A few months ago, I admited this......
That I had started adding chicken and fish to my diet because I have felt like crap for many years. Stopped eating it over 15 years ago.
I can honestly say I haven't had fish in at least 6 weeks and maybe eat chicken once a week. And when I do, I feel guilty. So, no enjoyment with the meal.
For me, it is a moral thing and it makes me feel horrible. I am trying to gage if I feel healthier or not.
I started Cali on a raw diet May 20th and I have to tell you, some nights I gag/dry heave when feeding her. But she is a carnivore and to see her fur get healthy and hair grow in places it hasn't for over 1 1/2 years is amazing. So I do what is right for her.
I know some people on this board have admitted to eating fish. Some profiles say pesco-vegetarian.
I am not trying to get approval because we are all on our own paths and every meat free meal, we are making a difference.
Tweety has admitted to not being vegetarian from time to time although I think he is now.
Our new webmistress Laura said it was wonderful joining a board where we are all vegetarian. Yet. I feel many joining our board or lurking are not total vegetarians. I also think some on this board are maybe mostly vegetarian but not totally.
I just hope we are not scaring people off from visiting this board thinking we won't accept those that still eat animal products.
Every meal we do not eat animal products is a step in the right direction.
Right now, I can not call myself an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I guess I can just say 90% ovo lacto vegetarian.
More funny, I now eat less ovo-lacto.
Maybe should have posted this under wegweb confessions!
Anyway, don't want to be posting as someone you think I am when I guess in reality I am not.
i'm not here to judge. thank you for your honesty!
so you think your diet was making you feel crappy? in what way?
maybe you weren't balancing it right?
Hey. I agree. I eat fish from time-to-time and often feel a little guilty about it - but there seems to be an awful lot of pesco-vegetarians out there, so I don't feel sooo bad! For the most part, my diet is strictly vegetarian, ovo-lacto, but fish does feature about 2 times per month... there... thats my confessional!!!
As for the physical side i.e. how I feel - well, I must say I feel better not eating meat - meat doesn't agree with me much though, so its easy to say that. When I was a carnivore, the only meat I could really stomach and digest well was chicken or turkey.. but even sometimes then, it wasn't always so good and made me feel ill.... I feel better with just the veggies, dairy and occasional fish - I have found a good balance that seems to work. I think that we are all different though and meat affects us all in different ways.. Its a hard call sometimes..
I am ovo-lacto (tho, I try to eat mostly vegan - so I can't call myself vegan). I think that you will still find the support that you have always had (and still need from time to time).
Every meal we do not eat animal products is a step in the right direction.
I agree!
Thanks for sharing, I think that it is important to have the pesco-vegetarians and omnivores feel like they are welcome and have wonderful resources and folks here for them!
Your health is what's important and no one, but you, can decide what works best for you. I hope no one here would think any differently or less of you because of your 'admission' but, if they do, it's their problem, not yours.
Good on you for doing what's best for Cali, too! I know many here swear by a vegan diet, but I have had tragic consequences with that and have been feeding our dogs a raw (and local) diet for a couple of years. Food prep time is no picnic, but they are thriving, so it's worth it...so many clean, white teeth! For the record, that is largely why I refer to myself as a strict veggie instead of a vegan, despite my own diet.
We are who we are, and we do what we can. I agree with those who say, anyone with issues about what another person does, wears, reads, watches on TV, or eats, has an SEP (Someone Else's Problem). Those who are quickest to point the finger at others for whatever reason, be it diet, beliefs or anything else, are usually the loudest to protest if someone points at them. They usually see no reason to change their ways just because you or I disagree, so why should you feel you have to change to accomodate someone else, or gain their approval.
We are who we are, and we do what we can. I agree with those who say, anyone with issues about what another person does, wears, reads, watches on TV, or eats, has an SEP (Someone Else's Problem). Those who are quickest to point the finger at others for whatever reason, be it diet, beliefs or anything else, are usually the loudest to protest if someone points at them. They usually see no reason to change their ways just because you or I disagree, so why should you feel you have to change to accomodate someone else, or gain their approval.
