New Vegan Movie: FOOD INC
Posted by dixiefilms on Nov 08, 2009 · Member since Nov 2009 · 18 posts
Just watched the new documentary FOOD, INC; a film about the food industry in America. A very good film that should help many people go vegan.
What's your favorite vegan related film?
Supersize Me. LOVE it. Although it's too bad he doesn't stick w/ being vegan. But at least it's funny, well-done, and upholds veganism as an ideally healthy diet. Cuz it is.
SUPER SIZE ME was a great film!
i just ordered it off amazon... i hope it's good
Saw Food Inc. recently. I already knew most of the information presented because I am concerned with the state of food today (and because I choose to be vegan!), but I think the film did a nice job of presenting the facts to the general population of people who just don't know what they are eating.
FAST FOOD NATION was a good film; I love FACES OF DEATH; and the film BEHIND THE MASK was a pretty good flick....and I just love MEET YOUR MEAT....
There's some good ones out there...
Skip the movie Fast Food Nation. I thought it was terrible. The book, however, is a MUST MUST MUST read.
i agree with the film being alright... it kinda talked about being vegan but just mainly about how much fast food sucks... interesting though
Skip the movie Fast Food Nation. I thought it was terrible. The book, however, is a MUST MUST MUST read.
I agree--I wasn't into Fast Food Nation. And I usually love that director's stuff. I can't even remember why I didn't like it--maybe I thought it wasn't really clear and focused. Too much other stuff muddling it.
I agree--I wasn't into Fast Food Nation. And I usually love that director's stuff. I can't even remember why I didn't like it--maybe I thought it wasn't really clear and focused. Too much other stuff muddling it.
yuup. same for me. i usually love linklater's stuff AND i was excited because it was fast food nation, but the movie was crap.
so does food, inc. actually promote veganism?
I just watched Food Inc. REALLY good film! I learned a lot--about Monsanto, etc. It made me never want to eat another non-organic soybean again. Although I don't think it was really a pro-vegan film. They held up the organic meat "farmer" on a pedestal. But overall a very informative film.
I want to go help that McDonald's eating family reorganize their budget!!!
So I watched both Food inc and Supersize Me today. Wow. All informative, moving and scary films. Things I took away from these are not quite what typical people do apparently. LB and I were talking after Supersize Me and he said people always told him it was about the health risks of fast food. I noted the lack of exercise, lack of variety, lack of basic nutritional needs over the fact that fast food is dangerous. I already knew the later, already knew it can kill. Wow.
Food inc was frightening. I hope it gets more exposure because I dont think a lot of people notice or care. And the film should be easily watched by everyone. Frightening stuff.
I've got Food Inc on hold at the library. There are a bunch of other folks ahead of me, but this is one I'd really like to see. I grew up on a small farm and still grow vegetables and it breaks my heart to see what a typical farm has turned into in this country.
Supersize Me was a great movie. It should be required viewing for everyone who has even thought about buying fast food. Before watching it, I knew of course that fast food wasn't a great choice nutritionally, but I was still quite surprised at just how bad it really is.
Fast Food Nation is a great book, but a lousy movie. I think they tried to personalize it by creating characters to represent the folks that are harmed by the fast food industry, but by doing that, they left out all the facts and research that made the book so fascinating. I watched it with a friend who hadn't read the book, and he just thought it was a movie with a thin story line. He didn't get any of the real message behind the book. The extra features portion of the disc, does however, go into more details and was quite interesting in parts.
i watched this and thought it was very good... you can watch it on youtube (part 1-11)
Supersize Me is a pretty powerful film. It is what prompted me to completely give up fast food about 2 years ago. I have siblings who LIVE on fast food, and I worry about their health. I'm trying to get them to watch it.
Food, Inc. was very informative, although, IMHO, not nearly as moving and powerful as FFN. I was watching it while my mom was over one day, and she was amazed at the part where the female farmer was picking up all the dead chickens. I took a moment to explain to her the cruelty associated with the "production for profit" mentality- raising the chickens to be fatter more quickly and thus more profitable. She was pretty disgusted, but she still had ham at Christmas dinner :-\
I thought the most memorable part of the film was the woman who lost her son to E.coli.
I just reviewed Food, Inc. at very good film; my historically omni/ recently leaning veggie hubby gave it 5 stars, on Netflix-- woohoo! I read 'The End of Food' a long time ago, & it covers a lot of the same (DISTURBING!!) material; but Food, Inc. makes it really accessible to the 'Average Joe' viewer. I also think Kenner did a good job of walking the line, between showing enough but not too much... the cruelty of industrial animal farming is clearly discernible, but not so overwhelming that viewers look away (i.e. fast forward or turn it off).
Fast Food Nation is an amazing book, though just from reading movie reviews it looks like the movie version omitted a big part of the coolness; Eric Schlosser is a great literary journalism author... very impressive & well-written book.
Supersize Me was also awesome, & I thought (much like Fast Food Nation) it addressed a lot more than just 'fast food'-- by implication, I think it presents an indictment of the whole standard American approach to eating.
BTW... if anyone would like to write a review of any movies discussed in this thread, for a tree-huggin' herbivore site... PM me!