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I'm almost Do-ooooonnnnnne!

As of ten minutes ago, I have officially finished writing my last IEP. I have one more meeting tomorrow morning, followed by one more day of school and then I'm done!

I'm going home on Saturday for my friend's wedding (yeah, the friend who told me I couldn't wear my dress, 'cause she didn't like it...) but THEN:

I have a whole week off before summer school starts (both teaching it and taking classes)! I am going on the FIRST FAMILY VACATION WE HAVE TAKEN IN NINE YEARS before my sister leaves for the Peace Corps!! I'm so excited. We're going camping in Colorado and white water rafting!!! My family so desperately needs this break. A lot of crappy things have happened in the last couple of years and we need a happy memory.

Hopefully everything goes well for us.

And I hope you are all engaged in at least some happy pursuits!

IEP    ???


It either means individual educational plan or institut d'études politiques.  :P


Individualized Education Plan. It is basically a giant legal document detailing what you will teach that particular student for the following year. Then the case manager (me) facilitates a meeting with the parents and all the people who work with that student.


Oh I was close!

Well, good for you!So, are you a private teacher? Pardon my ignorance.


You were close!

I teach in a public school. I love it, but this time of year is crazy, what with all the trying to write plans for my kiddos for next year and trying to get ready for the new batch coming in.


I love it, but this time of year is crazy, what with all the trying to write plans for my kiddos for next year and trying to get ready for the new batch coming in.

haha, "batch"  ;D

Like cookies!


Haha, they are kind of like cookies....they come in many flavors, but I love them all!

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