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NVR - 10 weirdest camps for kids

I saw this on AOL so I'm sure it's probably elsewhere too...

The article was about the 10 Weirdest Camps for Kids and the prominent one they featured was Ted Nugent's Kamp for Kids.  ( )

This is their mission statment...

The Kamp for Kids will teach hands on values and conservation of land, air and water. We will cover wildlife management, conservation ethics, positive peer pressure and the pitfalls of drug abuse, alcohol and tobacco products. We will teach with professionals, volunteers and Moms and Dads from all over the country. The volunteer staff of “The Kamp for Kids “ will  teach certified NRA shooting sports classes and archery programs. We will strive to bring the latest in outdoor education to all that we do!

I think it's great about the land conservation, positive peer pressure and the pitfalls of drug abuse, alcohol and tobacco products.  But teaching shooting and archery???  >:(  You go to the website and what else do you advertisement for a YOUTH fun day camp at a GUN CLUB!!  One more thing that makes Michigan a sh*tty place to live.   

At least the article states "Camps that kind of weird us out." 

yup - that's weird all right...


or Jesus Camp.

Thank god I grew up in a country that isn't very much into sending kids off to camp.


Next summer all of those poor children will need a spelling camp.  :o


Ok.  I'm not so big on the guns part and the website is creepy.  I mean, "Voted the number one hunter education program in the country"?!?!  But... I absolutely loved archery when I went to camp as a kid and I see nothing wrong with it as a hobby.  It's a fun, physical activity and compassionate as long as you're shooting at non-living targets.


Well if this is the same Ted Nugent who blasted my ears through my brother's stereo in the 70's, he would know about the pitfalls of drugs, alcohol and tobacco--up close and personal. Pity he doesn't realise that guns and arrows are just as deadly, and not "safe" even if one is "trained" to use them. A person who knows how to use a deadly weapon tends to let said weapon do their thinking for them, instead of using their brain.

We are not amused.


You guys camps are not usually like that. I have went to a diffrent summer camp since I was 5. Most are much diffrent and better. if you guys never went to camp you odn't know what your missing out on. That camp is just a little bit awkard. Never heard of that.

Oh, I went to camp.  A Lutheran church camp that the pastor recommended to my mother for her athiest twins.  Two weeks of praying, singing and weird crafts.  I never forgave her.  :D  The only thing fun our cabin did was go an underwear raid at the boys cabins, sewed them together and hung them on the flagpole.  Thank "God" I was able to corrupt my cabin mates.  Otherwise I would've been bored to tears. 


You know, every time I tell someone I'm from Michigan (who has never visited, anyway), they either think that I live in some sort of third world meets wild west wilderness or a crime-ridden hell hole. Stuff like this could possibly explain why that is...


Hi Twin B,
I just noticed you attend WMU- i am a WMU alumni, but now live in Colorado. I will always have a fondness for Kzoo though!
Back in the day, International Cafe was THE place, but it is long gone. Last time i was in your neck of the woods, there was an awesome vegan fast food place called Ope's. Do you know if it is still around?
I will be traveling that way again soon...
otherwise, i used to love Panda Forest (best Szechuan Eggplant anywhere!). Also, you have to love PFC (People's Food Co-op)...i think my mom was actually one of the co-founders!


Why are they teaching these kids to hunt?! At the bottom of the page, they're bragging about the 11,000 new apprentice hunting licenses sold. Ugh, how horrible. You'd think a camp that seems environmentally conscious wouldn't promote that.

I have nothing against shooting and archery - I own a gun, and had a lot of fun as a kid with my bow and arrow. But, I NEVER shot at anything living. Only man made targets. My gun, I keep for protection. One can learn archery and how to shoot without the need to hunt, and actually kill.


Hi Twin B,
I just noticed you attend WMU- i am a WMU alumni, but now live in Colorado. I will always have a fondness for Kzoo though!
Back in the day, International Cafe was THE place, but it is long gone. Last time i was in your neck of the woods, there was an awesome vegan fast food place called Ope's. Do you know if it is still around?
I will be traveling that way again soon...
otherwise, i used to love Panda Forest (best Szechuan Eggplant anywhere!). Also, you have to love PFC (People's Food Co-op)...i think my mom was actually one of the co-founders!

I've only bought Ope's sandwiches from the HFS.  Although they do come to campus during health week and WMU also offers their products daily on campus.  To tell you the truth I don't know if they have a restaurant.  Their website is  Also i didn't know there was a Co-op is K-zoo.  I've always just went to the two HFS's but now that I know it's there I'll check it out.

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