added this 19 years ago
Quick Tasty Stir-Fry
What you need:
1/4 head cabbage, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 carrots, coined
3 green onions - greens and whites, chopped
1/8 cup water
olive oil
tamari sauce
red chili sauce - I like Sraricha Thai sauce
garlic powder
salt and black pepper
crushed red pepper
1 1/2 cup cooked rice (drained)
What you do:
Add chopped vegetables to a wok with the water. Steam on medium heat for 15 minutes. Then add rice, oil, the sauces and seasonings. Let cook for 5 minutes and serve.
I let the rice cook while the veggies are steaming. Eating in 30 minutes tops! :-)
Preparation Time:
30 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
Very tasty. I made this with a little bit extra since I was cooking for five. I get kind of frustrated when recipes don't list how much of each ingredient to add. Here's what I did.
2 tbl of oil, a liberal drizzle of tamari sauce, 1/2 of teaspoon of coriander. and the garlic powder and crushed red pepper I just added to taste.
Very yummy recipe.
Made this tonight for the first time. The colors are very pretty and I sampled the fare and its delicious! I'm not a big cabbage fan but the favors go together nicely in this dish. I will definitely make again! Thank you for the recipe!!