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Guess what my kid did today!

I thought we could use a parent's brag spot.  I know I'm not the only one who is a bit proud of my child's accomplishments. 

Anyway, I've been teaching my daughter to read but haven't taught her to write anything.  To make a long story short, she asked me how to spell her name and came up with this completely on her own.  I know it needs work but not bad for a self-taught first attempt.

big girl! yay!


Good for her! Your pride brought a smile to my face!


Yay Caitlin!


That is great!
Lyle starting singing "Happy Birthday", and in tune! He sings it all day long. So cute!

Noah: drew this very unvegan picture (the monster is eating up people, I think). He is now a big 9 year old!


Noah is officially the most awesome nine-year-old ever. Seriously, if I'm ever in a death metal band, this will be our debut album cover.


That is great!
Lyle starting singing "Happy Birthday", and in tune! He sings it all day long. So cute!

Noah: drew this very unvegan picture (the monster is eating up people, I think). He is now a big 9 year old!

Hey, you posted this on my birthday! He must have been thinking of me, and Noah drew that for me. <3


I thought we could use a parent's brag spot.  I know I'm not the only one who is a bit proud of my child's accomplishments. 

Anyway, I've been teaching my daughter to read but haven't taught her to write anything.  To make a long story short, she asked me how to spell her name and came up with this completely on her own.  I know it needs work but not bad for a self-taught first attempt.

Beautiful!!! That is VERY exciting... as a pediatric OT, I can definitely say that the preschooler who signed this paper has OUTSTANDING fine motor skills!

There are some great resources at, for working with young writers... looks like she's taking off pretty well on her own, tho!

Great art, too, L2A! Some talented kids around here...

This is actually what my kid did YESTERday, but I think it's very cool/ am sharing it anyway: after a long hiatus from driving, while recovering from multiple broken bones from a bad wreck, my sweet 17-year-old son drove a car for the first time since his accident (yes, I held my breath and paced for several hours until his safe return!)... he borrowed the car for his first official/ traditional 'date', vs. 'meet up at x time with some other friends'... picked up a girl he likes, drove her to a fun thing (just the two of them), dropped her off after... and guess what they did? they went and hiked up a mountain! A pretty big one, too... Guess he's well!  :)  This made me happy.


Your children are absolute geniuses. Amen to Narcissus. When do schedule the first jam session so we can use that cover.

l2a, has he been exposed to any H.P. Lovecraft? If not, you may have an amazing discovery to offer that boy.

lbarte, that is awesome... it's an amazing reminder of how much they take in independently. We give them the tools, and they use them. I'm glad she's using them so constructively!


Okay... I will brag now.

Eleanor (my 4 year old) is reading like a champ. Last night she read "Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now!" to me, and made sure to give me heads up when we were coming to a funny part (she had read it silently on her own a couple days ago, I was shocked to find out). She's copying writing from books, and even trying to write sentences on her own... It's like the flood gates have opened in regards to reading. It's awesome.

Beatrice (my 10 month old) is becoming a chatter box, like her big sister. "Sister", "Hat", "Hair"... she's sneaky with her words. She will brazenly grab her toes and announce "Toes!" and then not say the word again for weeks... Coupled with perpetually improving mobility and curiousity (she has to be in everything!) I'm pretty proud of that wee lassie, too.


Your children are absolute geniuses. Amen to Narcissus. When do schedule the first jam session so we can use that cover.

l2a, has he been exposed to any H.P. Lovecraft? If not, you may have an amazing discovery to offer that boy.

lbarte, that is awesome... it's an amazing reminder of how much they take in independently. We give them the tools, and they use them. I'm glad she's using them so constructively!

Haha AIS! I have an HP LOvecraft book and he is always pulling it off the shelf and staring at the cover! Do you think the stories would be too scary for him? My book is a collection of short stories. I guess I could read them and find out.

I have few more drawings to post. He draws every spare moment he has, so it's hard to keep up!

HCM-I dread the day when mine drives, but it sounds like you are handling it well!


Your children are absolute geniuses. Amen to Narcissus. When do schedule the first jam session so we can use that cover.

l2a, has he been exposed to any H.P. Lovecraft? If not, you may have an amazing discovery to offer that boy.

lbarte, that is awesome... it's an amazing reminder of how much they take in independently. We give them the tools, and they use them. I'm glad she's using them so constructively!

Haha AIS! I have an HP LOvecraft book and he is always pulling it off the shelf and staring at the cover! Do you think the stories would be too scary for him? My book is a collection of short stories. I guess I could read them and find out.

I have few more drawings to post. He draws every spare moment he has, so it's hard to keep up!

HCM-I dread the day when mine drives, but it sounds like you are handling it well!

I wouldn't worry about the scary part... he's imagining creatures on par with Lovecraft's creations. His reading level would be the issue... Lovecraft writes in an archaic style. The prose might be a bit dense for a 9-year old. But maybe not... Give him, let's see... 'Pickman's Model' or 'The Dunwich Horror' or even 'The Call of Cthulu' and see what he thinks. If not, revisit it in a few years.

Or just give the kid some D&D Monster Manuals. :)

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