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Member since January 2007

My Go-To Mac and Cheeze!

What you need: 

2 cups elbow macaroni
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
pinch paprika
2 pinches mustard powder
1 1/2 cups plain unsweetened nondairy milk (I use soy)
1/2 cup veggie broth
1 teaspoon umeboshi vinegar, optional (makes it saltier)
1 teaspoon prepared yellow mustard
1 tablespoon tamari or soy sauce
2 tablespoons vegan margarine
1/4 cup breadcrumbs, optional

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and lightly spray baking dish, if baking. Cook pasta according to package directions. In the last 4-5 minutes of the pasta cooking, start making the sauce. Combine all dry ingredients (flour, nutritional yeast, salt and spices) in a medium pot. Do not turn on heat yet.
2. Add the milk and veggie broth. Whisk to incorporate all ingredients and get all the lumps out. Now turn on the heat to medium high. Keep whisking/stirring as the sauce heats because it will start to get thick pretty fast. Once it gets nice and thick. turn off the heat and add the umeboshi vinegar, mustard, soy sauce and vegan margarine.
3. Mix well. If you didn't use the umeboshi vinegar, you can add more soy sauce if you think it needs it. If your sauce ends up too thick to your liking, just add a little more milk or veggie broth to thin it out. When pasta is finished cooking, drain it and put it back in the pot that it was cooked in.
4. You have 2 options to serve this. You may go ahead and pour all of the cheese sauce on the pasta (there will be a lot!) and stir until everything is combined. Serve the cheesy goodness as is.
5. Or, you can mix about 3/4 of the sauce with the pasta, put it in prepared dish, and then pour the remaining cheese sauce on top. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and bake for 15 minutes, until browned.
Hope you like it! I love it so much that I crave it almost once a week!

Preparation Time: 
under 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


My first attempt at a cheeze sauce. I liked it a lot! Made it almost exact, except no vinegar, because I had none.
Mixed it with the pasta and added some broccoli, carrots and peas - just cause I love them!
I think I am going to bake the leftovers with the breadcrumbs sprinkled on top! That sounds divine!


Just wanting to say - made it into a bake with the peas and put some breadcrumbs on the top = instant awesomeness :D


I just made this tonight as I was really wanting a mac and cheese. Very nice. One of top yeast sauces :)

I didn't have any mustard powder, so I used regular mustard. Also didn't have umeboshi vinegar so I just used apple cider vinegar. I also added turmeric for colour :) It tastes really nice and is quite filling :D I have left over sauce and am going to make it into a mac and peas bake tomorrow night :) I can't wait!


I love this stuff and begin to crave it when it's been awhile since I've had it last! Love it, love it, love it! :)>>>



Yum! I haven't made many vegan "cheese" sauces in my time, but I did enjoy this one a lot! I had to change it around quite a bit due to a short stash of ingredients, but it still worked wonderfully. The only spices/flavoring I used: an onion bouillon (no onion powder or veg. stock), dried chives, garlic powder, salt, paprika, black pepper, Bragg's and flax oil instead of margarine. It turned out very well- but I do want to warn people that this makes a TON of sauce! I have no one to share it with so I think I need to get creative so I can use it all up! Hopefully it freezes well.

I don't think it's necessary to follow the spice/flavoring part of this recipe strictly- the base of the sauce is the most important part, and the rest is preference.

So  thanks for the recipe!


I loooove this recipe.  It was delicious.  I think next time I will use less garlic powder because the garlic flavor was a little stronger than I prefer but other than that ...perfect.  I did not submit a picture because mine wouldn't have added anything to the great pictures already submitted.  ;)b


Not to bad at all!  Just wondering tho, can you freeze the leftovers?


I This was very yummy! I did alter the recipe slightly by using garbanzo bean flour cause that's all that I had and I did use Vanilla soy milk but it tasted fine! I will make this again.


A bp pic inspired meal! This was good. The way I made it, it wasn't much different from my normal cheeze sauce for pasta...but some day I'll try this vinegar..and actually have dried mustard! I just mixed the sauce with the pasta. I also added some Spike seasoning, and a bit of pickle juice.



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