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Five things you would like to accomplish this summer.........

This is in line with the thread on five things people don't know about you.  You can add a bonus 2! :-)

Guess I will start.

1:  I am still smoking.  I want to quit!

2:  Spend more quality time with my dear sweet BF.  We are both so busy that somehow, it seems we don't put each other first.  I don't want our relationship to fall through the cracks.

3:  Walk, hike more with my beautiful Cali.

4:  Spend more one on one time with Biko, my African Grey

5:  Finally get my place de-cluttered and organized

Bonus two!

1:  Finally start to get serious about getting fit.  No better time than the summer.

2:  Adding more fruits and veggies to my diet. (Again no better time than the summer when fresh produce is available)

OK, your turn!

1. Get my college stuff situated..get A's in my summer out next years courses

2. Clean house and give away much of my belongings

3. Do some camping and overnight hikes

4. Go to a few shows

5. Enroll my dog into training


Isn't Kenya an African country?  Yes, it is an African country because I used to have a Kenyan sand boa.

Also, I would imagine Kenya is a Blue Heeler, see the username of the author?  But that may not be right.


1.  Sell my house
2.  Find a house to buy
3.  Keep Cat alive in the heat
4.  Spend less time online
5.  Practice more finger exercises (guitar)


1.  Settle in to the new house.  (This includes moving, cleaning, unpacking, and minor redecorating.)
2.  Sew more - things for the house like curtains, embellishments for curtains, sheets and pillows, garb for Faire.
3.  Exercise daily - morning biking, after lunch walking, before dinner weight lifting, after dinner walking.
4.  Enjoy NYRF's season.
5.  Plan a trip in October to Houston for the Texas Ren Faire with friends.

I want to lose 2 pants sizes.  This may not happen this summer but I want to do it and keep at it. 
I also want to keep our new house clutter free, with a place for everything and no junk strewn about.


1. finish painting the house we bought last December, still have to do the hallway and spare room and touch ups in other rooms

2. Start working on the yard

3. enjoy the warm weather as much as possible, because new england winters are looooooooooooong

4. start making vegan soap to sell locally (done this before in MD)

5. declutter!!!

bonus  2

6. ride my bicycle more

7. finish a couple of books I have been wanting to read


5. declutter!!!

This would be on my list, but I'm doing it right now.  I'm packing a lot of my stuff and putting it in storage so I can sell my house.  I refuse to put anything in storage without going through it first.  Seriously, I've taken three loads of garbage that I've been storing to the dump.  Who knew closets could fit so much crap.  I've also donated many a box.  It's cleansing.

3.  Exercise daily - morning biking, after lunch walking, before dinner weight lifting, after dinner walking.

That's a lot of time for excercise.  Rock on!  If I played my guitar that much each day, I'd be good by now.

What's NYRF?


HH, that is the way to do it, before you move... about the only thing I can appreciate about moving, it confronts you with all your "STUFF" and always inspires me to declutter!
Good luck selling your house!!!


5. declutter!!!

This would be on my list, but I'm doing it right now.  I'm packing a lot of my stuff and putting it in storage so I can sell my house.  I refuse to put anything in storage without going through it first.  Seriously, I've taken three loads of garbage that I've been storing to the dump.  Who knew closets could fit so much crap.  I've also donated many a box.  It's cleansing.

3.  Exercise daily - morning biking, after lunch walking, before dinner weight lifting, after dinner walking.

That's a lot of time for excercise.  Rock on!  If I played my guitar that much each day, I'd be good by now.

What's NYRF?

Well, I plan on doing short amounts of time.  So 30 min before my morning shower (6:00am to 6:30).  A 10 minute walk after lunch.  10 minutes with a few weights when I get home and then 10 min walk with my honey.  So its only an hour a day.  If I can do this, even just a few of these four or five days a week, I should get to my goal.  Ultimately I need to lose 50 pounds but I would be happy with 2-3 sizes.

NYRF is the New York Renaissance Faire.  It goes for 8 weekends in August and September.  We like to go every weekend.  This year I am hoping to carpool with out friends to catch Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to late afternoon.  Less time this year but we have to mow the lawn and clean the house sometime!  haha


1. Get my college stuff situated..get A's in my summer out next years courses

2. Clean house and give away much of my belongings

3. Do some camping and overnight hikes

4. Go to a few shows

5. Enroll my dog into training

No bonus ones?  I love your dog's name.  Kenya.  Totally beautiful.  Could be either male or female.  Is Kenya a male or a female.  What breed?

I may have to steal that name on a future pet.  Although I am getting an African Pygmy Hedgehog in the fall and her name is going to be Hannah Rose.  Kenya is a good strong dog's name.

one of my best friend's name is Hannah Rose :) Any significance to the name?

