Can I still sort recipes by reviews/rating/etc.?
Posted by VegAnna on Sep 22, 2012 · Member since May 2003 · 385 posts
I used to love the feature of sorting the list of recipes in any category by how many times it's been reviewed, or how many stars it has, and I don't see that option anymore. If it's gone, can it be added back in? That was one of the main reasons I use this site for recipes and found it so incredibly handy.
Also, I don't see the category listed when I search for recipes. I used to search for key words, and if I didn't get what I wanted, at least the categories (example: Roasted Bell Pepper Hummus, Category: Hummus & Dips) that where shown next to the recipes name in the search results could direct me in the right direction.
I like the new look, but looks like my most favorite features have gone :(
Thanks for all the hard work.
It's there! It's in there by "sort by" and "order" ... try different combos! Let me know what you think and what else you're looking for. We're here to serve!
Oh, I just saw the "sort by" in each category, thanks. Though it looks like I can't sort by star rating. I've tried sorting by comments, reviews, even date, name, etc. but none of them sort them from top-rated to least rated... Maybe I'm missing something.
Star rating is coming, we just added stars back in so we have to write it into the code :)
Is there a way to see our own old posts or other people's? We used to be able to do that and it was useful for trying to track answers to questions, discussions etc.
2nd what yabbitgirl said
Yes, that is coming! Great idea!
OMG, glad I'm not the only one who misses the old system! I can't sort by stars and that is no fun!
I miss the old site. I hate it that you can sort the recpies by rating!
Where exactly is the "sort by" option mentioned above? I have stared at my screen for five minutes trying to find it. Am I blind?
I asked this question a month ago and I unfortunately still have not seen an answer to it. I still do not see a sorting option on my recipe box!