Weekly Giveaway: The Face on Your Plate by Jeffrey M. Masson! Kimmy525 wins!
Sometimes we all need to recommit to our veganism—or vegetarianism, or flexitarianism, or whatever you do! A great place to start is with Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's powerful book, The Face on Your Plate: The Truth About Food.(http://www.jeffreymasson.com/books/the-face-on-your-plate.html) As Publisher Weekly says, "Masson explains the scientific background in simple, effective prose, pointing to the vast environmental damage caused by the modern agriculture-industrial complex, then slams the emotional point home by underscoring the plaintive cries of a calf separated from a mother cow or the psychological stress that hens endure when thrust into small cages." It's an intense read, but so worth it, as you'll learn a lot. Like, did you know that we share 85% of our DNA with fish? Nuts!
For your chance to win a copy, let me know your favorite vegan mac 'n' cheese recipe!
Giveaway ends on Tuesday, April 5th at midnight, PST! Winner will be chosen at random! Must live in USA to win.
Good luck!
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Congrats kimmy525! Enjoy :>