1. stop  being so lazy

2. move in august

3. re-do my tragus piercing, i took it out one day cos as i swept my hair back it got caught and i didn't want it to get infected :[

4. get a new job

5. be more in the moment


1.  Get off my big butt and lose 20 pounds.

2.  Finish painting my living room and bedroom.

3.  Finish the lap quilt I've been working on for 3 years (in my defense, I am hand quilting).

4.  Start (and finish) "burning" the spirit board I finally got tree ring slabs for.

5.  Become so obnoxious that it causes my next door neighbor to move out.


1. Start my blog
2. Sew cloth pads and get my sister and mom to start using them along with DivaCup
3. Teach my bird to say "pizza", my dog to run beside my bike
4. Never touch a car steering wheel unless I'm headed out of the city.
5. Spend more time with people I like and less with people that annoy me.


1. Perfect my veg*n cooking skills. I'm a pretty good cook, but most of the recipes I'm use to call for some kind of meat, I'm new to veg*n cooking.
2. Finish one of the 5 books I'm reading (lol). I have a habit of trying to read to many different books at once and not finishing any of them.
3. Grow a tougher skin to a lot of peoples reaction when I tell them "i'm a vegetarian".
4. Quite working so much so I have more time to enjoy life.
5. Split the bulbs (Iris and tulips) in my front yard.

6. Spend more time with family and friends (whom I tend to neglect....related to number 4).
7. Decide what I 'really' want to do when I grow up  :)


1. Climb to the top of Mt. Whitney. Wish me luck!
2. Not get back together with my ex.
3. Loose a couple extra pounds.
4. Ride my new bike more.
5. Be more social.


1. Move DH out to the midwest!!!!!!!!!

2. Bike more to work--it's 1.5 miles away and there's a bike path between the two; I have NO excuse.

3. Keep eating super-healthy and up the working out to drop a little weight. Hopefully 10 pounds by the end of the summer, 17 pounds or so by October. (This wish is doctor-suggested and doctor-approved.)

4. Get my undergrad class to the point where I really like what I do in it, so I spend less time prepping in the fall and more time researching.

5. Organize my computer so I don't spend 15 minutes searching for files each morning!

Oh, and sell my east-coast house--but at this point I feel like I dont' have control over that.


Five things I would like to accomplish before the end of the summer:

1.) Get through this summer job!(These people can be a pain, trying to convert me back to meat...bleh.)

2.)Finish my sewing projects.(I mostly reconstruct but have come up with a birthday idea I need to work on.)

3.)Spend more time with my three younger sisters.(While doing so, share sweet vegan treats with them.)

4.)Get the mess from school cleared.(So trouble some.)

5.)Cook new things more often.( I'm not a very good cook, need more practice.)


1. Get my college stuff situated..get A's in my summer out next years courses

2. Clean house and give away much of my belongings

3. Do some camping and overnight hikes

4. Go to a few shows

5. Enroll my dog into training

No bonus ones?  I love your dog's name.  Kenya.  Totally beautiful.  Could be either male or female.  Is Kenya a male or a female.  What breed?

I may have to steal that name on a future pet.  Although I am getting an African Pygmy Hedgehog in the fall and her name is going to be Hannah Rose.  Kenya is a good strong dog's name.

Aw, thanks.  Kenya's a female..she's a Blue Heeler mix..also known as Queensland Heelers or Australian Cattle Dogs.  She's a sweetheart but a brat.  I love her to death.

It'd be nice to have a hedgehog..something different :)


1. paint my bedroom and bathroom

2. keep all my plants alive and away from bunnies

3. successfully finish training for and running a half marathon in July

4. plan all my social skills groups for next school year

5. read, hike, and camp as much as humanly possible

Storm, let me know how that neighbor thing works out....although, you never know. The next ones could be worse. Neighbors are such a crapshoot!


1. Stay clean re: sleeping med addiction
2. Get in shape, do more yoga stretches etc.
3. Persuant to no. 2, get up early to beat the heat so I can walk for Cali.
4. Finish some quilting projects that have been hanging around in a UFO state (unfinished Object) for far too long.
5. Hopefully, get good classes for Jul-Aug and save up for a couple of special projects.


1. paint my bedroom and bathroom

Colors, please.


1) get toned-ish.. I weigh about 109, but i'm not toned and still prone to a pudgy tummy on occasion
2) convince my school to give me enough financial aid so that ill get amzing refunds and get to jsut hangout for a few really, I'm working on it
3) organize my fabric
4) get a new job
5) make vegan marhmallows

1) create an amazing low-fat cinnamon roll
2) get to 70 on my Wow 63!



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