Yummy Black Bean, Tofu, Spinach Miracle
1 pound extra firm tofu, cubed
1 package (6 ounces) wild rice (Near East brand long grain and wild rice is my favorite)
3 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
garlic powder, to taste
onion powder, to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 (10 ounce) package frozen spinach
1 (16 ounce) can black beans, drained
1. Drain and press extra water out of tofu. Cook rice according to package directions.
2. Heat oil in a deep frying pan or wok over medium heat. Saute tofu in pan, and add spices to taste throughout the entire cooking process.
3. Defrost spinach in microwave according to directions on package. Once tofu is browning add the spinach and black beans; keep adding spices!
4. Once the rice is done add it to the tofu as well. I like to let everything sit and simmer for a while. Then, spoon into a bowl and enjoy!
It's also really great in spinach flavored wraps!
One of my first vegan meals was pretty much exactly this minus the rice. High five! Clearly great minds think alike.
Prior to making this, I'd only ventured into the kitchen three separate times with the intention of cooking. Yes, that is a lifetime total. I was shocked at how quickly this recipe came together, and even more shocked how wonderful it tasted. I feel like I really lucked out starting my cooking journey with this recipe; it helped me move on to the next couple of recipes I'd downloaded with confidence enough to not feel dejected when they didn't turn out nearly as well. ;D THANK YOU!
Delicious!!! I used broiled tofu that had been marinated in balsamic vinegar, liquid aminos, olive and sesame oils, garlic, onion powder, and some cayenne - this added more flavor and less fat. I also cooked my rice in veggie broth, which also added more flavor. I also sauteed half an onion and lots of minced garlic (in addition to using the powdered stuff) and added some shredded carrots for color and nutrition. I used the bagged frozen spinach, but I think I used much more than called for - probably one brick's worth. Oh, and I didn't defrost or drain it - I just added it straight to the pan, and it worked fine. I also added cayenne to the seasonings. Because my tofu and rice were so flavorful already, I really didn't need to add much extra spice for it to be tasty. I could imagine several ways of changing this up: cumin, chili powder, curry powder, etc. depending on your mood. Also, odd as it may sound, I think this is much tastier cold than when reheated - great for busy nights! I also love that it is so cheap! :-)
;D This turned out really well. I used a small onion, 2 cloves of garlic, added 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp ancho chili powder, & 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes. I thought it was really tasty although I think I'll marinade the tofu 1st next time. Thanks for a quick tasty meal!!
Delicious recipe! great with tortillas - even my toddler loved it. Will become a staple for us! (Also, I just used some brown rice I had as leftovers and it was still very tasty.)
Yup, definitely need to keep adding the spices, but otherwise it's a great recipe. I love cookinng and eating this after a work out!