added this 15 years ago
Eco-Mayo (Green Mayo)
What you need:
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup pure water
1 avocado
2 tablespoons chia powder
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon agave nectar (optional)
Pinch of salt (optional)
What you do:
1) In the food processor, grind the pumpkin seeds. Stir in the avocado and water. Pulse. Stir in the chia powder and pulse. Add in the remaining ingredients, and pulse until a mousse-like, mayo texture.
Store in the fridge in a sealed container or squirt bottle. Keeps for up to a week.
great for: sandwiches, wraps, a dipping sauce, and for making a remoulade!
Source of recipe: green mayo! eco friendly, and better than the nonveg alternatives! also cheaper and more nutrient-rich than the processed vegan mayos. so simple!
Preparation Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
so i tried this with the flaxseed, more water,and also added some lemon juice to preserve freshness and ward off oxidation and it worked out really well also. and the date sugar makes a great, subtle sweetener.
i am going to make some substituting chia powder with ground flaxseed (equal proportions). i am also going to substitute date sugar for agave nectar. i will post how that turns out.
would a blender work instead of a food processor?
That is what I used and it worked fine... You will probably have to double the water though to get it to blend
would a blender work instead of a food processor?
glad you liked it! i think i may try your version.
This recipe is amazing!
-I had to double the water to 1/2 cup (i was using my magic bullet and this was the only way to get it to blend)
-Used ground flax seed instead of chia powder
-Used quite a bit more salt and agave
ok revision:
I would say, store in the fridge for no more than 2 days; 3 at the max. Else, you'll get an oxidized layer on top. I scraped off this layer and the mayo below is fine; which, honestly reminds me a lot of traditional mayo spreads; the top layer tends to crust. So don't worry just simply scrape it off and you're fine.
are their any alternatives to pumpkin seeds? i am sure i could find the seeds but i was just wondering
AML, i tried a recipe substituting raw sunflower seeds, that had been soaked, sprouted for a day, and then dried (to activate living enzymes) and then ground them to a powdery consistency. the resulty was still somewhat tasty, though the taste was different, and the mayo wasn't as green.
I also experimented with the following other substitutes:
SALT: substituted with dulse flakes added prior to processing
RAW CHIA POWDER: ground flaxseeds, and (thanks to Storm- hempseeds)
ANOTHER NOTE... I used raw chia powder (of course, and I would strongly recommend using raw substitutes), organic avocado, and suggest using RAW agave nectar, either pink himalaya salt or celtic salt, and cold, first- pressed olive oil. ;)
are their any alternatives to pumpkin seeds? i am sure i could find the seeds but i was just wondering
This is very nice on raw lettuce wraps! I didn't have chia seeds/powder so I used hemp seed instead and it came out great! Thanks for that one VBR!