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This town gets weirder every day

The town council has their panties all in a twist over a few trees, which if it truly were an environmentally aware town would be understandable.

If you click on the "Local News" menu item on the left, you'll find the "Hunting News" section after three stories.  Now I like trees, even though the oak pollen has just about been destroying me, but I'd rather save an animal than a tree!  They almost all believe that shooting a defenseless deer is the greatest thing in the world.  Makes me sick!    >:( :'(

P.S. I just realized I probably should tell y'all that I think it's just a tactic to keep Walgreen's out of here in order to protect the only other independent pharmacy in town which is one of the most mismanaged places I've ever done business with.  (My DH used to have his several prescriptions filled there.)

You would not believe how corrupt the political machine here is.  Cronyism and flat out nepotism is the norm.  The mayor believes he's above paying building fees for additions to his multitude of properties.  The superintendent of the ISD made the mistake of thinking that he, a newcomer, could get away with creating a janitor position for his son-in-law that was not answerable to the principal of the school where sil worked but only to the super.  The school had asked for a female janitor who could work in the female restrooms and they not have to be closed while the work is going on like they have to be if a man is working in there.  He got slapped down with a serious reprimand and he's very lucky to still have his job. I predict if there isn't a huge improvement in the TAAS scores, he'll be gone before next school year.  If he had been born here or had lived here for at least 25 years, it would have been just business as usual. 

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