Please tell me that someone has done this, or knows someone who has done it before?
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
Its where you go volunteer for one to two weeks at a time and work on organic farms, helping with the crops, animals, etc and in exchange learn about organic farming and get free room and board. I'm looking to do it somewhere in the UK. Most of them listed there are self-sustaining, which is something that I would really love to learn more about.
The idea of raising what you need to survive on your own has always appealed to me. And these farms barter and trade with other nearby farms, exchanging goods and services and whatnot. If this were always the case- small scale farm operations- I wouldn't have a problem with eating eggs when you can see where they come from, drinking milk when you can see how the cows were treated, etc. I still don't think eating meat is a necessity, but I would definitely go back to dairy.
Unfortunately, you can never be sure, but anyway, has anyone heard anything about this organisation, or better yet, volunteered with them?
My hubby's aunt and uncle woof'ed straight across Canada. I don't know what organization they used. They'd spend a few days at each place, do some work, share some meals and drive to the next place. They enjoyed it. I think you are supposed to eat what is served (when a meal is served), but you can choose the places you stay at and a lot of places the families are veggie or vegan anyway. Some places allow kids others don't. Some you have to set up your own tent, some have guest cabins, some you stay in their house.
oh my god, thank you for posting this! i was looking for something like this recently!
My friend did the program, but she left early because she did not realize that it would "so hard". I mean come on you are working on a farm. Plus she has not worked a day in her life, we call her the trustafarian ("hippy" living on a trust fund) I looked into it and it sounds awesome, just expect to do some hard work (which I am sure you realize)!
My friend did this for 2 summers in a row. She absolutely loved it, and she's a vegan too. But, she loves working in the garden and loves "roughing it." Some of the places are pretty rough, i.e. you camp, you work all day, you sleep, you work all day, you sleep, you work ALL day and so on. Also, she did say that sticking with her vegan diet was difficult. Soy milk, nutrional yeast and all those fortified things with B12 were not available at all. A lot of the time it was just a lot of veggies or soups (cooked on bones). And there was meat, raw milk, churned butter, eggs, sometimes cheese. She didn't get to choose her meals, i.e. what they gave her was it. She either ate it or went hungry. Breakfast was especially difficult as they don't serve veggies for breakfast. She never had time to go to a store, and it was miles away anyway (plus it had no vegan products). It was tough because her body needed so many calories after working all day, but there was no way she could sustain herself on a vegan diet without Whole Foods around, lol.
I think it also depends on what farm you go to ... but, farmers in general aren't vegan. So, you'd, at least, have to go vegetarian for the duration.
I've met WWOOFers here in New Zealand (where the acronym is known as Willing Workers On Organic Farms ;)) when I did work experience on organic farms as part of my polytech course. They got a better deal than me actually, as they only had to work half days, or full days for half a week. Hee hee.
I don't know if it's similar around the world, but there's a New Zealand WWOOF directory booket that you get when you join online (either as a host or as a worker). The variety of hosts is amazing; it's smallholders, orchards, even just large home gardens as well as farms. Also there are heaps of details about the type of people they welcome, including dietary schemes.
If I had enough money saved to afford the travel costs (and if I had a driver's license, lol) I'd LOVE to get to know my country by WWOOFing around it - not to mention the rest of the world. You get to meet such interesting people, too. The only downside, in my eyes, is that the availability of volunteers for organic farms makes it hard for people like me (trained in organic horticulture) to find a job..... ::) :P ::)
ooooo Thanks for all that people!
I'm really looking forward to it. I did have a peek at some of the hosts listed in the brochure, and a surprising amount listed 'vegan' as a possibility. But if I have to go vegetarian, then so be it. And I'd love to really sink into some hard work. Real sweat-making, back-breaking labor. Sometimes don't you just have to get it out of your system???
The only thing that scares me just a wee bit is camping when its cold out. I hate the cold, it seeps into my toes and fingers, and if its outdoor camping, I can never get warm enough. But thats solved by simply going when the weather is a bit better! My poor boyfriend. He suggested a vacation, and I suggested manual labor for 2 weeks.
Heliamphora, I didn't think of that at all that any jobs would be at stake, but I suppose it only makes sense! You'd think that eventually some of the places would get sick of having to explain things to the new volunteers, and want a full-time person on. In steps you!
Heliamphora, I didn't think of that at all that any jobs would be at stake, but I suppose it only makes sense! You'd think that eventually some of the places would get sick of having to explain things to the new volunteers, and want a full-time person on. In steps you!
:D ;D Indeed, I've heard reports from the folks I work-experienced for - about their various, sometimes clueless WWOOFers - and they'd be clamouring for trained workers.
The thing is, I don't count on finding a job in the organic farming industry - instead I'm dreaming of my own smallholding; a sustainable, self-sufficient farm. I've heard it before and I'll repeat it: "If you want organic produce, grow it yourself." :) It's not that hard, and if you WWOOF, you can learn SO much!
And then you can take me on as a WWOOFer!!!!
I promise I'm a fast learner.
...despite never having held a shovel or pichfork in my life.
And then you can take me on as a WWOOFer!!!!
I promise I'm a fast learner.
...despite never having held a shovel or pichfork in my life.
ha ha ha. that is what i am thinking. well, i have tried to garden before but those DAMN GOPHERS eating all my goodies.
The squirrels always eat my veggies! I hold a serious grudge against those furry-tailed rats!!!
The squirrels always eat my veggies! I hold a serious grudge against those furry-tailed rats!!!
oh no! i really want to try gardening again, but i don't have anywhere to put one. i DO have a large planter box outside of my window so i was thinking about starting with some herbs.
wow - I just checked out the website and found a few in my province! this sounds like it would be a tough, excruciating, but INCREDIBLE experience. I'm keeping a trip in mind for next summer...
thanks for the link!
On a little tangent here... we're moving back to Canterbury in a couple of weeks, and I must mention how thrilled I am that we found a house with a vege garden!!! :D :) :D :) :D
I shall have to make it organic!
Thats great news! I would love to have a little plot of dirt to grow things- anything!!!