Her first words after 'dada' and 'mama' were 'food!!' as she loved her food and 'dog'.  The most annoying thing with 'dog' was that everyone kept correcting her saying 'doggie' or 'woof!' so she ended up getting confused and calling dogs 'woofs.


This might turn into what was YOUR first word..but mine was "hot."

eta: awesome for you and your family, ais!!!


well the kiddo I look after, his first word was "boo" for boob...guess he was hungry!!

I kinda had two first words.... one pre-coma one post-coma.... I'm really not sure which is which.... they were "This" and "ICE!" apparently I would run around the house with an ice cube in my hand saying 'ice!' over and over again. According to my mom, I would point at things and sing to them saying 'this' over and over.


Amelia is 9  months. Her first word was "ball," then "dog," "cat," and "wow" She also says "uh-oh" appropriately and just in the past week says "up" when she crawls up stairs. Oh and "truck" although it usually comes out as "guk." She says mama and dada too.

And if you count sign language as words she also signs "milk" when she wants to nurse and "more" when she wants more of anything.

It's hard not to get too proud!


My dads first word was probscis.


It's hard not to get too proud!

Don't hold back!


It's hard not to get too proud!

Don't hold back!

Yeah, they (bragging parents - myself included) can be annoying - but there are way worse sins. I just really feel sorry for the kids whose parents never express any pride in their kids' accomplishments.  :)


Caitlin was a late talker and walker.  She is making up for lost time now.  Lol.  Her first work was duck, because she loved rubber ducks.  Mama came in a month or so later and a half dozen words later. 

For a couple months she thought that the word hot meant food, probably because we'd tell her, "be careful; it's hot."  One day we were in the car with my sister listening to the radio.  The announcer came on and said that it was going to be another really hot day.  She started screening hot and getting really excited and was looking every where to find the food. 


Noah's first word (besides mama and dada) was LOVE!!!!

Lyle said his own name very clearly at about 6 months, but then not again for a while. I even video'd it! If I can figure out how to post vid, I will. :)

I think "shoes" might have been first. He is still obsessed with shoes. And socks.
If I ever say "shoes" , he always follows up with "and socks". lol

Ok, wait. I just looked in his baby book. His first word was "blue"...our cat's name. He was about 7 months old, and I was yelling for her, and he was copying  me!

At his 6 month appt at the doc, he said, "hi" when she entered the room. It was so funny!

Right now he is repeating everything, sort of. He will attempt whole if I say,  "we have to get ready to eat lunch" he will repeat the same amount of syllables and fluctuations in his voice, but it's more like,
eee aaaaahhh ooooo eddy fo UNCH!" So he usually gets the last part right!

It's so amazing to watch how they develop. I wonder how he knows half of what he knows!


Noah's first word (besides mama and dada) was LOVE!!!!

Lyle said his own name very clearly at about 6 months, but then not again for a while. I even video'd it! If I can figure out how to post vid, I will. :)

I think "shoes" might have been first. He is still obsessed with shoes. And socks.
If I ever say "shoes" , he always follows up with "and socks". lol

Ok, wait. I just looked in his baby book. His first word was "blue"...our cat's name. He was about 7 months old, and I was yelling for her, and he was copying  me!

At his 6 month appt at the doc, he said, "hi" when she entered the room. It was so funny!

Right now he is repeating everything, sort of. He will attempt whole if I say,  "we have to get ready to eat lunch" he will repeat the same amount of syllables and fluctuations in his voice, but it's more like,
eee aaaaahhh ooooo eddy fo UNCH!" So he usually gets the last part right!

It's so amazing to watch how they develop. I wonder how he knows half of what he knows!

I love the conversational "rhythym" thing that kids do. Bea will sit there and jibber out a sentence that - rhythmically and in tone - sounds akin to "How are you today?" or "Hey, how's it going?", get a big gummy grin and then look at you expecantly.

These are all awesome. Personal first words are cool, too. As for mine, I didn't say much else besides "Mama" or "Dada" for a while. To the point where my parents wanted to take me to speech therapy. The one day, my Grandfather brough over a bag with triangles on it and I blurted out, "Wow, look Grandpa! Triangles!" My mom says every jaw hit the floor.

And I haven't shut up since. :D


My son is 16 months old, and I am still not so sure he really  has said anything too clearly.  :-\

Actually, I am a little worried, but I figured that I won't worry until he turns 2, if at 2 he still doesn't say any words then I will worry.  :(

If you can consider it, I think he may has said "mom" a few times, and one time he said "mommy" but he only said that once.  He was saying "Hi Didja" a lot when the cat's name is Sidra but I always say "hi Sidra" so he copied me.  Yesterday I could have sworn he said Owwwieeee.  But the way it is, I am not sure if it is just baby babble, or words. 

I keep waiting.


I wouldn't worry too much.  Every child hits the developmental milestones at slightly different times.  It's really only concerning if the child is substantially behind in many of them.  Einstein didn't say a word until age 3 if I remember the story properly.  Your son will probably be talking your head off in no time.  It was right before Caitlin's second birthday until she really starting talking more than just isolated words.  It bothered me greatly at the time, but I've called her 50 Questions ever since.  The only time she stops is when she is asleep or eating.  Lol.  One thing that I found helped her to pick up some words was to simplify things a bit when I tried to get her to say them.  I don't mean baby talk, but rather to say things like food, drink, play, book, etc. instead of the more descriptive terms until she mastered those. 


Kea said "that" soon to be followed by "this" so everything she wanted, (me included) she would point or lean towards it and say "THAT!" it was pretty cute, she continued to use those words as she learned other ones for things she didn't know or when pointing to pictures in books, she would point and go "that, that, THAT, this, That" it was so precious. 


I'm just remebering she would also say "sssssssss" which meant both "nurse," and "smee" - (our chiuaua mix she is obsessed with

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