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I need a place to vent about work and I have a feeling that some others might too.

I have had a meeting with my boss this morning and she always manages to make me feel like the most incompetent person in the world. And I know that I do a very great job. I am trying to get ahead and be trained to do other tasks, and to have more responsability, because frankly, after two years of doing the same things, it might TV News, but it gets boring and redondant. And some people have made complaints about me that I spend too much time on the Internet and I have no idea where they get that. From times to times, when it's not busy, I will check my emails and my bank statements. And I use the net for work. I got the "I'm very disappointed in you, how do you expect me to give you more responsability, I've put in a lot of effort to get you ahead (?!)" speech from my boss. I was so mad! I've been working there for two years. If I didn't do the job right, I would have been layed off. I know, I've seen how it was for other people. And I've seen other people spending their entire days on the net, and most of it it's not for work. However, they don't get any complaints for that. I get compliments on my work all the time from coworkers, but as soon as I go see my boss, it's all about the complaints that people make about me?! And most of those things, they could have told me, because it's small details, but as soon as it's on the boss's desk, it's a big deal! I do realize that I'm not always perfect and 110 %, but come on, who is? I work hard and I do a damn fine job. Otherwise, I would have been fired already! It's not like they have nobody else.

I just don't know how to deal with that right now. I've been honest with my boss. I've tried to speak with some coworkers who might have had some issues with me. This situation really makes me hate going to work, but I love the job!

Sorry about the venting... I have to get it out...!

You know, I had a program manager that treated me like an incompetent,worthless person even though I worked my ass off on her program. I even won an award for all the good work I did on the program, she never even acknowledged my efforts though..... I HATE the women to this day!  I actually went to HR and complained and they put me on a diffrent program... I guess you can't really go to HR and ask for a new boss though (lol)!


I'm in a similar situation right now.  I have a boss with NO memory.  I tell him something or write him an email and he forgets (or there are too many words to read) and then instead of asking me, "Did you tell me about that," it's "You should have told me about that."  Um... I did, let me resend you that email.  So, I've also requested to transfer out of the unit.  I don't need to spend my time babysitting my boss.

In your situation, could you transfer job functions?  I know there's probably not as much lateral options where you are, though.  The other option is to listen to what she says and give her the window treatment.  It doesn't mean she's right, but it might make your job easier if her ego is stroked and she backs off.

Employers should pay more attention to bad bosses.  Once they lose the motivation of employees, one of a company's best assests, it's gone.


Office politics SUCK. Are you the youngest in the office, or perhaps the oldest? There has to be some underlying issue with these people. I mean, why are they singling you out? Are you carrying the bulk of the work load and that makes them look or feel bad so they make complaints to try to make you look bad as well? I'm sorry this is happening to you.

I can relate to much of what has been said here and add a vent, too. Hope you don't mind!

I've been with my company for almost 6 years. The first two were monotonous, but it was OK and I needed the steady income. Years 3-5 were so busy. I absolutely loved it. I was given a lot of different responsibilities because the company downsized. 'Course, there were aspects that got under my skin, but I didn't have a moment to breathe and I adored the fast pace. I felt so accomplished at the end of the day because had I not done so much, it would've been a major cluster. I rarely got compliments, but one year my boss met my mother at the company Christmas party and gushed about my performance. THAT made everything worthwhile. However, I wanted to change departments to learn the other workings of the company so I applied for a new position and got it. Now I'm bored to tears.

I have internet access whereas before the only place I could go was the company's website and a couple of news sites. I find myself on the internet for most of the day because my boss hardly gives me anything to do! Actually, 90% of me belongs to one manager and 10% to another. The latter is SO BUSY that he has no time to train me on what I can do to help him, and I really want to!! He's swamped and I feel so badly for him.

I'm still in high gear from my old position and what my main boss does give me is completed within a matter of minutes because that's just the way I am. "Knock it out!" is my motto. Not only am I bored out of my gourd, but I also feel like I'm stealing from the company. Isn't that insane? I'm getting paid full time for less than part time labor. Still, I feel obligated to stay here at least a year because I don't like to burn bridges and I really enjoy working with my co-workers. I've been told by some of the guys to keep my chin up and eventually I will be given more duties, that my boss gives them out slowly to make sure we're efficient in what we've already got. It's been 4 months with nothing new. C'MON ALREADY!

Thanks for opening this thread and I apologize if I derailed. That felt good.

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