Well said Yabbit. I feel that people should do what's right for them. A friend of mine who introduced me to veganism had to change to pescatarian because she was getting all sorts of strange "feminine" problems, and couldn't seem to correct it by trying all sorts of different vegan foods. It is quite possible that perhaps there was something she wasn't doing right, but I'm more apt to believe that not everyone has the ability to be healthy on a vegan diet. I'm also not as knowledgable on the subject as she is either.
Your health is what's important and no one, but you, can decide what works best for you. I hope no one here would think any differently or less of you because of your 'admission' but, if they do, it's their problem, not yours.
Good on you for doing what's best for Cali, too! I know many here swear by a vegan diet, but I have had tragic consequences with that and have been feeding our dogs a raw (and local) diet for a couple of years. Food prep time is no picnic, but they are thriving, so it's worth it...so many clean, white teeth! For the record, that is largely why I refer to myself as a strict veggie instead of a vegan, despite my own diet.
OMG, Cali's teeth and gums look brand new. They were good but on raw, she gets a brushing at every meal with the food.
Glad your dogs are thriving on their diet. With only one dog, prep time is nothing. I am trying to get the cats on raw. They are not happy with me right now.
For them, I think I will go back to home cooking and cook things a little less every week until they transition to raw.
For Cali, she loved it day one and I saw improvements in her coat on day two.
I am trying to get the cats on raw. They are not happy with me right now.
I have a beautiful mental image of a bunch of angry felines mutinously gossiping around the water bowl.
I am trying to get the cats on raw. They are not happy with me right now.
I have a beautiful mental image of a bunch of angry felines mutinously gossiping around the water bowl.
i'm not here to judge. thank you for your honesty!
so you think your diet was making you feel crappy? in what way?
maybe you weren't balancing it right?
I can guarantee I was not balancing right because I hate to cook. So I just ate food. But I am tired all the time. I know if I enjoyed cooking, I would make balanced meals.
I am great about feeding my pets right and I used to home cook for them. Now my dog is getting raw and hopefully the cats will be soon. So, no cooking.
I had an avian vet once that was 99% vegetarian. He said every once it a while, his body told him he needed protein and he would eat fish, He cooked and was so very cute! Damn, wish he had been single! :)
Funny, since adding a little chicken and fish, I have cut down greatly on cheese and dairy products. I always hated milk so only put it on cereal. I am going to try soy milk once again on cereal. Maybe I will like vanilla flavoured.
Everyone I know was so happy I had added chicken and fish as they knew what they could feed me when I visit them. The funny thing is although I added it, I rarely eat it. So still the crappy balance.
I postponed my juice fast for various reasons but as I am on vacation next week and can't afford to go anywhere, I will start the fast while I am at home. Trying to weed out cheese, (my downfall )although I am eating way less, diet coke and other crap. Haven't had an egg in months and I get my eggs from my friend whose pet chickens lay them in bushes, and the ground and here there and everywhere. Their pug goes searching for them. Puts one in her mouth and won't let them catch her, all the while running with the egg. Then she eats it, shell and all.
At least I know my eggs are from happy chickens. I wish I was treated as well as them!
Thanks for your comments!
P.S. When I added a little chicken and fish, I cut down my consumption off eggs, butter and cheese greatly. I actually get the eggs for my pets. If they are not consumed, they rot and are thrown away.
P.S. When I added a little chicken and fish, I cut down my consumption off eggs, butter and cheese greatly. I actually get the eggs for my pets. If they are not consumed, they rot and are thrown away.
Hmmmm.....then it sounds to me like your body/mind have the hardwiring to turn a desire/need for protein into a craving for dairy and/or eggs?
ponder it for a bit and see how it sits with ya!