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"Penn & Teller: Bullshit!" episode on... PETA

Hi all! I am just curious about what your thoughts are concerning this episode of "Penn & Teller: Bullshit!" I like a lot of the episodes that these guys put out, but there have been a couple that are so extremely biased...

It's a little long (about 15 minutes), but if you're interested, you should watch it when you have time! I sort of understand some of their points, and don't get me wrong--a lot of what PETA does or endorses pisses me off. But there are also a lot of great things they do that this episode fails to mention. It's stuff like this that makes it so hard for veg*ns to be accepted as real people & not crazy nut-jobs. :-\

Also, their closing monologue/dialogue/whatever, as Teller doesn't talk, really bothered me. Really?? :o You'd kill EVERY chimp on Earth (with your bare hands, no less) to save ONE junkie on the street with AIDS? That is ridiculous. Think about the bigger picture...

That line was the single most horrifying and appalling thing I think I've ever heard come out of a fat mans mouth.



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