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Member since September 2006

Cookies and 'Cream' Truffles

What you need: 

1 package (36-45) vegan chocolate sandwich cookies (Oreos or equivalent)
8 ounces vegan cream cheese, softened
16 ounces vegan chocolate chips or baking chocolate

What you do: 

1. Crush 36 cookies into fine crumbs with a food processor or chopper. You could also do this by placing the cookies in a plastic bag and crushing them with a rolling pin.
2. In a bowl, mix the cookie crumbs and the softened cream cheese until well blended. Roll the cookie mixture into balls, about 1 inch in diameter.
3. Melt the chocolate. Coat the balls in the chocolate by using a spoon to get some chocolate on the balls and then use your fingers to spread it around. Place on waxed paper to firm up. (It's okay if it's messy, it will look kinda neat when it hardens that way. I coat half in semi-sweet chocolate and half in white chocolate.)
4. If desired, crush any leftover cookies and sprinkle them on top of the truffles.
5. Refrigerate until firm (about an hour).
These truffles are a real crowd pleaser. They taste great and look professional. Every time I make them people can't believe they're homemade.

Preparation Time: 
5 minutes + refrigeration time; Cooking time: 3 to 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 
3 to 5 minutes
Recipe Category: 


I have a question and I hope someone can help cause I can't even find an answer on the web. I made the vegan reese from this site recently and I hope that these truffles don't do the same thing to me.  After I melted the choc. for the reeses and put it in the freezer or fridge to harden, when u take it out, its like as soon as you touch it the choc will rub off.  its all over your fingers so u can't even hold it w/ your fingers and u have to be xtra careful not to touch ur mouth at all or u will have choc all over your mouth and face.  I have that problem ALL the time when I melt choc.  does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? or does this happen to u guys too?  I want to try this recipe but I don't want choc melting all over my fingers and face.

Thanx :-)  I can't wait to try these

Hey Jade716, just a question for clarification-- so you mean that after the finished product firms up in the fridge and you go to eat it the chocolate rubs off? or is it while you're assembling it the chocolate comes off? I haven't had any problems with the finished product coming off on hands or mouths, but sometimes during assembly it can be frustrating because the chocolate can be too melty and the filling part crumbles. In those cases I find it helpful to refrigerate the filling for a while and then the chocolate seems to go on better.


I have a question and I hope someone can help cause I can't even find an answer on the web. I made the vegan reese from this site recently and I hope that these truffles don't do the same thing to me.  After I melted the choc. for the reeses and put it in the freezer or fridge to harden, when u take it out, its like as soon as you touch it the choc will rub off.  its all over your fingers so u can't even hold it w/ your fingers and u have to be xtra careful not to touch ur mouth at all or u will have choc all over your mouth and face.  I have that problem ALL the time when I melt choc.  does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? or does this happen to u guys too?  I want to try this recipe but I don't want choc melting all over my fingers and face.

Thanx :-)  I can't wait to try these


I agree with these reviews- these were AMAZING.  I had made them for vegan, vegetarians and carnivores and everyone has LOVED them and asked for the recipe!


I have to agree with everyone when I say this recipe is amazing! I love it! Made these for Christmas this year, and they were a big hit among my carnivorous, egg/dairy eating family! Good job!  ;D



I was just reminiscing about how my mom and I used to bake for the holidays when I was a kid, and one of my favourite things to make were cream cheese truffles. Now I can make them again!!!! thank you!


I blame the author for all of my future weight gain.

(In other words, this stuff is amazing and me and my boyfriend can't stop eating it.)

There were a few trouble spots though:
-The blender hates Oreos. I wound up using a rolling pin and zipper bags, but the bags eventually tear and it takes a bit of effort to get all the cookie off the sides. I recommend using a food processor (mine is out of commission). Rolling pin *does* work though.
-The cookie/cream cheese mix wasn't stiff enough to roll; I refrigerated it for over an hour and it was pretty fine, but as time went on it softened up and was harder to roll in the chocolate. I used Trader Joe's Choc/Vanilla "Joe Joes"; maybe they're softer.
- I ran out of chocolate. I used a bag of chips (12 oz), and evidently 16 oz really is necessary.
I refrigerated the finished truffles to get the chocolate to harden.

Rolling pin and refrigeration aside, this was wellllll worth it.


I also found a recipe for making your own that doesn't seem too involved if you can get the ingredients:

I would not recommend trying this recipe. I had read reviews that it doesn't work before I tried, but didn't believe them and tried myself. I had exactly the same results (even after reading up on tempering and giving it a shot), it turned into a thick fudge-like paste, but wasn't really all that great to eat by itself and I didn't know what to do with it (spreading on bread would have been yuck), so after having it sit around for a couple of weeks, I threw it out, which was very sad considering that I hunted down foodgrade cocoa butter, soy lecithin, fresh vanilla, and soy milk powder just to make this.

However, this recipe sounds very tasty and amazingly simple. I will probably make this in the near future.


These were amazing!  I took a bunch into my office and they were a huge hit!  No one believed they were vegan!  I want to try them again with a slice of strawberry between the cookie mixture and the chocolate.  Quick, easy and delicious!


Just a note: if you buy the white chocolate from Vegan Essentials, I recommend getting the Organica white chocolate bar ( as opposed to the white chocolate chips also found on their site. I tried both recently (for both straight eating out of the bag as well as baking) and the bar is MUCH better! Tastes just like "real" white chocolate...absolutely delicious. The chips, however, are waxy and tend to bake oddly. Just a recommendation! :-)


Veggiewedgie, I did some searching and found that vegan white chocolate is indeed harder to come by than darker chocolates. I just used two vegan white chocolate bars I received as a gift and melted down. I can't for the life of me remember the name right now, but you might be able to get vegan white chocolate bars at a local health food store or somewhere like wholefoods. However, they might be a little on the expensive side. Also, several online stores sell dairy-free white chocolate chips:

from veganessentials:

from (I also read that these may be available in Jewish/kosher deli's or markets)


I also found a recipe for making your own that doesn't seem too involved if you can get the ingredients:

There are others out there too, several in the UK. Again, these may be a bit pricey. I should note that it actually seems like more people go for the truffles dipped in the vegan semi-sweet chocolate, so if you wanted to forego the white chocolate altogether it'd be just fine!



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