added this 19 years ago
Cauliflower and Potatoes
What you need:
1-2 cups vegetable broth or water, divided
1 large onion, chopped
1 tablespoon curry powder, to taste
1 head cauliflower, chopped to florets
2-3 waxy potatoes, peeled and diced
salt and pepper, to taste
1/4 cup frozen peas
What you do:
1. Saute the onion in some of the broth unitl transparent in a large dutch oven. Add the rest of the broth and curry powder. Mix well, then add the potatoes and cauliflower.
2. Boil (covered) then turn down heat to medium low and cook until potatoes are tender. Adjust seasonings, adding more curry powder or salt and pepper to taste.
3. Just before serving, add the frozen peas and stir well. Serve over hot basmati rice.'
Preparation Time:
Cooking Time:
nothing to rave about but quite good. i forgot to add peas but i did add them to leftovers and it tasted better. very simple and low calorie comfort food. :)
This was tasty, but it didn't wow me (how's that for contradiction?) I mean, my hubby and I both thought it tasted perfectly fine, but it didn't have any pizzazz. I did add 1 cup of peas and some raisins as suggested, but I thought it was kind of...blah. But hey, that's just me, plenty of others love it so it must not be my thing. Still, it was healthy, low-fat, and easy to prepare, and that's always a plus for me! ;)