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Superstar VegWebber of the Week: Theodamus!

This week's SuperStar VegWebber is Theodamus! Her answers to the questionnaire include a link to one of the greatest youtube videos I've ever seen, The Dresden Dolls, and barking like a dog. They're basically the best. Read more about her here:;u=94029 and then get into the comments and make some noise!

VegWebber since? 5 October 2008

Vegetarian, Vegan or ?? Vegetarian growing up, now vegan forever! Currently making an effort to up my raw quota as well.

Where do you call home? The beautiful, oceanside, fun, crazy and vegan friendly city of Wellington, New Zealand

What do you do when you're not on VegWeb? I work a lot, I'm a language/linguistics nerd so I do nerdy things, I'm going back to post grad study this year, I listen to Pink Floyd and Elbow and The Dresden Dolls obsessively, I cook and eat a lot, I'm learning to garden...

Do you have blog or website? I have a couple that I never ever update, but here they are: (photography) (rather dead blog)

And I'm currently working on a pretty cool new idea here:

Do you tweet? I prefer to bark like a dog

One unique thing should know about you? I eat pizza backwards (crust first). Always have, always will.

What’s the best thing about being vegan? (if you are!)  The way people look at me like I'm from another planet... haha not really! Becoming vegan made a lot of things sort of click into place for me, so the sense of knowing who I am and what I stand for that little bit better, and the feeling of power it gives me - instead of sitting around unhappy with the state of the world or my life but not knowing what to do, I can do something! And as small as each "something" might be, it means that I physically take action for things I believe in every day. Which is a pretty great feeling

Favorite romantic recipe on VegWeb? The Lasagne Love Potion! It takes a bit of effort, but it is really really mouthgasmic.

Favorite recipe on VegWeb to make for non-vegans to show them how amazing vegan food can be? Also the love potion! But General Tao's Tofu mixed in with veges and ramen noodles to make noodle salad has fooled every hardcore omni  I've served it to, Tofu scramble which I pretty much invent every time but this is the basic recipe:
I think my personal mission is to show omni's that tofu is AWESOME  They generally end up agreeing too!

One thing you wish you could make vegan but haven’t succeeded at yet? Caramel squares, like they used to serve at school canteens. I will replicate them somehow...eventually. Salt and Vinegar chips - I'm not trying to make them, but they are something I would welcome gladly back into my life.

#1 Cooking secret/tip? I am incapable of following recipes properly, I substitute and add and change stuff without even realising how much I'm doing it! So my food usually turns out a bit different to everyone else's and it's usually awesome! So play around, don't be limited by a recipe, try your ideas out.

Best music to cook by? Depends on the mood. Jazz and swing usually works for me, or crazy psychadelic rock n roll

Three people you'd most like to have dinner with? Syd Barrett, Amanda Palmer& Neil Gaiman (a couple counts as 1, right?) and this guy:

All time favorite restaurant? I don't go to restaurants much at all, but Wellington has a couple of awesome cafes where you are guaranteed to get delish vegan food : Midnight Espresso, Deluxe and Offbeat Originals.

French fries or ice cream? French Fries beat ice cream a million billion times over.

Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk? Vitasoy soy milk mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Tempeh, tofu or seitan? Tofu for sure, for ease and versatility, though I just made my first go at seitan for Christmas and it was outstanding, so I will be experimenting further with that

You are so cool!!! 


Yeah Theo!



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