added this 19 years ago
Crisss Variety Mixed Bean Soup
What you need:
1 cup each of the following: kidney, northern, pinto, butter, black, any color lentil or a mixed bag of beans
2 celery stems
1 1/2 white/red onions
1 1/2 green/multicolored peppers
1/2 jalapeno peppers chopped very finely
seasoned salt, black pepper,
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons of any non-dairy margarine
What you do:
rinse and drain beans extremely well. Pre-boil beans in a large pot (3-5 min) and remove that stuff from the beans. Re-rinse another 2 times.
Mix all beans and ingredients in large pot of water along with seasonings to your liking and cook for about 2 -3 hours until tender. Add more seasonings if needed.
Hope you enjoy!
Preparation Time:
30 - 40 min
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
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