Weekly Giveaway: Howard Lyman's Mad Cowboy! Mernie is the winner!
You know that parents who have lots of books around raise smarter kids? I read that somewhere. You can learn a lot by reading. For example, if you're on VegWeb, you can learn how to make killer seitan or the perfect birthday cake. If you're looking to expand past strictly culinary learning, I've got the perfect thing for you. VegNews is starting the VegNews Book Club (http://vegnewsbookclub.blogspot.com). As a fanatic for the written word, this is very exciting news for me. I'll be reading all the animal and vegan books that I haven't had a chance to get to, along with the brilliant folks at VegNews. I'm in! You should be in, too. The first book is Howard Lyman's Mad Cowboy (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0684845164?ie=UTF8&tag=veg041-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0684845164) - the brave book that caused a stir around the world and sent Oprah to court to fight for good. I'd say that's a must read.
To win a signed copy of Mad Cowboy, let me know what book you want to read in the VegNews Book Club!
Giveaway ends on Tuesday, June 15th at midnight, PST! Winner will be chosen at random!
Good luck!
eating animals or slaughter house... i have both that need to be read
I would like to read (and win) Mad Cowboy!!!!!!
I haven't entered one of these in months, but I hope to win this one!!!
The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter
and The Kind Diet
Thanking the Monkey is an excellent vegan guide, but graphic, so beware.
I would like to read (and win) Mad Cowboy!!!!!!
I hope to win this one!!!
Mernie is the winner! Congrats!!