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probiotic help please :-D

My little one doesn't seem to be having much luck lately with bugs - pretty sure it's my fault as she's 2 and I've only just started taking her to playgroups etc so I know that her body had to get used to it some time.
I'm giving her some basic vitamins to help support her immune system and black elderberry so hopefully things will improve soon.
The reason I've started this topic is cause it's sounding like the cold she's has got to her chest and therefore I'm prertty sure the doctor's are going to give her some antibiotics - I hate to let her have these without giving probiotics as well but I've just no clue where to start, she's never had this many bugs in a row let alone antibiotics before!
I was hoping someone would be able to point me the the right direction, I have seen that holland and barrett do vegan probiotic pills but obviously don't think that will work to well with a 2 year old!!
Any help would be much appreciated    :>

I have a chewable that I give my 1 yo. He loves them and wants more! I know there are liquids too, but I think those are usually dairy based.
Good luck!  My little one has been sick a lot too, and I can't figure it out! :(


Hi, thanks for your reply, I plan on going on a hunt tomorrow - do you know the brand name of the chewable that you get.

I hope your little one starts getting better soon. I'm putting this down to my daughter being around more children then before but of course if it keeps happening I'm going to have look at getting this further investigated as it could be her system needs a bit of a boost to get back up to speed so-to-speak.


Nature's Bounty Acidophulus
it says Milk Free


Good Belly! It's vegan and gluten free/soy free.

My daughter drinks a glass everyday and it really helps her digestion. She likes the mango flavor.


My son was just diagnosed with Pneumonia two days ago!  Talk about bugs, oye!

He is actually back at daycare today after staying home yesterday.  He is on antibiotics and has to do a nebulizer twice a day, which sucks because to keep him sitting in one spot with a face mask on for 15 minutes twice a day is NOT EASY!

I am not really going to give him probiotics, mainly becuase I can't really afford to be buying extra fancy stuff, so at the daycare I sent along some soy-yogurt that has active cultures in it for him as a snack which I hope will help.


our docs always recomment yogurt when taking a course of antibiotics, most yogurts out there have live cultures in them and its part of many of our diets anyways.


Good Belly! It's vegan and gluten free/soy free.

Was just gonna suggest this stuff. I love it, and it tastes good for the kiddos.

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