Vegwebs marked as badware and dangerous by google?
Posted by asleep on a sunbeam on Mar 26, 2012 · Member since Aug 2009 · 287 posts
Is vegwebs will marked as having badware by google?
Or has that stopped now?
I emailed in a few days back but never heard a reply.
Also, is there any badware on vegweb or was it a mistake?
Thanks for your prompt reply, AOAS
Yes, that's correct! Beta testing by the end of the Month with the hopes of launching shortly after that. We're just putting on the finishing touches and doing data migration before we let people in to check it out. So excited to show you all!
I just wanted people to know.... I have been a member of vegweb for many years and it is my favorite place to get recipes. But last April google warned me it was a bad site, and I clicked anyway because I wanted a recipe from my box. Plus I could not believe it was a bad site! Well...... sure enough, I did get a virus and paid $100 to staples to remotely remove it then I bought Norton 360 to help protect my computer. However, soon after I got infected again and it is a super virus that has attacked my BIOS and only Windows Defender and Microsoft Essentials even can find it. Neither program can completely remove it and Norton doesnt even see it there.... It is a new bug and called DOS/Alureon.A this virus is a trogan and steals information (like passwords, etc.) The script has been rewritten several times, each time more sophisticated to get by removal methods. Im going to have to wipe my disk several times, plus reload the entire Windows 7 system several times in order to hopefully get rid of it...... Im sorry to have such bad news, but I think it probably originated at this site :(