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Superstar VegWebber of the Week: oncewerewesties!

This week's Superstar VegWebber is none other than oncewerewesties (;u=103057)! I know, I know, a delay in anointing oncewerewesties with the crown is inexcusable on my part. The fact is, I messed up! As many of you reminded me of her awesonemess again and again, I had to set the record straight! So I declare oncewerewesties is a Super SUPER Superstar VegWebber who deserves a parade and everything amazing and is just the funniest, sweetest, smartest, best in all the land. It's true. Now, tell her how great she is in the comments below!

VegWebber since?
Member since March 2009 but I’d been scrounging for recipes for a while before that.  I didn't realise the forums existed for a long time and am pleased to say my productivity levels have gone down a long way since I made that discovery!

Vegetarian, Vegan or ?
vegan all the way

Where do you call home?
West Auckland, New Zealand, right at the bottom of the world.  I’ve got the travelling bug bad, but I’d never live anywhere else.

What do you do when you're not on VegWeb?
I’m pretty much only online when I’m at work, so if I’m not here you’ll find me at home, probably cooking or baking, and spending time with my amazing husband, attempting to create my first vege garden, or at the gym.

Do you have blog or website?
I use facebook, and had a travel blog while overseas backpacking, but currently, no.

Do you tweet?
I signed up over a year ago and am yet to make my first post. I just don’t get it

One unique thing should know about you?
I don’t think I’m all that unique... how about the fact that oranges make me cry ?
I also exhibit some pretty major OCD tendencies at times like I can’t let Word ‘autocorrect’ mistakes for me- I have to go back, delete the word and re-type it correctly, I can't stand to write in blue pen , I have to use the same mug each day for my coffee, I have to eat pizza with a knife and fork...

What’s the best thing about being vegan? (if you are!)
Feeling totally positive about all your food choices.  It’s so encouraging to know that you haven’t had to cause anyone any pain or suffering just so you can have dinner.  It’s good to be at peace with what’s on your plate : )

Favorite romantic recipe on VegWeb?
I’m totally not into romance, but my husband has been requesting tofu scramble for breakfast, lunch and dinner a lot lately, so I’m gonna go with that.

Favorite recipe on VegWeb to make for non-vegans to show them how amazing vegan food can be?
We love ethnic food, so maybe a chana masala, or the trusty favourite general tao.  Everyone also loves the delicious Pakistani dhal.

One thing you wish you could make vegan but haven’t succeeded at yet?
Hrmm, there’s things I haven’t tried yet, but I don’t think there’s anything I have wanted to veganise and not been able to...

#1 Cooking secret/tip?
Maybe not to do with cooking per se, but I’m a fan of veganising by stealth.  Baked cookies? Share them out, wait for the response then let people know no animals were harmed in the making of their tasty treat.  Same thing with having people round for a meal, I don’t make a point of saying this is vegan bread, and vegan pasta, and vegan dessert etc etc, and that way omni people are more receptive, and you can educate them once they have full, happy bellies.  Obviously this is only with new people/people who don’t know about your veganism, but I’ve had some really good reactions that I don’t think I would have had if I threw down the VEGAN card too early.

Best music to cook by?
I listen to a lot of music, and it tends to change according to my mood, but recently I’ve been putting on Rage Against the Machine quite a lot while getting dinner ready: there’s something satisfying about shouting at a recipe ‘f*ck you I won’t do what you tell me!’  Or is that just me?

Three people you'd most like to have dinner with?
Mike Portnoy, Mike Patton and Dave Grohl.

All time favorite restaurant?
We don’t eat out, but I loooove inviting people round to eat at our house, so does my kitchen count?

French fries or ice cream?
Umm, is it a sacrilege to say I’m not a huge fan of either?  More fries than ice cream though.

Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk?
I’ve never tried almond , but I use soy and rice interchangeably in cooking/baking depending on what’s cheapest in the supermarket that week.  The tastiest ‘milk’ I’ve found to try by itself though, is oat milk.

Tofu, tempeh, or seitan?
I’m going to go offending people all over the place here by saying I’ve never tried tempeh.  Need to find me a recipe!    Such a tough call between seitan and tofu though... but tofu probably wins out for the versatility factor : )

I've never used this phrase but - awesome sauce, OWW! :) I'm now on the hunt for this oatmeal milk. Sounds tasty.


I can't believe this has not occurred before. I'm pretty sure someone inserted oww's name into the 'has been superstar' thread and then removed it.

Oww is one of the best people, ever. <3 !!!!!




congrats girl ;)b


Congrats, you totally deserve it! You're one of the people on this board who is so nice to everyone and tries to respond to and include everyone in the discussion.


OWW spelled backwards is WOO...sorta!
At last I can  :w00t!: :w00t!: :w00t!: for OWW!


wha?  I was positive you had already won this!?!?  no way did it take this long!!

You are a rockstar and I love you to pieces!!  Congrats!!


yayyyy oww rocks!!!!

you've only been on vw since 2009?????????? i thought you were a long-timer


haha, you're all too nice! : )

you've only been on vw since 2009?????????? i thought you were a long-timer

haha, nope, just have a really boring job!  : /


haha well awesome either way!


I totally thought you already go this? Oh well, now you did. Yay! And congrats!


hey! its your day!


vegan parade for OWW! you're awesome and such a sweetie... totally thought you have already been VWOTW!



I can't stand to write in blue pen

Ha.  I'm just the opposite.  We have to fill out voting ballot forms with black ballpoint ink.  I have to buy a new pen each time because I dislike black ink so much I don't keep those pens in my house.



I can't stand to write in blue pen

And a fine-point, too!!
I can use blue if I absolutely must...often there aren't any black pens in the shop. I'm not kidding. But I much prefer a black fine-piont pen. I'm choice about the nib.


I'm sorry, I'm with OWW with this. Black ink only for me and I can't stand pencil.


About bloody time, oww!!

Yeah I agree on the black ink thing.....but reall - you use rice and soy milk interchangably!?!  I have recently discovered I hate rice milk, so you're a freak!


Yay OWW!!!! That idea about telling a recipe F* you has me totally cracking up!!!!


Yay oww!!  We all know your amazing! :)

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