is anyone here a master at itunes?
i'm trying to get my music all organized. i cleaned out my whole itunes folder and started from scratch, copying music over from my music folder. one album ALWAYS copies 5 copies of each song. its so bizarre. no other album does this. i have searched for the album in my computer, there is one copy in my music folder and one copy in the itunes folder, just like all of the other ones, but somehow there are still 5 copies of each song in itunes... the four extra copies can not be played but they're always there until i delete them, which is a pain. because the cd is 22 tracks long. how do i permanently get rid of these extra tracks?
see all of those copies??? each additional copy has more of the same track numbers too.
I've had that problem in the past with iTunes and I still have it with Creative. The other day Creative apparently deleted every track from ripped albums and only left the songs that naughty Cat downloaded. Three days later they magically reappeared. I've given up on media players, they are all insane. Is there a troubleshooting forum or something you can try? I'm sure somebody else on the Intertubes has had the same problem.
It might work if you go to your music folder, and find the itunes library. Then search for that album and delete the extras if you havent tried that. Not promising though, i've never had the whole repeat thing.
they're in the itunes folder only once each. no duplicates.
Must be a glitch in the matrix :-\