added this 18 years ago
Antimicrobial Air Freshener Spray
What you need:
1/2 cup fresh lavender buds
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1/2 cup vodka
5 drops essential oil lavender
5 drops essential oil peppermint
8 drops essential oil tea tree
1 cup distilled water
What you do:
1. Mix lavender, mint, and cloves and steep in vodka. Let stand for two weeks, shaking daily.
2. Decant and strain. Add fragrance oils and stir until they have dissolved. Mix with distilled water.
3. Place mixture in a spray bottle and use to freshen the room. Avoid spraying around people's faces or on fine furniture.
NOTES : This blend freshens and disinfects the air and inhibits the growth of micro-organisms.
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White Vinegar? The EOs should mask the smell and vinegar kills mould - don't know about other things, but I should think it'll do the job. But if you use vinegar, I don't think you'd need to leave it to stand (I think it would go a bit yucky. But then, it might not... I use it neat.) Hope this helps.