Maybe it is obvious
Posted by ~treehugginghip... on Apr 29, 2008 · Member since Sep 2007 · 3036 posts
but I can't seem to figure it out.
Why the asterix in vegan? (veg*n?)
I know it must have some significance ...enlighten please.
but I can't seem to figure it out.
Why the asterix in vegan? (veg*n?)
I know it must have some significance ...enlighten please.
It's used as a general word for every type of vegetarian.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
It's shorthand for "vegan or vegetarian." I bleeve (but I could be wrong--alas, I so often am) that it's in the VW FAQ thread either here or on the Cooking Forum. Lotsa good stuff in there.
lol, well that seemed too obvious....I thought there must be something more.. exclusive maybe.
LoL, it brings me back to the days of running DOS on monochrome screened IBM's.
In the world of computers, search engines, etc.... the asterisk is the "wild card" symbol. It can fill in for other letters. For example, if you searched for wom*n you would get results for both women and woman...or something like that.