added this 15 years ago
Nana's Green Pasta
What you need:
1 pound elbow macaroni
6 cups fresh spinach, chopped
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
A dash of salt and pepper, to taste
What you do:
1) Cook pasta according to the box. While waiting for the pasta to finish, start on the spinach. In a small frying pan, heat the oil and cook the spinach through until its nice and hot, now add the salt and pepper and taste it to make sure its to your liking.
2) When the pasta is finished, strain it, and put back in the pot or into a large bowl, and mix the spinach in with it. Mix well, and serve nice and hot.
Source of recipe: This recipe is actually from my mother in law, we needed a quick yummy/healthy dinner for my son, to eat one night and she threw this together.
Preparation Time:
5 minutes, Cooking time: about 20 minutes
Cooking Time:
about 20 minutes
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