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I've been suffering with this for the last year, after I came down with Mono/ Glandular Fever. Just wondering if anyone else here has it? Bit of a long shot, but thought I'd ask anyway! My osteopath has been nagging at me to eat meat to "See if it makes a difference" - meh - I've not eaten the stuff since I was 4 (22 now) so I think my body is probably used to it by now!

I'm going to a nutritionist next month for her opinion on my diet. I've heard a lot of CFS tailored diets are vegetarian anyway... But I'm not thinking about that right now. Also in November we're coming over to Los Angeles to get some treatment with a specialist doctor there (we are SO behind in the UK...)! Booking flights tomorrow probably, so I'm a bit excited!

We'll be there for thanksgiving too, which will be kinda fun!  :)

what is CFS?


I believe it's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I've just read about it. A friend of my mom actually has it. Is it the same thing as fibromyalgia? Anyways, I googled CFS and vegetarianism, and many websites actually recommend a vegetarian (or at least near-vegetarian) diet for those who have CFS and that they should stay away from dairy.


CFS is not the same as fibromyalgia, although some consider them to be "sister" diseases, along w/ endometriosis, and interstitial cystitis.

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